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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Pepper28

  1. Pepper28

    Am I Too Tight?!

    How much does your band hold? And what are you filled to?
  2. Pepper28

    1St Fill 11/20/2013

    Since Jan? 11 months without restriction? How much does your band hold? How many cc's are u filled to?
  3. Pepper28

    More Questions

    So u've gotta limit ur own mushies right now. Until the band kicks in.
  4. Pepper28

    More Questions

    Its normal for hunger to return days after surgery. Weight loss & the decreased hunger will not happen until ur fills begin & foods (especially in large amounts) will become difficult to hold in ur small pouch. Any weightloss right now will be from ur own dieting efforts.
  5. Pepper28

    Lapband Vs Sleeve

    I say SLEEVE!! SLEEVE! SLEEVE! Restriction with the sleeve begins day 1 out of surgery. No more fills. No more begging & trying to convince ur dr's for a tighter fill because the xray shows ur tight & once the swelling from the fill goes down ur able to eat an entire cow & taking off work for .1 cc here and there. Ive been banded 4 months and i wish i cld take it all back & get the sleeve.
  6. Right now the only weight u will lose will be from your own diet and exercise routine until ur band is adjusted enough to restrict ur food intake & dieting will be a little easier. This cld take 3-5 months, and ive even heard 7 months to a year. So its still a Diet until then.
  7. Pepper28

    1St Fill 11/20/2013

    @bandedbecca Without diet & exercise, dont expect any great loss for the first 3 months or so. It will take several fills/adjustments to finally reach the green zone & weightloss will be effortless. 12/1 will be 4 months for me & its been a roller coaster ride. I feel the restriction from the band 5-7 days after a fill, lose 3-5lbs and until i get another fill i regain it all back again. So 4months in im still waiting for consistent reliable restriction.
  8. Pepper28


    My quick story: I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then 0 lbs the next 3.5 months. I was in Bandster hell for about 3 months. I was pissed off the first couple of months that my doctor and nutritionist never mentioned this phase. I should have been more diligent in reading this forum and I would have known better. But, I accepted the fact it may take several fills before I started to feel satiety for hours. 4 months out I had a consult with my nutritionist and my 3rd fill. I immediately started to lose weight and my hunger level dropped dramatically. Just keep getting fills and eat your Protein. You'll get there. Happy Thanksgiving and today is my 2 year Bandiversary tmf Oh wow! Hope im as lucky as u've been! Well maybe u can tell me when might i expect consistent restriction after a fill. The first week im definitely in the green. Second week is like i have no band at all. Im aware of the swelling during the first week analogy. Im guessing i may have sprung a leak some place. Im convinced somethings pushing the Fluid out of my band after 7 days
  9. My post regarding out of pocket lap band pay & fills was in response to the post made on the first page of this topic. Im. sure ive screwed up the quote: Being self paid I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford fills. Idk NaNa, I have to think of any WLS super hard. I'm scared and nervous, but I'm still doing research. Thanks!
  10. Im a self pay lap band patient the cost was 10k and i get 12 fills included in that price. Hopefully i wont need to use them all to finally find the green zone. After the 12 adjustments Ive found that the prices vary from 165-220 in my area depending on whether or not any xrays are taken.
  11. Pepper28


    I purposely scheduled a fill for today just in time for Thanksgiving. So im on liquids for 2days. Cant wait to see how this goes.
  12. Pepper28


    Oh man! U look HOT! And the band never worked at its full capacity so u've done this mostly on your own. Ur doing just as awesome without it. Are they going to give u a new band? Or repair the old one? If i cld do it again, id try the sleeve instead.
  13. Pepper28


    Ahhh, i see. Oh 'that' struggle. I assumed it was the over eating struggle. Those are the ones i have
  14. Pepper28


    If it was too tight u wldnt be struggling with food..... Why would he think ur too tight? Why wldnt he go tighter to end the hunger & food portions?
  15. Pepper28

    Self - Pay Costs?

