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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dazey

  1. dazey

    Struggling with OptiFast!

    Hi, Don't worry, EVERYBODY hates OptiFast! Get your hands on the bars and pudding. The bars taste fine and you actually get to chew, which you won't be doing for a while after the surgery anyway (ie liquid stage). Also they're really convenient, just toss one in your bag and your set, doesn't matter if you're out and about or running late or whatever. berry Crunch bars got me to the finish line of 4 weeks of Optifast. The pudding is good for a change, and is handy after the surgery too.
  2. dazey

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    Hi Susannah, Thanks for the advice. I think I may have over-reacted, alitte. It did get abit easier after about a week, but i'm in the learning what i can and can't eat stage, and it's definately a learning process. I think i'm gonna leave it how it is and see how i feel at my next apt, which is at the end of the month. On the plus side i lost my first 10kg Yah!! I like what you said about pretty undies, we girls really are suckers for pretty undies and manicures and facials and all that good (non food related) stuff, but hey, it's half the fun take care.
  3. dazey

    Anyone out there from QLD??

    Hi, I'm in Brisbane and guess what?? I just hit my first 10kg loss! yahh Good to be rid of it :confused:
  4. dazey

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    Hi Guys & Gals, I'm wondering if you can help? I had my first fill on Wednesday last week but I think maybe they put in too much?? 7cc in a 14cc band. Thing is, I can't eat anything. I thought steamed salmon would be okay, but it gets stuck, even with lots of chewing. Also mashed potatoe is even a problem Soups are okay, even alittle chunky ones (ministrone etc) but everything else seems to get stuck. Scrambled eggs went down, but only just. I'm not sure if this is an indication of too much fill, or just that I'm not used to it. Before the fill I had no restriction at all (lamb chops, pork chops were all fine) but now, i can't even swallow potatoe chips (yes, I know they're full of fat, but I thought they'd just dissolve). What do you guys think? thanks in advance.
  5. dazey

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    Hi, I've come to the realisation that I really can't avoid exercise much longer.. I've been putting it off in a big way, got new sneakers, new little ipod shuffle (read avoidance...). I don't really want to listen to music (cos it requires that I sing along .. kinda loud and I reserve that for the car). I was wondering if anyone new of any sites that have podcasts or other mp3 downloads with health/fitness themes? Looking for something I can listen to on the treadmill or exercise bike and learn abit as I go - not really after the books on tape type of things. I did find a couple of sites that look okay, one even has a 12 week program you can buy that is like a personal trainer for your mp3 player. Please let me know if you have any ideas. thanx guys.
  6. dazey

    Insurence issue

    Hi, I've had private health insurance (mid level hospital + extras) for over a year and thought I'd be covered too. Turns out not so much. The most they kicked in for was $300 for the shared room for the night and $89 for the Anesthetist. The bulk of the $7500 hospital bill (mainly theater fees) was not covered. The medicare item number is 30511 by the way. I've posted the following before, but it might be useful to you. I had the funds released from my Superannuation to cover the whole lot, hospital costs, surgeon gap fee, everything. If you're interested have alook here - Early Release of Superannuation Benefits . The actual section is "specified grounds for release" and not financial hardship. Basically, you need to fill in the form and return it with: a letter from your GP a letter from your surgeon a quote for the costs. APRA take 7 working days from when you submit your paper work (they don't need originals, faxing is fine) to decide if they'll let you release the money early. I've heard though that providing you include the two required doctor's letters they don't often refuse the request (since it's accompanies by medical advice). Also, once you get their decision back in the mail you need to send it to your superannuation company. Again, with APRA's okay, they don't need to do anything except release the funds (mine was a funds transfer and took about a week). Good luck
  7. dazey

