to jammin and losin:
i just got on this web site so good to hear someone is using dr. woodman. i went to his seminar 2 wks. ago. he was out of town & cyndi did it for him. we were all disappointed. she was nice but she wasnt very informative. what insurance comp. do you have? i have cigna & she brushed all of us off that that cigna she said you will to have a 6 mo. strict diet recorded by a dr. but when i called the insirance comp. they didnt mention that . i now have a appointment in nash april 12 at vanderbilt to see if i can be approved. did you have to go thru anything like that ? i have been on several diets but cyndi said they have to be documented & recent for at least 6 mo. for cigna to pay . she never mentioned that the band had to have fills i didnt know that until i went on the webiste,. it wasnt explained. people were getting up & leaving . so you liked the dr.? thank you for all the info. you can give me .