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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Mkmb2006

  1. Mkmb2006

    Spaghetti And Meatballs

    That sounds great, but what's a zoodle?!
  2. Oh, that's very nice of you. I'm just starting the process and haven't even been approved yet, but I'm staying optimistic!
  3. Mkmb2006

    Spaghetti And Meatballs

    Here in MA, I've found them at Roche Bros. and Shaw's, and I think Trader Joes has them too. Look in the tofu section.
  4. Mkmb2006

    Baked oatmeal

    My husband makes oatmeal with vanilla protein powder and loves it! Just an idea.... And thanks for the quinoa recipe!!
  5. Mkmb2006


    So now you have time to practice being comfy in your birthday suit. Walk around naked (ok, in your room when the kids are asleep), look at yourself in the mirror and think back to where you came from. Think about how much more energy you'll have in the sack! Wait for a guy that's worth it, and then you won't even care!
  6. That's wonderful news!! So if you weren't weighing yourself, your clothes would've told you you're doing it all right!! Sounds like you had a great convo with your med team. Time and time again, I've heard "do exactly what they tell you, and it will work!" keep the faith...and enjoy the new food!
  7. Mkmb2006

    Back To Work

    This is all good to hear! I haven't had surgery yet. My doc is saying he wants me out 4-6 weeks. I can work from home, and I don't want to panic my employer, so I'll start with saying I'll be out two weeks, and then extend it if I need to, assuming I will. Then maybe I'll just work from home for a week, etc. I will, however, honor my body and how I feel. But it's good to hear you all adjusted quickly.
  8. Mkmb2006

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    I've not yet had my surgery, but I do have restless legs. About a year ago, my regular doc said my iron was low and that could cause the jimmy legs. So I started taking iron and voila! All good. Are you taking iron? Talk to your NUT and see what he/she says.
  9. Mkmb2006

    Co-workers can funny

    Me either!!
  10. I havent had surgery yet, but It sounds like you're exercising a lot? You know that whole saying about muscle weighing more than fat? I agree with the person who said measure yourself. Are your clothes a little looser? Do you have more energy? I know sometimes when I take a break (ie, 2-3 days) from exercising, my loss picks up when simply "dieting." keep drinking lots of water and following your plan...hopefully you'll wake up one morning and see a big drop!
  11. Hi, I don't have a surgery date yet, and my surgeon told me no travel for 3 months after surgery (mainly because he wants me to be close to home until I'm thoroughly stable). Have any of you traveled, especially internationally, after surgery? What were your biggest challenges?
  12. Mkmb2006

    Travel After Surgery?

    Thanks! I haven't had my surgery yet, but I did talk to my doc about it. His biggest concern was for me to be close to home for 3 months. My biggest concern is eating in another country when I can't plan anything.
  13. Hi, I don't have my date yet, but I was wondering what My Fitness Pal is?
  14. Mkmb2006

    My Fitness Pal?

    Awesome, I'll check it out! Will let you know. Thanks!
  15. Mkmb2006

    Travel After Surgery?

    Yeah, I'm a little worried about international, but I'm sure my doc can help me figure it out. I could certainly take a supply of protein bars, shake packets, jerky. It's UK and France. But I guess first thing's first, right? I'm just anxious to get my surgery! But, I do want to start planning that trip, and I don't want to delay my surgery until after it. Sounds whiny, now that I read it!
  16. Mkmb2006

    My Fitness Pal?

    Cool, thanks!
  17. Mkmb2006

    Gas Pain Relief

    What's a Gas X "strip"? And I, too, heard walking around is best.
  18. Mkmb2006

    Taco question

    Can I ask you guys something? I've not yet had surgery... I understand that you can only eat a little because the pouch only holds so much, but do you feel hungry? Or do you feel full and "want" more? I'm trying to evaluate my behavior because I frequently overeat past full because I like the food.... For instance, I could eat 3 baskets of chips, then still the meal.... Do you feel satisfied, both physically and mentally? Sorry if that's a deep question when all you guys were talking about was tacos, but I LOVE tacos! Lol
  19. Mkmb2006

    is it normal to have second thoughts!

    I'm more afraid of ME not knowing me! Lol I've been fat my whole life and was only at goal weight once...it's a head trip, for sure, if you've never known a healthy self. But, I'm so looking forward to meeting me and becoming the fab, fun ad confident person I know I am deep inside. Can't wait to be the Fit Me!
  20. Mkmb2006

    My Fitness Pal

    Ok, I don't even know what My Fitness Pal is?
  21. And, FYI, I'm a coffee junkie, but am trying to give it up before surgery.
  22. Hey, also look at cappuccino-flavored yogurt. Chobani has "minis" that are coffee flavored (but might have chocolate), but I'd imagine a yogurt would be a good transition?
  23. Other than my parents, whom I'm not telling until I have a date, I've chosen not to tell anyone other than my husband, who is totally supportive. I asked a lady at my community meeting the other night about this too, and she only told one of her sisters and not the rest of her family who assumed she just went on a diet and worked hard (and apparently amazingly dropped 130 pounds). However, in both of our cases, we have support at home. You're going to need some kind of support - a trusted friend, a hired caregiver to help with your little one (and you). Talk to your hospital/ program about some social service care or home nursing program. At least at the beginning, it's nice not to be alone, and practically speaking, you're going to need some help so you can focus on you until you're healed. Hope this helps.
  24. Hi, I'm just starting out on my pre-op journey and considering all the impacts to my life...the good and the challenging. Im not worried about feeling full, but rather some of the behavioral and lifestyle impacts. Even when dieting, one of my biggest challenges is eating healthy when I'm with extended family. If you have an ethnic family that thinks nothing of sitting around the table for four hours - talking, eating, drinking, coffee, dessert, more coffee - how have you dealt with it? My other challenge is travel. Although I don't travel a lot for work anymore, I do go on road trips, planning Europe next Spring, etc. I typically have a hard time when I'm out of a routine ... Nothing like a bag of Doritos and Diet Coke on a road trip! I don't necessarily need suggestions of road-worthy food, but am hoping for insights and suggestions for the behavior. If these challenges were yours too, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks!
  25. Mkmb2006

    Surgery in a few hours!

    Thinking of you! Hope you're well.

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