    A couple of questions

    Hi, The following details from Quit Victoria may help (full article at Surgery - Quit Victoria). Smoking & Surgery Doctors strongly recommend stopping smoking at least eight weeks before surgery. If you smoke, you will have much higher risks for serious complications during and after surgery. If you continue to smoke, you will be more likely to: starve your heart of oxygen form blood clots in your veins find it harder to breathe during and after surgery increase you risk of infection impair the healing of bones, skin and wounds change the breakdown of certain drugs in your body Why does smoking cause these risks? Nicotine in cigarette smoke increase your heart rate and blood pressure, making your heart work harder so that it needs more oxygen. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke competes with the oxygen in your blood. This makes it harder to get the oxygen you need for your heart and body. Chemicals in cigarette smoke make your blood thicker, stickier and more likely to clot. Chemicals in cigarette smoke can paralyse and destroy the cilia in your lungs which work to keep your lungs clear. Smoking increases the amount of mucus in your lungs, and narrows your airways. It increases the likelihood that your airways and air sacs in your lungs will partially collapse, making it harder to breathe. Smoking alters your immune system and you will have a higher risk for chest and wound infections after surgery. Smoking can slow down and interfere with the healing of bones, skin and other body tissues. You are more likely to have wound infection after surgery, longer healing times, problems with new scars opening up and bad scarring. Chemicals in cigarette smoke interfere with the rate at which certain drugs break down in your body. What Can I Do? You can greatly reduce these risks by stopping smoking, ideally at least eight weeks before surgery. You will be more likely to: have a faster recovery have better wound healing have a shorter stay in hospital not need intensive care not need further surgery. Hope these details help
  8. dazey

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    Hi, No one's said anything for abit, so I thought I'd jump on in. I was banded last week and am healing nicely. I was lucky and didn't have any problems with shoulder pain, and didn't need any meds once I got home, just pretty tender for most the week. Weight is coming down too, yahhh!! I seemed to have stayed at around 130kg for years, with my weight peaking at 138kg at one point. Definatley nice to see the scales going the other way for a change. Hope everyone else is going well.
  9. dazey

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    Hi everyone, Well I finally did it. I was banded Tuesday afternoon and home Wednesday morning. Still alittle tender a couple of days later, but am really looking forward to the positive changes to come. Anyone who thinks this isn't a massive step is kidding themselves, but it really feels like the right choice for me. Wish me luck!
  10. Hi Carmel, Thanks for your help :confused: I think all those shakes and Soups are what was bringing me down. I discovered a choc mouse that's pretty good, oh and the berry crunch bars. Managing to stay on-track with these. Thanx again
  11. Hi, It's coming down to the wire now, with my surgery booked for next Tuesday (afternoon). Problem is, Optifast is killing me. I seem to go okay for maybe 3 or 4 days, and then slip. I can't stop thinking about all the stuff I won't be able to eat after I get the lapband, so convince myself I should have it now. I know the food never actually tastes as good as I think it will, but it's hard to stop thinking about it. How did you all go? Any ideas or suggestions anyone can offer would be great. Thanks heaps.
  12. Hi, I thought my private heath insurance would cover most of it, until i found out that because it's being done in a private hospital they don't. That added about $7500 to the bill (which could have been avoided they tell me for an extra $20 a month - now they tell me!). I applied to APRA though for early release of some of my superannuation. It got approved yesterday (yahh!). I just have to send their paperwork to my super company and it will be direct deposited into my bank account. If you're interested have alook here - Early Release of Superannuation Benefits . The actual section is "specified grounds for release" and not financial hardship. You need to fill in the form and return it with: a letter from your GP a letter from your surgeon a quote for the costs. APRA take 7 working days from when you submit your paper work and they don't need originals, faxing is fine. Good luck!
  13. dazey

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    Hi Everyone, I'm new too. I'm 30 and live in Brisbane. I had my second visit with the surgeon yesterday and am booked in for surgery on August 28. Right now i'm working through the mountain of info they stocked me up with yesterday, aswell as trying to get everything sorted so I can get the dosh released from my super - lotsa forms. But all on track and getting excited about it all. Nice to meet everyone.

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