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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nolagirl

  1. nolagirl

    Tijuana bariatrics

    I contacted them. The sales tactics o found a little off putting but I hear their surgeon is good. I went with occ because of many other pp great reviews. Whoever ypu go with down there they are doing tons of procedures and likely w ay more expd than stateside. They will tak e good care of you
  2. nolagirl

    Surgery Without Aftercare

    Hey NEWMEBY50 thanks for the info about hair loss. i did loose a significant amount of hair. LIKE WOW it was a LOT. i didn't go bald but i can see my scalp through my hair in the front by where my bangs are. i just cut it short and said the hell with it. but i'm really hoping it grows back LOL. even knowing how thin my hair got I would still do the surgery again. feeling amazing. As far as dr care i got my primary care dr on board before i left for mx. Hes totally cool and checking my bloodwork. he has 3 patients that have done the surgery i MX. but i have had no problems of any kind.
  3. The OCC team told me 500 extra but i'm one year out and thus far knock on wood no problems. I know they will at OCC.
  4. The staff there is Extreemly accommodating and if some if the rooms don't have fridges I'm sure they would move you. For me they could not do enough. Super super nice folks.
  5. My room had a small fridge and a microwave.
  6. nolagirl


    I got my surgery at OCC. They have the option you can remove it for 500. Extra. I just didn't have the extra $$ at the time. I wish id taken advantage of some of the facial fillers and Work cheap when I was there but I didn't know it would be offered. I'm sure it's common and a lot of ppl do it Just ask your surgery team.
  7. I have a closet full of 3x ladies suits and dresses. A few nice pairs of jeans. Loads of high end work clothes some never worn. Pm me for pics
  8. WOW i had called them before i went with OCC and their surgery booker totally creeped me out. i asked if there were any potential side effects of the surgery he said only weightloss UhhhMMMMM yeah right. he was creepy and untrustworthy IMO so i went someplace else. sorry this happened to you but glad you got it right in the end
  9. im sorry I must have skipped a few pages somehow...... SORRY
  10. i was having terrible problems with hair loss becasue of menopause and my hairdresser recomended NIOXON shampoo and scalp treatment. OMG does that stuff work!! WOW it made me go from about the hair loss you showed to literally 5-10 hairs lost ( normal is 100 hairs lost a day) the first use i saw no difference the 2nd ,y hairloss was sut in half 3rd use almost no hair loss at all. im using it now and at my 2 month mark so i wont know if it's working for another few months but for now i'm loosing almost no hair.
  11. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey All, ChEcking in.... i made an interesting discovery recently that reminded me to go back to basics. I went to the first horse show of the year. it was running around like a crazy person never eating breakfast alwasy hungry not drinking enough and low and behold i got home expecting to have lost 5 lbs and the the scale didn't move. the next day i went back on my norman breakfast 8 protein shake* 5/6 small meals and i had lost a pound. it reminds me to EAT BREAKFAST........HOPE YOU GUYS ARE DOING WELL have a great day
  12. i've read a lot of ppl that say they can't eat bread or any type of sweets after being sleeved. am i the only one that is scared out of thier MIND about that prospect? i know that carbs are not really supposed to be good for you but i've comforted myself with sugar my whole life and the thought of not being able to go there kind of freaks me out. not only sugar i guess but the idea i may never enjoy even a peice of toast EVER? what do yall think?
  13. nolagirl

    Insurance vs Mexico

    One thing to consider: The surgeons in Mexico are doing probably 20-50 surgeries a week The surgeons on the states are doing a few a month. Maybe a dozen? I read a report in the NY times stating you need a surgeon who has done at least 300 procedures. My surgeon in Mexico has done over 13,000. I had 0 post surgical pain and my mom said my surgery lasted about 1/2 an hour. I think doing so many they aRE A LOT more experienced. Personally I'm glad I went the Mexico route.
  14. Hey girl I need to post my story. The sleeve is awesome I love my sleeve. I had a few problems there pertaining to being left at the airport with no call for over an he when I arrived, finally got a call saying he's 30 min away then another two hrs and finally the occ driver shows up acting like he's doing me a favor to pick me up. I thought he was a total dick. On the way home they left me to wait with my mom in a wheelchair for over 5 hours before my flight and totally were ride when I asked if I could just pay the hotel 80 to go at a better time for me. I also had bad problems with improperly administered Ivs. Even with all that I'm glad I went. I'm down 25 lbs in a month so I'm glad. I think dr O is a great surgeon. I'd be surprised if you could find better anywhere. My scars are almost non existent. Bring extra cash so you can leave when you want not the one or two trips a day Occ makes that's my advise. The hotel has someone that will take you fo 80 extra. Go that route .
  15. nolagirl

