I was apprehensive at first to tell people, but am starting to loose some of that. I've told my immediate family...and will have to come clean to the rest on Thanksgiving when they realize that I'm just having a protein shake! Lol! I'll tell others after my surgery, if they ask.
I don't worry so much about people focusing on my weight, when I tell them I'm having weight loss surgery. They have eyes...there's no hiding it! I only worry about people thinking I'm taking the easy way out? Why??? Because people often see those of us who are overweight as lazy. An unfortunate and inaccurate stereotype! My attitude has always been "I'm going to eat right, exercise, and work hard, because that's the only way to succeed!" But we all fall into ruts here and there. And while this is required effort to get to my goal...I realized that I've been overweight almost my entire life, and I wasn't getting anywhere on Will power alone. I truly needed some extra help.
After watching my sister begin her VSG journey, and just starting my own...I've realized that this isn't an easy way out, at all!! It's no doubt one of the hardest things I'll ever have to do! And damn it, I'm proud of myself for that! This isn't a quick fix diet! There aren't any do-overs! And it's a commitment I'm making for the rest of my life! We are all making that commitment! And THAT...is pretty bad a$$!
I invite all they nay-sayers, water-cooler gossipers, and negative Nellies out there, to take a walk in our shoes! While they may never understand the struggle that has brought us all here today...I hope that they can respect our courage, bravery, guts, and gumption! You all are some of the bravest people I know!