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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by abrooke1976

  1. abrooke1976

    Week 2: May 27-31st Sleevers

    I forgot to post my stats yesterday, so here they are: HW 264 SW 254 CW 242
  2. Good afternoon! I was sleeved on May 27th and have recovered pretty well. I had no gas pains in the hospital and very little when I got home. Most of my abdomen is feeling ok except for the large incision on the left where the stomach was removed. It feels like a cramp that you get when you're running except is not a cramp it's pain. I hopes that makes sense! I thought it was gas but I used the Gas X strips with no relief. I was also constipated and my nurse at the office told me to take some Milk of Magnesia which helped me go. The pain however was there before I used it. Does anyone have any suggestions? On a more positive note, I have lost 17 pounds since starting my pre op diet on May 20th.
  3. abrooke1976

    Week 2: May 27-31st Sleevers

    Hi, I was also sleeved on May 27th. I just started back on cream soups and protein shakes today. I've been on clear liquids for the past week. I have lost 17.8 pounds since May 20th which is when I started my pre-op diet.
  4. abrooke1976

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    Hey ladies, I was sleeved on the 27th as well and couldn't see a darn thing! The day after I got home I called the office because I was a little freaked out. The nurse asked me if I still had my nausea patch on that the hospital put on before surgery and I told her yes. She told me to remove it and see if things get better. So I took it off and it has slowly improved.
  5. Well, I have finished all of my insurance requirements and everything was submitted to my insurance company on Friday. I am so afraid of being denied so please say some prayers for me. Thanks guys!
  6. I was so thrilled to see my surgeons office calling me this morning to set up my surgery. I have a pre-op class on May 13th, EGD on May 22, and surgery on May 27th. What seemed like forever when I started this journey in October, seems to be sailing along now. I can't wait.
  7. abrooke1976


    I got the call today that I was approved!! My paperwork was submitted Friday afternoon so it happened quickly!!!
  8. I'm sad to report that I got a call yesterday that my insurance isn't approved. I used my prescrition card like everyone said to do and I had noticed that many had the same prescription provider that I have and they were being approved. Oh, well!
  9. abrooke1976

    May 2014 Sleevers

    I will be on May 27th. Seems like forever away but I know it will be here before I know it.
  10. abrooke1976

    Paperwork Submitted Friday

    I have finally finished my 6 months of requirements and everything was sent to m insurance on Friday. I have Highmark BCBS and I am so nervous they will deny me for some reason. Say prayers for me!
  11. abrooke1976

    Paperwork Submitted Friday

    No date just yet! Pulling for May 27th
  12. Does anyone have any experience with this hospital?
  13. So I am finished with all insurance requirements and it was submitted to my insurance on Friday. I am so scared of being denied. So, please say a little prayer!!! Thanks guys!
  14. abrooke1976

    I am approved

    I just finished my 6 months on Thursday and everything went in on Friday. Good luck!
  15. abrooke1976

    I am approved

    So excited! Got the call that I was approved today. My paperwork was sent in Friday afternoon so it was really quick!!!
  16. abrooke1976

    Paperwork Submitted Friday

    I was approved!!
  17. abrooke1976


    From the album: abrooke1976

  18. abrooke1976


  19. abrooke1976


    From the album: abrooke1976

  20. abrooke1976


    From the album: abrooke1976

  21. abrooke1976

    Any May sleevers?

    May 27th Kim Bariatrics
  22. abrooke1976

    My Fitness Pal - More friends!

    Everyone add me if you haven't already! I too am using my phone and can't figure out how to look for people but I can accept friend request.
  23. abrooke1976

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Add me too abrooke1976

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