    Plastics at OCC

    I am also thinking of going to the Arial center for plastics. I'd be a lot more comfortable if i could see a lot of positive experiences like what i found with the sleeve patients. please post your findings and outcomes for u s all to see. I just got sleeved so i'm a ways away from getting my surgery but i'm definitely going to meed the mommy makeover LOL. surely thee are ppl on the boards here that have had work done there. i HATED the "free shuttle" thing OCC has going. i waited about 2.5 hours coming in and 8am till 3 pm leaving which was a HUGE pain in the ass. a few days after surgery the last thing i needed to be doing was waiting in the san diego airport for all day waiting for a flight that left at 3..... i got really sick because of taking the antibiotic and only having thin miso soup for lunch. like spewing in the middle of the airport sick.......they need to make more than one trip a day.
  16. Hey Shalisa, I'm not trix I but if she doesn't reply shoot me a msg. I had VSG at OCC a few weeks ago. Awesome experience. I'm happy to answer any questions I can
  17. I had my sleeve done at occ on 01/13/14 and couldn't be happier. I have watched my beloved mother battle with obesity related illness for the past 15 years including diabetes, high blood pressure , open heart surgery , copd, neuropathy, eye problems knee problems from excess weight and statin drugs the list seems endless and her quality of life is so poor. I love her with all my heart and sadly they think it's boarderline too big a risk to do the surgery on her now...... I never want to walk down the road she has but I had to admit before surgery I was walking in her very footsteps. I'm so grateful to the team at occ for giving me my life back. It's a deeply personal decision that we each make alone. I hope you find the tight answer for you. You are in my prayers.
  18. Hey girl so so glad you made it and are now proud owner of a sleeved tummy!!! Congratulations glad it went well!!!!!
  19. hey girl, I don't know about Dr Aceves but i can tell you i had surgery with Dr Ortez at OCC and everytihg went FINE, BETTER than fine. they are set up there for any possible problem it's a full hospital. they know what they are doing and do bloodwork ekg and all t hat before surgery. they get a full medical history on you and after having done over 13,000 of this same surgery VSG they know what they are doing TRUST ME! it's totally natural to second guess yourself WE ALL DID IT! All i can tell you is this is the greatest gift i have ever given myself. I m not even a month post op down 30 lbs and feeling awesome!!!!! i had 0 complications pain nausea vometing nothing...... do y our research, pick your surgeon with care and you will be FINE.
  20. i'm looking to do WLS in january. I have spoken with a few of the coordinators. some are Very pushy ( used car salesman) and i don't feel like they have a clue whats going on except that they need my money LOL others don't contact you back at all.... I have seen a lot of great thing about OCC and Dr Oritz. his fee is a little higher than id prefer to pay as the extra 2000 could mean the difference between me being able to put together the $$ for surgery or not. I'd like to know how you guys decided on your surgeon and how you checked out thier rates of complications and god forbid mortality rates. I have read that surgeons that are fast and delicate with your tissues give the best results and that generally the more experience they have with WLS the better. I'm 263 5'6" 47 years old I have a sneaking suspicion that i am at least pre diabetic but i don't think i have any other co-morbids. I'd love input from you guys out there about sucessful and not so sucessful WLS youve had recently in Mexico. ALso i'd love to know how you make your choice of surgeons AND hospitals. many thanks PS i've tried to use the choose your surgeon tool on this site with no luck. am i doing it wrong or does that feature not work?
  21. hey, i thought is chime in since i'm the OP i started the thread to get an idea of other ppl had the experience of not being able to tolerate cardbs post sleeve. i only had 2 real life ppl to speak with about this before i was sleeved Jan 13th and both had told me that they physically could not tolerate any kind of bread and most carbs. that if they ate carbs they became physically ill. it seems that is not the NORM tho as ppl on here mostly say that you can have those things in moderation of course. for myself i'm eating way healthier than i was pre sleeve but about a month before my sleeve i had already adopted a much more healthy way of eating that resulted in my loosing 15lbs before surgery. I feel so much better now.
  22. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Woohoo!!! Puréed foods!! Never thought you'd be so excited about purred anything huh?? Lol. I'm glad your doing better. I have no idea how much fat is in my soups but they taste yummy so I'm thinking not 98% fat free lol!! Maybe that's why your loosing 4-5 lb a day and I'm loosing 2-3 Ah well they always say everyone heals different and does different with this surgery. I definitely think go back when YOU feel ready. I couldn't sit up all day in a chair for 8 hours. I think I have bad posture and it makes by pouch feel scrunched unless I really " sit up " which is hard for me to do for hours on end.
  23. Yes I went to occ Everything I ate was approved except the fruit. Which all things considered seemed a small indulgence lol. We were allowed all the green veggies we wanted I always kind of lump fresh fruit and veggies together.
  24. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey Hazel, I think we were sleeved on the same day I'm able to have cream soups on my " full liquids" my hubby is a chef he's been making soups for me cream of this and that. At the resturant they make the soup then run it through the blender. Maybe having some " real food" would help you feel better. I feel like I'm brimming with energy, no pain, tiny BM every other day. I think I was I diagnosed diabetic before my surgery tho. My back hurt and I had to pee all the time. All my symptoms have gone since surgery tho. Good luck.
  25. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    I have the green light to ride horses in two weeks

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
