I had my surgery November 5th. Healing and progress is great so far. My sleeping habits have changed astronomically since then. I used to be a heavy sleeper and now.. Not so much. The worst part is my boyfriend! He's always stayed up later than I have but recently I wake up and want to strangle him! He watches T.V. until 3 or 4 in the morning, mostly falling asleep with it on, gets up and down to go outside, eats! Before I could sleep through this, now I fall asleep at my normal 10-11 and I'm woken up by 12:30-1. By this time I'm so tired, so MAD at him I toss and turn until finally he falls asleep and I can turn off the TV. I am living this amazing healthy lifestyle and being pro active but I sleep like shit. It's 3 am and I just ordered a face mask and ear plugs. The doc says "the bed is for sleeping only" but is it fair of me to demand he change his habits now that I'm no longer able to sleep through them? Any advice or tips? Besides kicking his ass to the curb? Sweet dreams!