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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bluebike

  1. bluebike

    Slow Losers Unite!

    hi ann! i felt the same way. i was starting to feel guilty (or like i wasn't doing something right) when i would hear about 'someone's friend/sister/dad/cousin' that got lap band and is just shedding the weight. i am happy to hear that there are others like me. (the great news is they all seem to be still losing, just a little slower...i am absolutely determined to get to goal weight!) you know, there is a girl on youtube called thebandinme. she has been banded and is video-journaling her journey. she talkes very open and honestly about all the pros and cons of lapband. i find it very interesting. you might want to check it out. :biggrin:
  2. bluebike

    Slow Losers Unite!

    thanks... mostly just for 'listening' : ) we intuitively know what we need to do, but sometimes it just feels good to get it out. i will make a conserted attempt to get back on the exercise bandwagon and reduce my sugar grazes. i am trying that 5 day pouch diet (this is my 1st day) to test the restriction of my band. i'll keep you updated!! thanks again!
  3. bluebike

    Slow Losers Unite!

    i was banded in july 2007. after my 2nd fill in sept 07 - i got restriction....too much restriction. (i was on mostly liquids for a couple of months.) i haven't gotten a fill since, and have remained tight. just this last month i have started to notice i can eat more than 4 oz occasionally. i am posting because i feel so torn about this surgery. i had such high expectations and not many of them have materialzed. i did get good restriction, but not good weight loss. i have only lost 35 lbs. and i've lost that in large portions (right after surgery i lost 15 lbs., then nothing until 2nd tight fill - and at that time another 15lbs.) the remaing few lbs have come off 1 lb here 1 lb there. there has been no consistent weight loss like i expected (1-2 lbs per week). granted* i do exercise, but in spurts, and, sometimes i eat more ice cream and desserts than i should. but, even when i avoid sugar, i don't really see an improvement. i read today about a 5 day pouch test diet. i am going to try it. i am scheduled for a fill next tuesday, and i am unsure if i actually need it or if i just need to buckle down and make better use of calories. i am scared to get too much restriction again. it is so very uncomfortable. thanks...for letting me vent. :thumbup:
  4. i have a question goal weighter's...how did you guys make this work? i was banded july of this year. i lost 15 lbs on pre/post op diet. after a month or so, gained most of it back (i had NO restriction). my second fill (about a month ago), i was premenstrual so it was extremely tight. i couldn't hold down solids, as a result, lost the 15lbs again. i am currently at a 15-18 lb weight loss, and my fill has 'given' a little. some days i can barely eat anything... others i can eat almost a normal portion. i never eat more than 5-7 oz. usually i keep it at 4oz. i work out at least 3x/week. it feels crazy. my goal was to loose 30 lbs by now. the scale has not budged for about 3 weeks, however, i feel like i am not ready for a fill...i think i would be too full. i am so frustrated!!! admittedly, i am trying to cut down on sugar (dessert is my favorite) and limit dessert to 1-2/week. i think that was stalling my weight loss. but as far as other foods, i make fairly good choices. very little fried. protien first. i drink vitamin & fiber shakes. HELP!!! i don't really know what else to do!
  5. jjjbm: i just went through the same thing. i think maybe you should try just liquids for a day or two. it will allow your stomach to settle and allow swelling to go down. i had to do 4 days. i was really tight and kept throwing up, making the swelling worse. but the last 2 days i was really careful and sipped very slowly (warm broths seem to go down nicely) i drank apple juice just to have some calories and not get too weak or shakey. today i seem to be much, much better. i tried a scrambled egg for lunch...it went down fine. stick in there. it will settle. if not, go get some taken out. i think some folks can't handle the really tight restriction and that's ok, too!! good luck!!
  6. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    well my 'too tight' fill turns out to be my 'just right' fill! i had only liquids for 4 days and this morning i made biscuits & gravy for my husband...tried a couple of tsp. gravy (i know, i know...gravy!!!) and it went down fine. had protein drink...went down fine. had some apple juice later...went down fine (granted, i am still sipping. and i mean sipping! waiting several minutes, sipping again.) for lunch i had a scrambled egg!! i am really happy. i was freaking out thinking i was going to be on liquids for a month or so! it's really just eating tiny bites. chewing 30x. and waiting a few minutes between each bite. i am trying to do something else while i eat to keep me occupied b/w each bite. i notice if i sit down at a meal, i eat too fast. funny, i remember saying to my husband a few weeks ago...i would be fine and feel like the weight would really start to shed if i could just eat a couple of bites! and here i am. yippee!! :whoo:
  7. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    hi jackie! girl 3 days ago, i felt the same way! i had my surgery july13. my first fill did nothing, no restriction. and i was feeling like this surgery was going to be a failure. i went tuesday for my 2nd fill (went from 1.5cc to 2cc in a 4cc band) and wah-hoo! i am sooo tight! i love it! the first day was scary. i had a little freak out. i was used to my post-op diet (anything and everything but bread!!!!) and this is totally different. i am sipping Water. it's like a tiny little funnel is in my throat...too much and it can't go anywhere but back up. anyway, my point is...it will get better! it will work! we will succed! just stick in there! i hope your 2nd fill goes good, but hey, maybe it will take the 3rd? it's all a mystery. but the universe will unravel as it should. be patient, little grasshopper! greatest of luck to you!
  8. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    so i posted tuesday about the 'too-tight' fill (really uncomfortable golf ball feeling in the chest and vomiting-yuck!). i called my doc and we decided to just give it a day or two. yesterday i just sipped Water all day. i slept great, totally comfortable and woke up feeling fabulous!! today i am able to drink more. i am having some apple juice with liquid Vitamins (my mom and i got at sam's...pretty cheap & tastes decent, just mix it with a little juice...you guys should try it). he told me to go to brown warm liquids tomorrow (broths & such). i am really excited. i have been so incredibly discouraged. i thought this surgery might not work for me-finally, i feel hope!
  9. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    thanks chim! i think i need some support!!! my mom was banded also, but her doc is very conservative! she was banded in march and still no restriction...she is thinking of using another fill doc....so, she is some support, but when i can't even sip water and she's eating ribs...it's hard to relate! i am glad i posted!! thanks you guys!!
  10. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    lindaa: hey, i was a tj (dr huacuz) bander also! so we don't have the luxury of free fills for a year! boo. thank you so much for your comment. it's terribly comforting to know others are going through the same horror! : ) do you know, though, after i calmed down and stopped all the worrying, mine got a little better (at least i could sleep). it's funny, i guess this is what we paid for...THIS IS WHAT WE WANTED !!?? hope the best for you girl! autumn oh, have any of you guys ever noticed a fill loosening slightly after a few days?
  11. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    i got my second fill today...AND IT IS A NEW WORLD!! i have to sip water...s l o w l y. even then, it kinda gurgles around and takes a few minutes to 'go down'. i tried to eat some broth and it came right back up. (in fact, i vomited 5-6 times this evening). i am doing all this burping. i am not really able to lay down. salvia is in overproduction mode and i feel like i am going to vomit again. i am oddly happy about all this. i've not had any restriction at all since my band placement, and i've only kept off about 5 of the 15 i lost as a result of the pre-op/post-op. i am wondering if any of you have felt this. and if it will 'give' a little, at least. thanks
  12. bluebike

