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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nolagirl

  1. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    I have the green light to ride horses in two weeks
  2. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey MJM I WAS TOLD YPU NEED YO GET ACTIVE STARTING DAY 5 10000 steps a day minimum Sorry about the all caps I'm on my cell lol
  3. Oh I had yogurt also as a snack when I was hungry
  4. Hello, I did 2 protein shakes daily. All the fruit and veggies I wanted and a can of chicken soup for dinner. Usually I ate 2 prices of fruit a day mostly apples a few ban and kiwis. I also had avocados. I lost 15lb in about 2 weeks.
  5. I was told by the Marriott staff that it's not safe to walk after dark. I lived in New Orleans for 20 years and just outside now so compared to that it looked pretty safe but I took their word for it. I knew a man that was kidnapped in Mexico and held for rands one but he was a Ritchie man that was from there. I'd say day time is probably ok. Also it's a short cab ride to the tourist market. Revolution I think it's called. Good luck. The hotel is nice everybody speaks english you'll be fine.
  6. lol i hear you Grizzlys girl!! i'm 7 days post op and soup is my main love. i never dreamed i could love SOUP so much if it was not full of cheese and crackers but i do. it's my go to comfort food now.... LOL
  7. nolagirl

    pls help

    my pre op diet allowed for Soup for dinner if I wanted. you are FINE just go back to your diet no problem at all. we all have weak moments what matters is getting back on that horse definately get your sinus thing treated befroe surgery. if it doesn't resolve youo may need to postpone surgery a day or two. thats your biggers problem IMO
  8. Lila, Hello. I know you must feel scared after reading about several complications with the plication. I chose to go with dr Oritz and his team mostly be a use of their huge success with the sleeve. They have done over 13,000 I beleive now with 0 leaks or deaths. I personally would be a little concerned not because of the dr ( dr Oritiz is a rock star surgeon) but more because of the relatively new procedure. Sometimes it takes a few years of real world experience to find out what works and what doesn't. They're was a nurse who had the procedure when I was at OCC last week and she seemed to have a lot more bruising and soreness than us sleeves. Now granted she was 70 years old do it may have been that. Are you totally locked into the plication? Can you change to the sleeve if you want to? I've been thinking a lot about who will do my tummy tuck. I loved dr O and was treated well there very minor scars but will I go there again for my next procedure? I'm not sure. I don't know if they do tons of tummy tucks and again I want the best surgeon I can find. What I can tell you from personal experience is that dr O and team ROCK THE Sleeve surgery Good luck and plz keep us posted. You are in our prayers.
  9. nolagirl

