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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beau

  1. Well, after losing almost 60 pounds, I've decided to try for my Scuba Certification. I'm curious to any side effects or precautions that any bandsters have experienced due to diving. Just a precaution before I take the plunge!
  2. Hello, just joined this forum today. I live in Sault Ste. Marie and don't know anyone who has gone through with this procedure. I have decided to move forward and will be having a phone consultation soon. Wondered if anyone from the Soo, Sudbury or area have been banded or are in the process.
  3. Sorry, don't check in here too often, thank you........hope you're progress is going well.

  4. beau

    No caption

    Well, I guess I should check in more often, thanks for the nice comments everyone. I'm down to 133 lbs now, don't care if I lose any more, if it happens.....it happens!
  5. I know its empty calories, I know too much is a bad choice but just curious, a bon-fire and a beer is part of being Canadian........no? Haven't seen much talk about socializing, most of my friends love to get together and party. I suppose that the restriction of food is going to make a few drinks feel like more. Love to hear you're experiences and views on this subject.
  6. beau

    Before and After 53 lbs

    The first two pictures were taken one year ago, Aug/07 prior to banding. I am now 10 months post op and well on my way to goal.
  7. beau

    No caption

    From the album: Before and After 53 lbs

  8. beau


    Well, guess its been quite a while since I've popped in here. Just thought I'd let you all know that everything is well and the weight is still dropping. I'm down over 50 pounds in less than 10 months, about 15 pounds from where I'd like to be.........of course more would be fine! lol For any newbies that are still contemplating.........go for it! Its amazing how food doesn't control my every thought, how small amounts can satisfy me, my life has changed, but for the better..........the best part, I know I'm never going back down that path again, its the 4th time in my life that I've had to lose 50 pounds and I'm never going to yo-yo again!
  9. I was banded Sept 28th, my first fill was the middle of Nov. and could still eat what ever I wanted. My second fill was middle of this month, I have restriction now, am at 6 cc. Have been P.Bing anything not chewed properly and can't eat chicken, rice is not staying down either. Wonder if turkey will be different, Christmas being tomorrow? Happy Holidays
  10. beau

    Post-Op throat pain

    I just posted a question yesterday in regards to pressure in the throat. I had my second fill last week and now have restriction, I am noticing a little pressure in my throat glands and sometimes have minor sinus or headache pain. I don't believe I am coming down with a cold. It makes sence to me that these areas are all connected, eyes, ears, nose, throat but I am not a doctor. I have read on other threads that sinus colds can be problemsome to the band. I remember when I wore heavy glasses even, my sinus would give me problems. Hope to read more on this topic, feedback always appreciated and interesting.
  11. This is so funny, thought you were asking if we take our shoes off when we have our fill. Well, I think it definately has something to do with being Canadian, maybe the climate and messy weather, we just know better and what comes off our shoes after being outside. I've had relatives from Tennesee stay at my place in Northern Ontario, none of them took off their shoes, their grandson played outside and came in the front door(livingroom) with crap all over them. Of course I said something. I would never go further than the door without taking my shoes off. Although often I will tell elderly people to leave them on, it's easier for them and often safer walking on tile etc.
  12. Well its been a while since I've checked in here. I received my second fill last week and finally am feeling some restriction. 6cc to date. I haven't seen anyone post a similar question, so I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing these symptoms. Since my last fill, I feel a slight pressure in my throat glands (tonsils?) some sinus pressure, sometimes minor headaches. I don't believe I'm coming down with a cold. This is not a feeling which is painful or worrisome, just curious if maybe the restriction on the upper stomach will cause some pressure to these other areas. These say the eyes, ears and throat are all connected. I am now three months post op. Have not lost any more weight since my initial Optifast diet, however now that I am eating so much less I'm sure that this will change, I hope anyway. I know I am not following the rules though, need to get to the gym and quit with the Xmas baking.
  13. beau


    I am a newbie, but would think that the same rules apply to banded people. Input verses output. Exercise more, move, burn more calories than you consume. You may have plateau's but eventually you'll loose! Good luck to you!
  14. beau

    Drinking and the band

    I don't have any restriction yet but am able to to pretty much drink whatever I want. I don't know what will happen when I have my first fill, right now a beer goes down fine. Wine is great. I'm sticking with low cal juices with spirits. If I fail on journey the reason is obvious. Straight to Hell! lol
  15. Hi, its a lonnnnggggg story, 26 years to be exact but I'm still here. Well, I was banded 2 1/2 weeks ago, making a decision that I hope will give me back a little confidence and self esteem that has long been dwindling. I'm staying in marriage that has always been turbulent but the past couple months has been a living hell. I have no support from my husband, he actually said he hoped I died on the operating table, the night before I left to drive myself 10 hours to have my surgery. I'm strong, learned to have wide shoulders, but all this is taking a toll on my healing process. I know everyone is going to say "get out" but I just can't get past the fear of going it alone. Three years ago we went down the divorce path and I went back, thinking that he'd had enough time to think about things and would change. I just don't have the positive mindset to concentrate on every small detail of this journey. I have no restriction yet and almost feel like I'm never going to get where I want. Encouragement needed please!
  16. beau

    Stress and the band - yikes!

