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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Pepper28

  1. Pepper28

    band to sleeve

    So true @carolinagirl being so tight that now sliders are my go-to comfort foods when i have to bring the clean foods back up because they get stuck is no way to live. I dont plan on staying this tight forever but at least until ive lost something. Ive not lost a single lb in the 5 months ive had the band installed and now at this restriction level its melting right off. I will eventually have a cc or 2 taken out so that the clean foods will not get stuck but it wont be anytime soon.
  2. @2muchfun I get stuck and im forced to stop eating after a few bites. I dont stop eating because im satisfied i dont get there, stuck arrives, so im not reaching the "fullness" If this keeps up into the 3rd week im gonna get an unfill.
  3. Pepper28

    band to sleeve

    In the lap band veteran forum ive read that no ones following any particular diet plan, but eating whatever their band tolerates. Was your band not filled tight enough to limit your food intake? I have the worst junk food habit & ive not been able to kick it, even with the band. But im tight enough now where it is impossible to eat an entire can of Pringles in one sitting the way I would at any other fill level less than 7.5. And when my real clean foods are too dry to go down i turn to Sliders. shakes Ice Cream and anything my band "tolerates" and ive lost 7lbs this week doing so
  4. I must have a different band because my band does not help w/hunger. Im always hungry. My band does drastically limit my food intake. After 4bites, im "stuck" 6 bites, "slime" and together its enough to make u forget about any craving you've ever had...
  5. Ive had lap band 5 months and have finally got my 1st ever scale victory of 7lbs. I didnt lose anything pre nor post op. Getting to 7.5cc's a week agao and finally! Finally! 7 whole pounds!!!
  6. @mschlegel January 1st made 5months. Im at 7.5cc's for 1 week now, in a 10cc band. And i cant eat dry lettuce. They say to allow 2 more weeks. If i cant get veggies down after the 3rd week ill need the forbidden "UNfill"
  7. Really? salad dressing on the side? I cant get dry lettuce down without the dressing. The fat from the ranch helps the lettuce go down smoothly.
  8. @dylanmiles23 Lesson learned on the oranges! Im gonna try the chicken tortilla Soup and salad. Way too tight for fish today id be too embarrassed if it got stuck at a time like this.
  9. Pepper28

    Band corrosion

    When did your friend have this now corroded band installed? The newer bands, from what i understand, from what ive been told do not corrode. Some time ago, bands only held 4cc's now they come in 10, 11, and 14cc's. Back then 4cc's bands gave restriction the first day out of surgery, now theyre filled/adjusted over time. So it may be best to find out whether she/he had the Allergen band or some other. It could have also been the installation. I have a girlfriend who got the band AND her surgeon stapled the rest of her remaining stomach into the shape of the sleeve. She had to have the lapband removed and had the sleeve done correctly in its entirety some years later.
  10. I had half an orange an hour ago & its still sitting in my throat. (Sorry for being so graphic). But im sitting outside of Salt Grass waiting for friends to Celebrate a going away. These particular friends dont know ive had wls. What do I order? Im staring at the menu ive printed online. Do I bring the orange back up? Since it hasnt gone down anyways? Just to have dinner? What if that gets stuck too? Wls really saps the joy out of meals. Every meal is a battle but I wouldnt change it for the world!
  11. I have not tried fish yet but after the two incidents yesterday youre right i do fall back to sliders. Which, I imagine, cant be good!
  12. Pepper28

    horrible couple of weeks

    Im at 7.5 in a 10cc band and the clean foods im "suppose" to eat hurts the most to get down. So now, funny as it sounds, ice cream and chips, sliders, etc, are really my bffs. So its definitely a catch22
  13. Pepper28

    Morning tightness

    Havent had a descent breakfast since 6.4cc's. 6.4cc's and less i was throwing back eggs bacon and even a slice of toast 6.4-7.0 i grazed....now at 7.5, warm coffee. Slowly.
  14. Funny u all are saying this! Just yesterday, for the 1st time ever, and idk if i cld be just too tight after this last fill 5 days ago, but i tried beef tips w/rice and gravy. It hurt soooo much! I just had to bring it back up. And last night after only one bite of fried chicken at a NYE party, same exact thing. I absolutely hated vomitting at a friends house but this "stuck" pain i get now just takes my breath away. My eyes Water the slime begins and let me just say, its not pretty. Should i expect my band to loosen, like it has in the past, after a week or will it be like this on out? The band takes the joy out of eating. It causes u to really think before u eat. I ended up taste testing other foods just to see if theyd go down without causing any damages
  15. Pepper28

    Am I Too Tight?!

    Thursday, 12/26, I had my Fluid taken all out then back in again w/an additional .5 added & I sat out in the waiting room to see if the Water goes down & it didnt! As i felt the water rise to the top of my throat I knew i was too tight, but i REFUSE to have any fluid removed! Its been 5 long months w/no real weightloss at all. Soon as i got out to the car it all came out and I slimed all the way to work & used a spit cup for 2 hours until it finally stopped. Its Saturday & im able to drink fluids now with no problem. coffee, water, crystal light, & half cup of yogurt ive been baby sitting now. I havent tried anything solid. Next week, once the swelling is gone I'll know for sure if this is my green zone or not. Its been a long time coming, if this isnt the green zone im very well on the brink of it
  16. Dr Reilly did a phenomenal job installing my band August 1st, havent seen his beautiful blue eyes since! Im now in the after care routine getting adjustments every two weeks at the TR clinic on South Main. Anyone have any issues so far at that facility?
  17. Pepper28

    Am I Too Tight?!

