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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Branmuffin

  1. Branmuffin

    Help? Post Ops

    Sf pudding, water flavoring like mio etc, cream soups and broths, sf jello, premiere protein or whatever type you choose- just remember protein you like now will probably be too sweet post op. Gas x, miralax or milk of magnesia, heat pad
  2. Branmuffin

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Checking in@ 205. 3# down from last week. SW: 237 sleeved 11/11/13 GW: 138
  3. Branmuffin

    Vacation Challenges

    Pack jerky, protein, nuts (if you're allowed), gas x, and tums and flavor packets for waters. Take good compression socks for walking and comfy shoes and a heat pad in case you get sore at night.
  4. Branmuffin

    Post Op Day 2

    Totally normal for the first week to two weeks. Try different temp waters and if it still hurts try to flavor it. I couldn't tolerate water and still add flavoring to mine at 4 weeks post op. It will get better and easier! Just concentrate on getting in as much water as you can right now. First week I got pretty much no protein and was good to get in a bottle of water and some sf Popsicles. Just stay hydrated.
  5. Mine is infected and I'm having to peroxide it where the incision is inside. Does it have an odor or is it weeping? If so it could be infected. I've never had a hernia so can't help you out there, sorry. Hope you get to feeling better though.
  6. Branmuffin

    Post-Op Depression?

    Rainbow you know depression is real. We all go through hormonal changes after this surgery but for you with depression it is amplified. Please reach out to free clinics in your area and friends you can trust. Trust me when I say that your family cares they just don't know what to do so they either ignore the obvious or freak out because they can't "fix" it. I've been there and want to apologize to you for being the silent family member in my own circumstance. We care. Your family cares. If you can't talk to your mom please reach out to someone. You have other family members. Accept help.
  7. Branmuffin

    Sugar Free Pudding Mixins

    Today wasn't a good day for me and proteins so tonight I tried something different. I used 1/2 packet of sf banana pudding, 8oz ff milk, 2 oz of cream cheese Greek and 1/2 banana. I mixed it all up in my ninja then topped with whip topping and it was wonderful! I'm on purée but am still getting that yucky feeling after taking about 3-4 tiny bites of anything. Tried cream of asparagus soup today and it was very good but I couldn't stomach it. Any other suggestions of purée would be great. Tuna salad didn't work either
  8. My surgeon did not require pre liquid diet either. He required high protein and low carb and sugar. He said he doesn't want his patients miserable and since I had to be on liquids 2 weeks post op he said his patients seem to do better and not cheat after.
  9. Branmuffin

    What's That On Your Head?....

    Love it and I couldn't tell it was not your hair. I'd do the same thing! It looks great and so do you!
  10. I can see my feet! I can put on my socks,shoes and shave my legs without holding my breath and sitting down to do it! I can almost get a bath towel around me enough to "tuck in"! I can wrap my arms around myself and clip my bra on! I'm embracing the seemingly small things and celebrating it. Only 26 lbs down but so much change with that 26! Yay!
  11. Branmuffin

    Let's Talk Fashion

    Lol oh no don't be that girl! You've waited this long what's another few weeks right? I'm determined that I'm actually going to keep working on my appearance as I go through this too. For so long I've just thrown on whatever I could get over my butt and didn't show my jelly rolls that I don't even remember the last time I actually enjoyed clothes. So I usually walked around with my hair up in a high bun, minimum makeup if any and dark, frumpy clothes. Blah! I'm ready to start living again! Isn't that why we are all here? That's part of the reason I always am inspired after looking through the before/after pics! It's like you can see the thrill and life change from most of their dark clothes and unhappiness unfold in just a matter of months! Why did I wait so long to do this?
  12. Branmuffin

    Probiotics For Constipation?

    My friend swears by the beef gelatin! It's full of protein and her brother started taking it after he had an accident and had to have his esophagus repaired and stomach partially removed as a teenager. He accidentally drank some acidic fluid thinking it was Gatorade! Anyway her whole family uses it now and they swear it does more than just help the joints. I've got some in my cart on amazon now, just haven't checked out yet.
  13. Branmuffin

    Probiotics For Constipation?

    My friend swears by the beef gelatin and I have it in my cart on Amazon but haven't bought it yet. It's full of protein as well and she says you just mix with food and can't taste.
  14. Branmuffin

    Let's Talk Fashion

    Fluff I have short legs as well and my go to store for jeans was always The Buckle when I wasn't constantly yo yoing. Now I hit thrift stores and buy transition clothes and am pretty happy with my finds. My comfy clothes as this point are still yoga pants though. My belly button incision just doesn't want to heal and they're extremely comfy on. Though i won't wear them in public. I'm can't wait to be in 14's ! That's awesome! I'm 7 lbs away from onderland but don't see 14's in my future until I'm down to 190 because of my build.
  15. Branmuffin

    New Things I Can Do!

