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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by imsoglad56

  1. imsoglad56

    sleeve to gallstones

    For me, I just kept getting sick to my stomach all the time. I thought I just kept getting some sort of stomach flu or something. Then my back started hurting on my right side, about midway down my back. The ladies I work with all told me to call the doc because they bet it was my gallbladder. The doc thought that's what it was too, so sent me for a few tests. Three days later I was having surgery.
  2. imsoglad56

    Blender Recommendations

    I had a Cuisinart and it was okay. Then my food processor went out and while searching for a new one, came across the Ninja 2 in 1 and bought it. I almost immediately got rid of my Cuisinart because while I had previously thought it was okay, after trying the Ninja once I realized that I never knew what I was missing! Love my Ninja.
  3. I went back and checked my food tracker from then, and I was eating things like turkey taco meat, scrambled or poached eggs, salmon patties, cheese sticks, cottage cheese, that's sort of stuff. I was already in my second week back at work and feeling fine, really. I'm one of those who did not have a rough time of it. I walked to my room from the recovery room and went home a few hours later. Honestly the worst part of the whole experience for me was the liquid only pre-op diet. And the only reason it bothered me was because it caused major diarrhea. I could have easily gone on vacation three weeks after surgery, but I probably wouldn't have wanted a very active vacation. I probably would have loved something like a beach or cruise where I could do some major relaxing, lol.
  4. I don't know anything about the surgeons you're looking at, so I can't offer anything there. As far as feeling like a normal person in regards to eating, for me it was about 6 weeks and it gets better all the time. I can basically eat whatever I want now, as long as it's not too high in sugar. If you've lost a bunch of weight before without sagging skin, then you probably won't have any troubles this time, either. My understanding is that the hair loss is mainly tied to low Protein, so if you're reaching your protein goals pretty quickly after surgery, you won't likely lose much hair. You can also help this out by starting to take Biotin now.
  5. imsoglad56

    Six Months!

    Awesome job so far! My husband and I were sleeved on September 11 and we see our surgeon for our six month followup tomorrow. Definitely one of the smartest things we've ever done!
  6. imsoglad56

    question about profile page

    I can't answer all your questions, but I can help with a few. The 100 excellent is a count of how many likes your comments have gotten. Actually, yours is at 102 now as it goes up whenever someone likes anything you've posted. As far as being able to see everyone else's visitors, that's a setting you can change. Under your profile settings, there's an option to show the last five visitors on your profile. You must have unchecked it at some point, maybe by accident. If you find and check it, you'll be able to see them. That's all I got!
  7. imsoglad56

    Halfway on Hump Dayyy!

    Way to go, @@Stevehud! It's amazing how much better you feel, isn't it?
  8. imsoglad56

    Your insurance company is NOT the enemy.

    Ouch! We were able to use our Tex-flex benefits to pay for $4,800 of the costs and have it withheld from our paychecks, pre-tax, over the next 12 months. So, come October, our paychecks will go up around $200 a month, yay! That's when we'll also pay off one of the small loans we took out and then we'll only have one loan left to pay off. I can't wait, because then I'll be able to start saving for plastics, lol.
  9. imsoglad56

    Your insurance company is NOT the enemy.

    @@TEXASLADY52, I sure do. I work for a state university and my husband works for TDCJ so we both have the same insurance. We ended up going to Dallas and seeing Dr. Jayaseelan at Dallas Bariatric Center. We both had hiatal hernias, so he did the hernia surgery and billed insurance for it, then we paid cash for the sleeve portion of the surgery. Instead of the 18 to 20 grand each, it has ended up costing us about $6,000 each for everything.
  10. imsoglad56

    sleeve to gallstones

    I had my gallbladder out years ago after losing a bunch of weight on Slimfast. The doc told me then that it was a common side effect of rapid weight loss.
  11. imsoglad56

    Your insurance company is NOT the enemy.

    In mine and my husband's case, it was the way the policy covers WLS that was the problem. They have the usual requirements, like a certain BMI for a certain length of time, 6 months medically supervised weight loss, etc., but those weren't the issue. The problem we had was that after you had met all the requirements and been approved, you had to pay the first $5,000 out of pocket before the coverage would kick in, then once it did, it only paid up to a maximum of $13,000. So after we added it up, we would have been out of pocket approximately $18,000 for each of us, which was out of the question. And that was just for the surgeon and hospital, it didn't include the anesthesia or any pre-op testing.
  12. imsoglad56

    Hydration… What counts?

