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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sissy13

  1. sissy13

    Size 24 To Size 10!

    U look great! How far out are u?
  2. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    I have to call tomorrow see if he wants to see me bc they knew I was going get fluids. If they don't will be for a 3mo visit in February
  3. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    Thanks for all the well wishes. I went to after hour clinic and they gave me iv fluids. Feel so much better just gotta figure out how not to get dehydrated again since water isn't my friend lol
  4. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    I did. I'm headed to lake after hours to get checked out and was told to call my doc tomorrow.
  5. sissy13

    Before/almost Done!

    Wow so awesome! I'm almost 3 weeks out and already loving the new me and I'm down 23lbs I can't wait to reach goal and have amazing before and after pics.
  6. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    No maybe 2/3 times and its very dark and very little. I'm also having dizzy spells, muscle cramps, headaches, and my eyes are really dry.
  7. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    I was told not to drink out of straws idk if that's now or forever so I don't.
  8. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    I wanted to go to womans too but my ins wouldn't let me. I love drinking water its been just since surgery I can't. It has taken me all day to drink 32oz today Thinking I may need get iv fluids but not sure :/
  9. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    I wanted to go to womans too but my ins wouldn't let me. I love drinking water its been just since surgery I can't. It has taken me all day to drink 32oz today Thinking I may need get iv fluids but not sure :/
  10. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    Yes I think so. Yes I can eat popcicles and ice but just water won't go down easy. I'm praying for this all to line out quickly bc i ts making me crazy lol. I don't throw up just queasy feeling.
  11. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    Dr. Leblanc. And who did urs? Where did u have it? I just started puree stage past Tue. Not all things are tolerated and not very much either lol. I know that's how supposed to be but still so wierd to me that 7 bites can fill me up. Today I skipped my protein and trying drink 32oz powerade 0. I'm so scared to be back in hospital dehydrated.
  12. sissy13

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    Hi. I had my surgery at OLOL in br. I'm 2 weeks and 3 days post op. Down 23lbs. I'm trying to stay hydrated bc I'm on verge of being dehydrated. I can hardly drink water it just doesn't go down well. Trying crystal light and powerade zero. Hoping it all goes well. How are u?
  13. sissy13

    Being Dizzy...is It Normal?

    Went for check up yesterday and doc says I'm lil dehydrated that I have to try and up fluids or I'm gonna wind up getting admitted for iv. Uggghhh
  14. sissy13

    2 Week Post-Op And Doing Great!

    2 week check up today for me too. I also had refried beans with fat free cheese lil salsa. It wad amazing but so crazy to only eat about 15 small bites and be full. I was down 22lbs today. I almost cried when u stepped on scale. I haven't been under 250lbs in over 10yrs and today it read 238 . Congrats on ur good report today.
  15. sissy13

    I'm Dani And This Is My Story

    Good luck on your journey. I wish I had taken before pics with bra or tank top and shorts or something. My doc took one front and side view but with clothes on. I was sleeved 11-12-13. Had my 2 week post op visit today and down 22lbs. Other then getting lil dehydrated my two weeks have been good. Trying to get my water intake up and looking forward to an amazing journey. Well wishes to u.
  16. sissy13

    Being Dizzy...is It Normal?

    Thanks everyone for ur comments and help. I'm thinking it may be lack of water/fluid intake.
  17. sissy13

    Being Dizzy...is It Normal?

    Haha ur too funny. The beans hardly went down I don't reacon I'd be able to do taco or burrito if I wanted to lol.
  18. sissy13

    Water Consumption

    I can eat ice no problem. I added lemonade packet to water yesterday and took me all day but drank a whole 20oz. I'm gonna keep trying bc i can feel my body needs more its just hard.
  19. sissy13

    Tired Of Sweet Drinks

    I'm almost done with the full luquid stage but i went from having no problems with getting all my protein in with shakes to now I can barely get one down. I'm not a big sweets person and all the sweet drinking is really getting to me. Anyone have good ideas for puree stage on getting protein in where I don't have to drink as many sweet shakes?
  20. sissy13

    Tired Of Sweet Drinks

    Ok thanks. I'll look into that
  21. sissy13

    Tired Of Sweet Drinks

    Called GNC store they have unflavored protein powder 25g/serving so I'm gonna get that and put it in everything I eat
  22. sissy13

    Does Anyone Else Feel Like This..?

    Yes I drink 2 protein shakes a day. I'm using gladiator from smoothie king and it has 45g protein per shake. I'm on full liquid right now. My doc says try putting a small amount of flavoring in my water see if helps. I haven't tried yet bc I'm not big on flavored water but I guess I Will try.
  23. sissy13

    Does Anyone Else Feel Like This..?

    Lol other then holes in my tummy and 1st night being so sick I too have felt this. I'm 8 days out and feel like I could go straight to solids. Getting all my potein in gotta work harder on mt water that's not going so well but getting hungry during the day.
  24. sissy13

    1 Yr Sleevers Where U At? :)

    Thanks. I will go check the pics out if I can find them lol. Still learning the sight. Felt so good this morning I put on my walking shoes and walked 1 1/2 miles. I'd feel so much better if my back would ease up. Its been hurting couple days.
  25. Well today makes one week for me. Everything looked good at apt but my bp lil high (hoping it gets normal soon). I have lost l3lbs and I'm super excited. Feel pretty good lil sore at times and I get tired easy but other then that not many complaints

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