    Haha! I can't wait to have the problem of my towel possibly falling down because it's too big! Yesterday I had that problem with my jeans though and my teenager (who usually doesn't worry about how I look) kept pulling up my jeans and telling me it's time for a smaller size! And the smaller size is a 16! That will be me going from size 20 to 16 in just 3 weeks post! I'm overjoyed! Oh and I'm starting to see my neck and cheekbones as well! So glad I've ventured into this lifestyle journey with everyone here! Cannot wait to go through more changes and experiences with others who appreciate it as well!
  16. Branmuffin

    Sugar Free Pudding Mixins

    Thank you and yes I've done eggs but they didn't sit well so I started making egg custard and I eat it instead. I got that recipe off bariatric eating. I am on purée but haven't had much luck so I've been drinking premiere shakes as a supplement protein as well. Gonna try egg salad today so I'm crossing my fingers that it goes well. Cannot wait until a couple more weeks when I'm able to eat jerky!
  17. Branmuffin

    Let's Talk Fashion

    My teenager loves miss me jeans and a cheaper knock off is La Idol. She also likes diesel and some from rue 21. They seem to fit good on the booty. She says if I get into her size (8) I still can't wear her jeans! She doesn't want me to be "that mom"! What in the heck does that mean? Lol
  18. Branmuffin


    You know during my sleeve venture I found out that many who work at our local hospital are/have had the surgery because after they've worked there for 90 days they have a 250$ deductible for the sleeve surgery. Maybe you should check into getting a job at a local hospital long enough to have the procedure? Just a thought.
  19. Branmuffin

    Career Change Post-Weight-Loss?

    I went on a work trip this past summer to Germany for a week. I had a wonderful time and it was a great learning experience for me. I was the only hourly employee on a trip with 7 of my bosses and I was also the only female. I learned that the ambassadors representing my company are tacky and a total embarrassment. Every night most were out all night partying only coming in to shower and dress for visiting the company that was making new machinery for us. Everything was very unorganized and I ended up being the go to person for making decisions and giving directions by the hosting company. I tried not to take over the project (I in no way wanted to make my bosses feel like I was representing myself in any other capacity than an employee there with my employers) but in a large way ended up doing just that. I made up my mind then that I want to go back to school to finish my degree and be a better representative than what we apparently have. I'm 38 and have been at my company for almost 13 years and although I've been approached by several people over the years about going back to school, it's never been a good time for my family life. Now that it is a good time we have accumulated an entire new crew of mgmt and none of my bosses know anything of my past performance or cost saving ideas that have been implemented. I still want to finish my degree but now I wonder if it will even do any good. I make better money than most people in my area but it's not all about the money. Any thoughts? Oh and keep in mind that most of my bosses are around the age of 25 and newly out of school. Now that I've had the surgery I feel like with the pounds lost I will gain the self worth I have been lacking to follow through with school.
  20. Branmuffin

    Greek Cream Cheese?

    I used it in sf banana pudding with ff milk as a thickener and added whip topping and banana and it was pretty good
  21. Branmuffin

    Pen Pal Goodie Boxes?

    I'd love to participate if it's not too late. Jascook11@yahoo.com please add "for Brandy "in the subject line so my husband doesn't delete by accident.
  22. Branmuffin

    Big Fat Food Companies!

    I can't eat anything with aspartame. I get migraines from it. I wouldn't eat it if I could after studying up on it. I try to buy our beef at a butcher where there is no hormones or preservatives added but it's expensive considering its 2 towns over and the meat doesn't keep as long. I did watch Jamie Oliver's "Pink Slime" on YouTube and was disgusted by it but am more so by the fact that I can leave margarine outside for a week and no bugs come eat it (yes I did it after hearing this from a friend). I wish the FDA had to label all of our foods ingredients as modified or non-modified as well but doubt that happens as the ex CEO of Monsanto is now the head of our FDA. Im with the previous post that worry can consume me if I think on it too much but I also feel like we should be proactive and diligent in supporting those who are fighting for the labeling.
  23. Branmuffin

    19 Days Post-Op!

    Congrats and welcome! I'm 3 weeks out and the only way I can get the premiere protein down is to freeze it into a slushy. Goes down tons better and actually pretty fast.
  24. Branmuffin


    I was on the edge of my seat for most of the show! Truthfully I didn't expect the old guys death to be so graphic. I still don't think the baby is actually dead. Don't see how they're all going to get out of there on foot! Even the kids!
  25. Branmuffin

    Protein Shakes

    I wasn't tolerating protein shakes until I started freezing it like a slush and drinking that way. I like premiere now but couldn't stomach it until ifroze it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