    Hi Maryrose: I don't have restriction yet but can feel that knot feeling every time I'm stressed, which is often. I'm almost afraid to go for my first fill because I know my life is in such turmoil. I'm afraid that maybe this was the wrong time to make such a life altering change. The weight issues were bringing me down too, so maybe I'm dealing with one thing at a time. Good luck with the wedding, so many choices......so much money!
  17. beau

    Abusive Relationship

    Thank you for you're thoughts and suggestions. I probably could do some on line or phone council but I'm ok just venting here for now. As for the port incision, I saw my nurse practioner two days ago, she advised me to let her know in a day or two and if it is still red, she will put me on meds. I am seeing some discharge now, so I will contact her today. You know that are many women that are in the same boat as me and afraid to even voice their situation here for fear of being told what they aready know. I have read the "Cycle of Abuse" given to me at a womans shelter three years ago. I understand the concept of control, his low self-esteem issues, power.........my goal is to help him understand and if I can't........someone smarter than me. We were making headway with a councilor. She spoke to me in private once and let me know that HE needed at least six months before she could even touch base on our marital issues. He is repeating his childhood. Honestly, I just want to be happy, I wish it could be with him, never the less I am trying to do whatever makes me feel somewhat whole. I am thinking on going to an Al-anon meeting..........cause yes, he's an alcoholic and drug user. He realizes that his outbursts are generally worse when he's under the influence, but do you think he'll actually stop? He's spiralling out of control and by controlling me he thinks he's got a grasp on life. I'm no shrink but I think after nearly 30 years I've got him figured out. Anyway, thanks again, I hate to talk to my friends and family about my situation all the time, cause I never do what they suggest either, I just stay.
  18. beau

    Abusive Relationship

    Ok......I'm feeling a bit bombarded here. Answer to why I'm waiting for the lawyer, because I just spent $5000. less than three years ago on the same process and didn't follow through, I'd rather just sell everything privately, then deal with what I have to after that. Every letter a lawyer sends is about $100. you start bickering about the stupid stuff and it costs. I am not interested in taking anyone for a ride, I'll take my half and what is mine. The whole point of this thread was to get support from the "support group" after my surgery since I'm not getting any at home. Healing is my priority right now, and I don't think turning my world upside down is going to improve my chances. I am two weeks post op and have infection in my port incision, I will be returning to my clinic in a few weeks for my first fill which is a 10 hour drive. When I'm well, I'll decide my future, I have a long road to well.
  19. beau

    Abusive Relationship

    Indigo, my husband and I are 45. Neither of us are involved with anyone else, been there, done that. Its easy to be strong when its in hind sight, going through it, is another story. I know I would be better off without him, I know would be happier out of this marriage, I just don't know why I'm choosing to stay. Time will tell.
  20. beau

    Abusive Relationship

    Well, yes, I have support from many family and friends. As for the computer.........I think that's just immature and am not going to stress myself out over it. Actually, I like being alone, there is more peace, nobody yelling, making me walk on egg shells...........I'm not sure why I stay.........financial security I suppose. We've worked hard at our business, over 20 years now, I feel like I'm not qualified to go out and start over. I still do my books by hand, no computer programs, I know I could learn, I'm just not sure I want to, I suppose I'm comfortable. My daughter is off to college, the damage is done. I did talk to a councillor at a women's shelter a few years back. What I told her forced her to call children's aide, they did a follow up, she basically told them she didn't remember, she will always love her dad, no matter what. He severed three tendons in my arm once throwing a dinner plate at me in rage, she was 6 at the time. The doctors at the hospital felt sorry for him cause he cried that it was an accident. I'm a forgiving loyal person, he knows that. I just have to concentrate on healing right now, I go to moms or the cottage to get away when I need to. He says he's talking with a lawyer now to end the marriage, I'm waiting for the paperwork to arrive, I know it should be me talking with lawyers. Anyway, thanks for the hugs and thoughts, I'm hangin in there!
  21. beau

    Abusive Relationship

    Thanks everyone, I am standing up for myself, I always have, sometimes I think its a war of wills and we're both stubborn. I've chosen to sleep alone since the middle of August on another issue of abuse and am not backing down until things are made right, I'm cooking, cleaning and still working in our business, because he pulls his weight as well, but until the control issues stop and he gets help, I'm standing tall. By the way, he's even taken away my computer and hidden it, I'm on my daughters right now! The worst part of all is the lies he tells our friends, nothing is ever his fault, I've always done something to aggrevate him, or he just plain old makes up stories. My ducks are in a row, I have my proof, but honestly, I just want to be a happy family..........maybe I'm just naive.
  22. I too am having a reaction to the steri-strips. I have developed three blisters where the strips once had been. They are itcy and are now beginning to scab over, very nice since I was so pleased at how my incisions were healing. They actually look worse than the incisions themselves. I've had several replies that this is common

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