    @peedie12 Did u recently just get a fill??? Im always tight after a fill. Morning noon and night. But as the days go on, maybe the 4th or 5th day i can eat u outta house and home!
  18. Right now your band is just "installed". Youre starving & your diet consists of sugar free liquids and mushies.... Any weightloss or gain during this time will depend upon your eating and exercise habits. This will continue until your adjustments begin. Restriction, how i wished, isnt right out of surgery anymore as they were ages ago. Your swelling seems to have subsided a bit early which isnt a bad thing. Call your doctor office & get a professional opinion about moving your adjustment date to an earlier one and keep us all posted!
  19. I get a TASTE of the green zone 1 week after a fill and I can tell u, I can not, stressed or not, eat meat of any kind. If i try it, i get this horrible pain in my chest as it goes down. It burns so after the first bite I dont even want the meal anymore.. Mornings, 1 week after a fill are the worst. The 2nd week, after the swelling subsides, i can eat whatever I want.
  20. Pepper28

    Doc says no more fills

    @cheryl2586 What ur describing is ur "green zone" and how much of the work ur willing to put into dieting & how much u personally rely on the band to do it's part of the work. Some one like B52 on the otherhand acknowledges & admits, like me, who lack the discipline to control portions, etc Sounds like everyones entitled to their own specific personalized individualized "green zone" If dieting was left solely up to me, I'd lose the weight, regain the weight, & it wldnt be much different than my pre-band life. No 1 way is wrong, but each are specific to each of your needs. And I like that about the band!!
  21. Pepper28

    Wls....a Bad Name!

    @dylanmiles23 I saw that episode w/reuben studdard and Wendy Williams's lap band advice. She also said that the band was not working for some other political official guy up north, who has not lost a ton of weight in a short time. so announcing to the world that you're on any diet plan or surgery automatically places you under the spot light. From then on out, you're on Weight loss Watch If you don't lose, they judge you, if you don't lose it fast enough, they judge you.. if you lose too much, or too soon, they judge you.. even my very own partner has his opinions, he shld keep to himself...
  22. Pepper28

    Wls....a Bad Name!

    @mskeekee01 If I cld do it all over again I'd go for the sleeve. #1 there's no monthly adjustments searching for a mythical green zone I'm not even sure really exists #2 w/the sleeve, restriction and your diet begins the next day, out of surgery and yes, misery does love company... I've been on the slippery slope of dieting my entire life. if I did muster up the discipline to lose it, I'd always always regain it all back.... so do what works best for you and no one else...don't let her influence your weight loss decisions. I wish I'd done it sooner I'd probably be at goal weight by now instead of toying around w/this diet and the next. also, which ever you decide, don't tell anybody, unless you're ready to explain the good and the bad (the bad is often harder to explain) Just let them look up one day, and say hey!! You're losing weight...only then you can fill them in on whatever you had done...if you so choose...
  23. Pepper28

    Wls....a Bad Name!

    @lisacaron I don't let anyone be my monitor, I'm a grown woman and if someone wanted to take care of me and monitor my habits they would have to buy me a 2 carat diamond first before I would even consider it. LOVE IT!!!!! U just don't know how long I've been dying to say this (and a couple other not so nice words) to my meddling Mother in Law!!! My friends and coworkers my age, I can handle....
  24. Pepper28

    Doc says no more fills

    @lisacaron I'm 6.4 in a 10cc band as of today. We (myself and my fillers) thought I was at 8.3cc's until just this morning in a Fluid check where it was all withdrawn and put back in, that told a different story. Only 6.4 was in my band. So either there's a leak OR my prior fills were unsuccessful... But when I got to 7.5 they began to decrease my fills..I was once getting 1.0 and 1.5 every visit. When I got to 7.5 I got only a .5 after that they decrease some more to .3 today I would have gotten .1 So as you get closer and closer to capacity, I find it's like pulling teeth w/them for a descent fill, well at least at True Results in Houston.... So even though we are willing to take it as far as we deem humanly possible to get ultimate consistent restriction, your fillers may not... Its a sad sad policy that some of them carry...
  25. Pepper28

    Wls....a Bad Name!

    went in for a fill today & had all the fluid withdrawn to find that I'm not at 8.3cc's (the fill level documented in my chart) at all.... I was actually at 6.4cc's...what a big difference right? Well I return in 2wks to see: #1) If the 6.4 is still there OR if its vanishing into thin air over time, ie a LEAK.... OR #2) If my prior fillers weren't actually filling my band. She said once the needle is beneath the skin its a hit or miss! Now how would I explain this to friends & family who are not banded when they ask the famous question "how much weight have u lost" & "You know why you're not losing weight right?" (2 of my very favorite) My point is, once you've spilled the beans be prepared to explain yourself & answer to all the spectating "Food Police"

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