    Post Op infection

    hey ChihuahuaMOm thank you so much for reporting your infection and what it was. i saw ladies when i was waiting on my surgery with Dr Ortiz that were going to Mi hospital and i wanted to tell them that a lot of ppl are reporting infections from Mi Doctors but i didn't say anything i didn't want to scare anyone or be like the voice of doom and gloom. i wonder if there is a reporting agency that you could officially report to? regardless i'm SO SO glad you are OK!! thank god you are a nurse and knew right away something was not right. I'm praying for your speedy FULL recovery
  10. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Dlm59 I had a little pain the first day not much and I was very tender getting up and down all of day 2 ( which felt like food /poo in my intestines) but haven't felt anything since.
  11. I had the surgery last Monday also. Let me tell you shadidadi it's nothing you can't handle. I had very little pain, almost non from surgery and the little I had was from gas. I had to get up walking very early because I think I have weak kidneys and I woke up having to pee. So I was up early walking to the bathroom. Already I feel like a new woman. YOU GOT THIS!!!! Good luck and were praying for a speedy recovery !!
  12. Ok has anyone else had this problem? I'm sitting here in the San Diego airport and about the time I was about to have a full blown melt down he calls. An HOUR after he's supposed to be here to tell me he's sitting at the boarder. I couldn't pull up the emails with the consignor a # on it I haven eaten much today and I feel like I wanna kill this dude. Then he calls again and has the nerve to say " can you please wait outside I'm 30 min away? Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!
  13. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Mjm2012 who was your surgeon? I'm glad your well. Me too! Way better than I expected this early. I'm just so grateful I feel so blessed!!!!
  14. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey dlm59 My dr said that you shouldn't expect a BM for 2 weeks after surgery. I asked because it seemed such a common problem on here. And for a lot of ppl they were on liquids for several weeks before also. I was eating a can of chicken soup every night before so I think that's why my bms started on day 3 and tho it was tiny I've been semi regular every since. I'm also trying to get in something substantial like thick soup every day.good luck and I wouldn't worry if your not hurting.
  15. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    MJM2012 thanks for your prayers I'm feeling great they must have helped how r u doing?
  16. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey cutie, I can have them now I think. I'm allowed yougerts and protein drinks cream soups so I'm pretty sure puddings fall into that category is try that for sure. .
  17. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey cutie miss are you sure your not getting nausia from that antibiotic? I get very sick when I take them on anything less than a full stomach. Also I took one yesterday at the airport with lunch but lunch was a thin broth from the Chinese resturant. In about 20 min I was puking my guts out sick. Try taking them after a full protein shake. Also if a dr can call you in some finegrin don't know if that's spelled right but pronounced fin e grin it will take away the Nausia
  18. hey thanks Hoosergirl I'm so glad i did it and you were totally my inspiration to go to OCC. i found it to be overall a great experience even tho t hey definatley n eed to work something out about the driver airport issues. there was some ppl in the group that chose not to follow the " get your flight out after 3 pm RULE" which was no problem for the rule breakers but forced the ppl that DID follow the rules to have a 5 hour wait at the airport. i'm sorry but that is not right....... nobody wants to hang around the airport for 5 hours a few days after surgery. and if you will have to wait for others at pick u, they need to let you know wbout that before hand not just leave you standing outside. besides that tho ( and in the grand scheme of things i guess it's not that big a deal) i had a really great experience. everyone at the hospital as well as the hotel spoke english most spoke very good english and many had lived in the us. i couldn't beleive all THE NURSES spoke good english. My mom says i met DR Ortiz and spoke at length with him about my surgery. i don't remember i think i was scared out of my mind LOL. I'm safe and sound recovering at home now. i feel great, no pain, i'm drinking well and feeling awesome thanks you for your blog, it changed mty life Hoosergirl
  19. Hey all I'm doing AWESOME!! Get my drain out today, I feel great. I get to drink protein shakes woohoo!!! Feel like if I have one more bowl if chicken broth ill lay an egg. Lol. I have normal energy, I have had 0 Nausea but I do get a feeling like my tummy clenching up if I take too big a drink. Tiny tiny sips are the key. I did feel hungry all yesterday evening but I left my water st the hotel and was without anything to drink for like 4 hrs so that may have been the cause..... Minsk pain tho there was a little day of surgery I was pretty doped up. I gained 5 lbs presumably on water weight because I'd lost 15lbs day of surgery. Good luck all
  20. Thank you bariatric pals!!??!! What would we do without the support of each other!!! Many many loving prayers and grateful appreciations
  21. I'm not sure who my driver was. Honestly I was so pissed all I wanted to do was get to the hotel. Come to find out there were ppl with a several hours later flight than ours and they were picked up Ontime. He claimed he was stuck at the boarder but he waited an hour to call and I was afraid. Also I called him back from the # he called me from and it was a landline. So clearly he lied when saying he was sitting in traffic. He did have a cell he called later on. My thinking is this: If you have ppl coming to a foreign country for a service be there on time or call and explain why your late and what's going on BEFORE SOME DIETING WOMAN HAS A MELTDOWN!!! lol I run a service biz and I wouldn't dream of allowing a client of mine to stand outside in the cold in a strange place alone for an hour.... Just saying!! If they know the crossing is time consuming then they need to leave home earlier. That's what we do. Thanks all I'm safe and sound. I did run into 3 other occ ladies all got done a few days ago and said it went great!! Please pray for me tomorrow and all of us ladies getting done tomorrow.
  22. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hey guys wow I feel like I'm the only one not sticking to the diet. I guess the way I ate before candy and pizza and fast food is so different than the clean way I'm eating now I didn't figure fruit was that big a deal. I guess my thinking was the shakes have carbs and fructose so what's the difference in eating real fruit? Anyway I have noticed that I'm way less hungry now than I was in the beginning. Well good luck to everyone see y'all Monday!
  23. Yeah I may have to try that. It's crazy I've literally called every day for over a week and nothing.... Ill drive over if I don't get them tomorrow.
  24. nolagirl

    VGS tomorrow!

    Hey babe give us an update how are you two doing?
  25. nolagirl

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Anybody else up to confess or am I the only cheater lol?

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