    12grand, Houston Texas, True Results, but i decided to save 2grand & went for the band at 10grand. Biggest mistake of my life. Good luck!
  16. Pepper28

    A Little Discouraged

    Ur not gonna feel any restriction no time soon. So sorry to put it so bluntly. Expect 3-5 months of adjustments to feel consistent restriction this is the sad news they dont give us in pre-op I was given 3cc's during surgery 2 weeks later i was starving & eating like i had no band there to stop me at all. It will be 4 months december 1st for me im at 8ccs and the restriction is still inconsistent. Restriction 5-7 days after the fill/adjustment. No restriction 5-7 days the 2nd week after the fill/adjustment I go in Wednesday, day before Thanksgiving for another fill and i pray to the Heavens this will end this lap band roller coaster! Aka Bandster Hell
  17. Im 8.0cc's in a 10cc band. I felt the restriction 7 days after the fill now ive felt nothing for 6 days. If it wasnt for all these lapband pamphlets laying around my house i'd forget i even had one in this second week. My question is, when i get to 8.5cc's how long will the restriction/tightness/night coughs/reflux/heart burn last? A week? Two weeks? A month? If I dont get an unfill? I will go on a liquid diet if need be.
  18. Pepper28

    Bandster Hell

    The most ive ever gotten was 1.5cc's in one appt. It depends on how aggressive your filler decides to go. From this site ive read of people getting 2-3cc's at a time. So it ultimately depends on your surgeon's policies. The shoulder pain can be attributed to the air/gas used during surgery & not the fills. The gas/shoulder pains will subside around the 6-8th week maybe sooner.
  19. I would have gone on a liquid diet for 3 weeks or as long as it takes until the vomitting stopped. I say this now only because my restriction comes & goes & its so frustrating. Just to have CONSISTENT restriction after a fill longer than 5 days would mean the world to me! 12/1 will be 4 months searching for this consistent restriction & it always leaves me. Im even contemplating getting my mouth wired shut just to force myself into a liquid diet. Anything to move the scale right now!
  20. Pepper28

    First Fill.. Feeling Discouraged

    How much does your band hold? And youre at 3cc's now am i right? The rule of thumb, from what ive gathered here on this site, is to allow 3-5 months of fills before getting to the green zone of no hunger & when u are hungry 4oz of food satisfies. December 1st will be 4 months for me & i still feel the food restriction & hunger come & go.
  21. Pepper28

    Tightness In Chest

    This pain is typical after every fill for me. Give it a few days, if u can tolerate it, it goes away as your restriction will eventually diminish over time
  22. Pepper28

    Bandster Hell

    Same here. I was banded August 1st and still searching for the Green. Im 8cc's in a 10cc band. First week was tight. I didnt notice until i began to add up the left over meals i wasnt able to finish Now im back to eating again. My next fill appt is Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. And i cant wait because im sure gonna need the will power
  23. The doctor will have u drink a small bottle Water before leaving the office, u will feel the tightness, & i agree, i really doubt jst one fill will put U in the green zone. It will be tight there in the office & maybe a few days thereafter, after that the hunger returns & it will be as if u dont have a band at all. Write back in 7 days after your first fill & let us all know how its going for you.
  24. Oh wow! This is smaller than a 'coffee stirrer' straw, how many cc's does your band hold & what cc are u filled too? Im almost sure ur not able to tolerate bread nor starches for that matter, correct?
  25. My last fill a week ago was under flouroscopy & she described the appearance as a 'Coffee Stirrer' and they prefer it be a little looser to be more of a 'Milk shake Straw' instead. When i go back in a week i plan to bring a doughnut with me to show her if its REALLY as small as a coffee stirrer why am i still able to get bread down. My appt is in the morning so it may not go down as well, but definitely during lunch and especially dinner its like i have no band at all. Im 8cc's in a 10cc band by the way... Its comfortable but comfortable im afraid will not move my scale!

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