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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nolagirl

  1. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    OMG ok so I'm assuming all us fatties are cheating a little in this liquid diet thing.... I've lost only 10 lbs by the new scale ( 15 by the old one but I suspect it's off) I'm doing shake in the am soup at night which my diet says I'm allowed but I eat a few peices of fruit if I'm starving which I am less and less. It's wired I'm traveling tonight out of town all anybody wants to do is friggin eat!!! It's like I realize my whole life revolved around what I will eat and when. Weird I'm getting much less hungry now that I'm eating healthier and less. A can of soup I used to eat with a hunk of cheese and a pack of crackers is now too much just the soup. So I guess the only cheat is the fruit but hey we just do the best we can huh?
  2. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    I lived right in the city for many years live just outside in a farm now with my 6 horses lol
  3. well i've taken the plunge.... freaky and still the tiny voice in the back of my fat mind ( sounds like Golum) is whispering" NOOOOOOOO wes can do it alone, wes don't need shakes or sleeves, if we just shut up and TRY harder surely wes can do it without thses drastic measures...... " plane ticktes and deposit paid X ITS ON LIKE DONKY KONG baby LOL!! SO any other Jan sleevers? I'll be getting my sleeve from By Dr Ortiz at OCC who are my surgery buddies? look forward to meetingh you ladies and gentlemen very soon. also got a great pre or pos op shake you wanna share? thanks
  4. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Mjm you are right about the vitamins tho I read a medical report from memory it seemed about 48% of ppl needed b-12 and a few other things . I'm a little worried about it but It will be how it will be. I think the important take away is that we all need to stay on top if aftercare.
  5. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Cutie miss T YEAH!!! I'm glad you'll be there with us.
  6. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Cutie miss T YEAH!!! I'm glad you'll be there with us.
  7. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Cutie miss T YEAH!!! I'm glad you'll be there with us.
  8. i thought i was set but I've been trying to set an appt with my doctor since thrusady and no one will call me back. I'm totally freaking out because i leave for mexico on Sunday!
  9. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    hazeleyeflgal i thought that you might be interested in knowing that most ppl are deficient in Vitamins. in fact there is a lot of good research and a dr won the nobel peace price for his work with vitamine c and all the diseases that it "cures" his opinion is that all disease in the body is from a lack of viat\mines in the diet. im a vitamine taker so i personally don't see any big deal with it becasue i already take megga vitamins. 5000 mg vit c condrotien and glocosamine MSM 1500mg b-12 co-q 10 200mg estroven l-lysene 2500 mg i did think your vitamins were ingested through your intestines ( guess i kind of assumed?) but you said it's through the stomach? point me to your vitamine research i'm interested in knowing what the post sleevers are defiecent in thanks good luck you are gonna be fine
  10. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey Cutie miss i'm so sorry i hope you will be able to go ahead with your surgery. I"m going to Mexico and they don't check us out till we arrive so i hope i'm ok.
  11. nolagirl

    IMG 0794

    Hey girl I love your horse show pics. I'm a fellow horse show enthusiast, how much do you feel your weight loss helped your riding? you look beautiful on your horse
  12. nolagirl

    OCC Sleever

    Hey Jane, I'm going in on the 12th. how much pain did you have in the first few days after? glad your doing well
  13. nolagirl

    ADHD Meds And VSG

    watching with intrest
  14. nolagirl

    Post Op infection

    So glad your finally doing better. th ose superbug infections are notihing to play with. I'd like to hear from some of the nursing staff on the forum ( or OP if they told you) why it seems that certain hospitals are harboring these things and giving them with some regualrity to thier patients. Is it in the air? or surgical tools not properly steralized? How does one get it and where does it come from? inquiring minds want to know LOL....
  15. nolagirl

    Carbs And Cocaine

    great artical thanks for sharing
  16. water Nazi what a GREAT TOPIC!! like one of the ladies on here that recently had a pretty good surgeon and not such a great team. You are so right!! the best surgeon in the world does you no good when the Anestheiologist is new and forgets to give you ANY pain meds for 24 hours and nobodyyin the hospital speaks enough english to try to figure out whats wrong. very very good topic.
  17. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    omg the head hunger is really unbeleavable!!!! i had no idea how of\ten i eat when not hungry WOW don't know how i will deal with this poost sleeve but i guess i;'ll manage
  18. nolagirl

    My Mexico Story with the Sleeve

    no i'm not sure which hospital or clining t hey are coming from but i'm seeing it all over facebook sassy sleevers
  19. nolagirl

    My Mexico Story with the Sleeve

    Well at least you made it out with no infection or cdiff. one of the hospitals was sending everyone home with cdiff and thats horriffic. also some ppl come home with infection in the incision sites, I'm glad yoou are home and feeling better. i'm headed out to OCC in about 12 days
  20. nolagirl

    My Mexico Story with the Sleeve

    Hey Cali Kelly, OMG Thank you for your honest review of youor stay and surgeon. i had looked real seriously at dr kelly but was freaked out reading several reviews that werent necessairly bad but eccoing your experience of unprofessional staff ( OMG NO PAIN mEDS for over 24 hours thats OUTRAGEOUS!! AND NOBODY SEARCHING INTO WHY YOUR CRYING AND ROCKING YOURSELF TO sleep on your room alone. WOW WOW WOW thats pretty bad IMO. i'm golad you are stateside now and able to let your awesome hubby help you heal and feel better, i think you are through the worst of it lets hope itsd smooth sailing from this point forward
  21. i think it'sd very normal. I've seen a million posts about it usually 5 to 9 days. if you are not feeling bad just take a stool softener. i think it's the pain meds that do it to us. drink lots of water and see what happens. good luck.
  22. Hi nolagirl. I'm on the same schedule as you. Flying out Sunday the 12th, surgery the 13th and will stay till Friday. Good luck to you! What time are you flying in? were getting in at 4:15 sunday southwest arilines. when are yall getting in town? I can't wait to meet everybody
  23. hey ladies i just found out my date is Jan 13th NOT Jan 16th. I'm staying through till friday leaving then. so i arrive on the jan12th 2014 love to make surgery buddies
  24. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    im getting sleeved by DR Oritz OCC in Tiajuana monday jan 13th 2014 i'm married kids grown and married 46 yrs old hw 275 sw 263 cw 258 starting my diet new years eve but acutlalay i'm doing a high Protein all the veggies and fruits i want diet and 30 min of walking every day now to get in shape and ready. love to meet yall a t the mariatt
  25. i too am going to OCC. i just feel confortable with the whole team and i like that many on this board have had great recent sleeves with OCC, good luck with whomever you find and are comfortable with in the end we all want the same thing, a good experience that will forever change our lives for the better. happy hunting

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