    Waiting for 1st fill; eating more

    so i know this is a tool and it's a journey, not a destination...but i am so discouraged!!! i am eating like nothing ever happened! (i was banded july 13, 07 and had my first fill aug. 1) i have very little to no restriction. i was banded in Mexico, i have found a doc in dallas to do my fills, but he has canceled my appointment 2 weeks in a row, so i am now waiting until next week for a fill and i am hoping, hoping, hoping it will be a good one. the truth is - i turned to this surgery because i had proven to myself i could not remain on a diet for more than a few months...i couldn't make the lifestyle change...i LOVE food. my whole family loves food...we go on vactions across the world only to come back and talk about the food!! i feel like this is a lot harder and more finiky than was expected. i had gained about 40 lbs in the last year, putting me up to 240 in july 07. i have lost 15lbs honestly, that was lost during pre-op diet and have only maintained*thank god!* that scale hasn't budged since! it's been 9 weeks....I WANT SOME RESTRICTION! I WANT TO SHED SOME LBS! grrrr!
  13. bluebike

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    hello! i was banded july 13, 07 by dr. huacuz in tj, mx. everything seems to be going well. i lost about 9 lbs on the 5 day full liquid pre-op diet and then was weighing about 14 lbs 7 days after surgery. after incorporating more solid/mushy foods in the second week my weight loss kind of stalled. in fact, i gained about 4 lbs. while on the phone scheduling the suggested 4 week fill- dr. huacuz suggested i come immediately for a fill because of the weight gain. i (reluctantly) made the appointment (15 days seemed quick, but i trust him) so off i went back to mexico. it went great, i have a little restiction (1.8 cc in a 5 cc band), but not too much...i am eating about 1/2c to 1 cup of food...seemingly one third to one half of what i was eating before. i do find i have gas...a lot of gas. i've never really been able to burp or pass gas very easily, and suddenly it's absolutely uncontrollable! i am feeling a little unladylike, but i suppose it is a fair trade. all in all...it's going great! i feel wonderful! i've shed a few more pounds (15!!) my scars are healing very nicely. it's been a great experience thus far!

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