Good for you! You sound like me - a hyper-prepared kind of person Gotta love it!! I've ben doing weight loss attempt logging, family medical history chart, personal medical history chart, list of potential co-morbidities, the whole works. i wonder what else is in your packet? What's a patient intake report (a list of everything you eat/times/amts)? Maybe I should do that, too. I already saw my PCP, but I have the orientation mtg on Sept 11 and want to be ready to rock n roll as soon as possible.
I hear ya on the "what to say to people" issue - none of their biz, but you know it'll be awkward if you don't have something planned to say. Fortunately (?), I've had GERD-type issues for a couple years, so saying I'm going in for stomach surgery won't surprise too many here at work, but losing 100 pounds might (hee hee!).
I'm SO glad you have your BF's support - mucho importante to have those closest to you (best friend, super close relatives, yada yada) be on your side if at all possible. Hopefully, they truly just want what's best for you. Good luck to you, and I'll be following your journey as well.