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Posts posted by Michbrecc33

  1. The best shake ever is Syntrax Nectar Cappuccino, I am 5 months out I have one every morning, mix one scoop with 1 cup fat free milk, half cup cold coffee, and two ice cubes, put in my magic bullet blender and go. Total 28 Gram's of Protein, no fat, no carbs, and 110 calories. Delicious, I have tons of other kinds of powders here and they make me gag ! Bariatric Choice is the site I go and order, they also have high protein oatmeal, that is really good. Good luck!

  2. Same for me, I am 5'3 and was 202 pounds, but I carry it well, my surgeon weighed me twice he could not believe I weighed that much. I have high BP and high cholesterol, ans sleep apnea that is the only way I qualified for surgery. It is frustrating when people say that you are not heavy, well I am now 167, and they are telling me I am skinny. REALLY...I agree I look better, health is better, but you are not in my shoes..shut up hahaha..tired oh hearing it already..

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