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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BlueEyedGirl66

  1. Hi Everyone I am Cherie I had my band surgery on August 1st of this year I was 241.2 the day of my surgery and I am now 216.2 as of this morning.. my question regarding the fills is this: Does it hurt when you first go? I still feel sore in that area and can feel the port if I touch my stomach so I am a little scared that when I go for my first fill on 9/17 it is going to hurt ... could/would you let me know what it's like? Thanks
  2. BlueEyedGirl66

    5 Days Banded

    Hi Wilem, I am trying to figure out how to do those ticker things too. I just talked to you in another post but saw your new post here and thought I would jump on board to chat. I had that emotional day yesterday.. I started to cry and thought what the hell have I done? But in the end I am excited to see where it leads. I am 41 and have two children ages 3 and 5. I have no pets and I work part time. I was also banded on 8/1 and as of yesterday I've lost 6lbs. So at least I know things are going in the right direction. I have been having problems with gas pains in my shoulder and left arm but other than that like you recovery has been uneventful which I am thankful for. I really hope you do great in your new journey in life. I look forward to talking with you.
  3. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just Banded

    You might have a good point there Homew6kids... your children keep each other busy mine do to a point. But all in all 1 or 12 they do all gang up on you..lol. Wilem Congrats.. you will do great! As for the pooping.. I haven't been able to go I think I will take that prune juice 3x a day trick and see if it works. I feel good other than this pain in my left arm like a gas pocket that can't be moved... I can't lift my arm.. it's killing me. I've been walking to try to release the gas but so far it's content to stick with me. Damn Gas! Other than that I feel good... I'm not as sore today .. I went for a fifteen min. brisk walk earlier and will do it again once it's less humid out later.. to make up my 30 mins for the day. I've been using the GNC Isopure vanilla Protein powder. I make a fruit smoothie in the morning consisting of 1 cup of skim plus milk, 1 scoop of Isopure, and 2 tbls. of strawberries. I mix it smooth and drink 1/2 then save half for a morning snack. As of yesterday I lost 6 lbs since Wednesday I was happy with that. BTW, How do you get those ticker things for your posts?
  4. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just Banded

    Hi everyone! Okay I called my doctor yesterday and this is what I was told.. I can drink fluids in small sips but I can have as much as I want without vomiting so I started with a 6 oz cup and I keep it with me and drink as needed without taking full mouthfuls... although last night I lost myself and took a huge drink of Diet tea and my God did I pay for it my stomach hurt for almost a half of an hour. I learned my lesson. He also said I can eat anything mushy like cream Soups, Jello, scrambled eggs etc. He told me a bowl of cream Soup but I am not up to that I had 1/4 cup and felt full last night. This morning I drank 6 ozs of Protein shake then waited 1/2 an hour and had a 1/4 cup of scrambled eggs but I could only eat half of that and I feel satisfied. I'm happy with that.. I also noticed that since I had the soup last night and the eggs today I am feeling a bit better. Could be a coincedence I'm not sure but I do feel better. Sybaritic -- I think I am going to stick to your plan.. 1/4 cup seems more than enough to me at this point. I don't want to overdue it and feel horrible thanks for the input. SD Chick -- I haven't weighed myself yet I think I will do it later today I'm anxious to see what if anything I lost.. I'll let you know. And last but not least.. Home with 6 kids -- God bless you first of all... I have a hard time handling two.. lol. I want to wish you the best of luck on the 6th.. make sure you let us know how things are going.. you'll do great!!!!:clap2:
  5. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just Banded

    Hi Sybaritic! I guess you are right we are on two different plans. I wish I could figure out exactly what I was supposed to be doing and if I was doing it right. I guess I will call the doctor today to find out. How much of the Jello, broth etc. are you able to have at a time? I did have to do a pre-op liquid diet I lost 5 lbs while I did it. It was for two weeks before the surgery.
  6. Hi everyone.. My name is Cherie and I'm new here. I found this site tonight while trying to figure out what to expect tomorrow as I am having my surgery early afternoon. I found a lot of great information thanks for the input.
  7. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just Banded

    Thanks for the input I really am confused about what and how I should be eating and/or drinking.. today is my second day I had 1 oz of protein shake this morning.. then 20 mins later the same thing.. then stuck with water until lunch.. then did 1 oz of jello and waited a half of an hour to have water.. for dinner I did 1 oz of yogurt and then waited 1/2 an hour again for water... am I right?
  8. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just got banded Aug 1!

    I was just banded on August 1st. I have the same thing gurgling not much of an appetite.. but one other thing I do notice is that when I tried Jello and yogurt it hurt as soon as it hit my stomach.. the yogurt more than the jello... is that normal too? The pain I feel is more int he center by my heart it feels bruised and as though it's tight hard to breathe from a mass being in there.. is that the same pain you are experiencing?
  9. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just Banded

    Sybiritic.. Congrats to you! How are things progressing? I was banded yesterday although I am sore I am happy with the decision to do this. How long were you on 1 oz of Clear liquids every 20 mins before you increased it or went to non-clear?
  10. BlueEyedGirl66

    Going for my Band tomorrow!

    Hi everyone.. I had my lap band surgery yesterday and all in all I can't complain. I have the shoulder pain too but it's not horrible; just uncomfortable. My stomach feels sore like it's bruised and swollen as though you were punched.. but it's nothing that is holding me down. I had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia I just couldn't get going but once I did get up and move around I felt great. I am so happy I did this! Thanks for the support Cherie
  11. BlueEyedGirl66

    Going for my Band tomorrow!

    Hi everyone.. I'm getting ready to leave for the hospital and starting to get mixed emotions on this.. but overall I am excited. Thanks so much for the welcome and warm wishes.. I'll let you know how things go. I have no idea how you guys put that little graph thing on here so I'll let you know just by typing... I'm 242 lbs.. and I'm on my way to losing 100... can't wait!! YEAH!
  12. Hi I'm Cherie and I'm also new here and scheduled for my surgery tomorrow on 8/1 as well. I wanted to wish you luck on yours. There will come a time when you can once again eat that steak and have the coke at least that is what my doctor told me.. but perhaps after this surgery you just might not feel you want it.. either way it's a good thing.. so smile and be happy that you just made a great decision in your life.. look forward to talking to you post-op
  13. BlueEyedGirl66

    Just Banded

    Hi Everyone I'm Cherie. I am going for my band tomorrow 8/1 and I'm so excited I can't wait to be able to run with my kids and actually keep up and not be out of breathe so easily.

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