    According to WebMD: "coffee and tea also count in your tally. Many used to believe that they were dehydrating, but that myth has been debunked. The diuretic effect does not offset hydration." That's why I asked if tea counted for us. I know things are a bit different for those of us who have had WLS. I figured tea counted at least partially, but wasn't sure how much it counted as.
  13. imsoglad56

    Hydration… What counts?

    So do caffeinated beverages count towards Water intake at all? I like to drink unsweet iced tea sometimes. Can I count any part of that, or no?
  14. For those of you who actually care about being polite, unlike me, here's a possible answer for you: "well of course I'm taking the easy way, my parents always taught me to work smarter, not harder". Said with a smile, this comes off very nicely.
  15. My sleeve (and, as far as I'm aware, all sleeves) requires almost the exact same participation you refer to for bands. I have to eat slowly, can't drink while eating, and have had 5 follow up appointments with my surgeon, with at least two more to come before I reach the one year process. Just FYI.
  16. Hi there! My husband and I were sleeved on the 11th also. We see our surgeon for our 6 month follow up next Friday. My husband has reached goal, but I've got about 85 to go. He must be so excited! I am glad for my loss but now that I am stalling it's kind of scaring me. I don't see my surgeon again until the middle of April but when I saw him in the middle of January he was impressed with my weight loss. He says with gastric sleeve I should only be losing 8-10 lbs a month. He is, lol. He started at 253 and is down to 163, which is in the "normal" bmi range for his height. I started at 320 and am aiming for 140. I'm at 224 right now, so I've lost 96 total. However, I've really slowed down since about the beginning of January. Some weeks I don't lose anything, then I'll lose a pound or maybe two, then I'll go a couple more without losing. I figure as long as I stick to plan, I'll get there eventually!
  17. Hi there! My husband and I were sleeved on the 11th also. We see our surgeon for our 6 month follow up next Friday. My husband has reached goal, but I've got about 85 to go.
  18. I talk too much, pretty much all the time, so I've told almost everyone I've spoken with in months, lol. However, most everyone that knows me know that I don't really hold back, so I haven't gotten any negative comments. They probably all know that if they say anything negative to me, I'll tell them to go fuck themselves.
  19. My husband and I were both sleeved as outpatients on the same day. Had surgery around 8:00 in the morning and left the hospital around 5:30 pm. It was awesome for both of us and I can't even begin to understand why so many people have to stay in hospital for so long. Of course I understand that some people have complications, and if either of us had then we'd have had to stay, too. But with as smoothly as things went, I was thrilled to get to go home the same day.
  20. imsoglad56

    Nexium for the next 3 months...

    Yep, according to my surgeon, it's to keep acid to a minimum in order to allow your stomach to heal.
  21. imsoglad56

    Food scale?

    I can't say for sure since I'm not on your plan, but I bought a $20 digital food scale at Bed Bath & Beyond the week before surgery. I've used it at least 2 or 3 times a day since then. Best money I've spent on anything to help with surgery.
  22. imsoglad56

    Firm tender lump at sternum...

    My husband has the same thing. We have our six-month followup with the surgeon on the 13th, so he'll ask about it then,
  23. imsoglad56

    Can not do my surgery because my sugar is too high :(

    That sucks! My husband had sleeve surgery with an A1C of 10.8. Actually, his blood sugar was the main reason he had surgery in the first place! Three months prior to surgery, it was at 12.2, so that 10.8 was actually an improvement for him. By three months after surgery, it had fallen to 6.7. I can't wait to see what it is the next time they take it.
  24. I'm almost six months post-op and I've noticed the last few weeks that my sleeve seems to be shrinking. Not a huge amount, but when I'm eating something that I've eaten many times before and always eaten the whole thing, I now find that I can only eat 75 to 80 percent. I'm really not complaining because I sure don't want to stretch my sleeve out, but this seems odd to me. I see my surgeon on the 11th of next month for my 6 month follow up and I'll be asking him about it, but I thought I'd ask here first. Has this happened to any of you? The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is maybe I'm just getting to know my body signals better so I'm realizing that I'm full sooner? I don't know. Any thoughts?
  25. imsoglad56

    Shrinking sleeve?

    I'll let you know what my surgeon says next month, because I'm still pretty clueless.

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