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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by scarlet333

  1. scarlet333

    Jogging/running advice needed

    I started with the couch to 5k app and it worked out really well. I am amazed that I am able to jog for 3 miles. Believe me it is not easy yet I still feel like people are going to get me an oxygen tank or something the way I am huffing and puffing but I find it is very rewarding and probably the most efficient of all aerobic exercise. I still do the elliptical too to keep things interesting.
  2. scarlet333

    New to group, had op 29 Jan

    Even after a year from my surgery if I eat a hamburger, steak, pork chop, chicken I am full after eating about 6 ounces. A 5 ounce greek yogurt or cottage cheese goes down easily and not overly full. The dense Protein fills you faster and stays with you longer.
  3. scarlet333

    Family plunged into panic mode :(

    If I remember correctly RJ, you have only started working out with a trainer within the last few months. I think I remember you posting about starting with a trainer. Maybe this increase in calories burned with the exercise means that you should increase your calories a little too. You will still be changing your body (maybe getting rid of the spare tire you talked about) through the exercise but preventing your blood sugar drop. I have never had a problem increasing calories 2 tablespoons of Peanut Butter alone is 200 calories! You can just add that and its relatively healthy and Protein full. Good Luck.
  4. What a wonderful, inspirational story. That is an amazing accomplishment. I am still struggling with a 3 mile run 3x per week.
  5. scarlet333

    Ever able to "gulp" again?

    Yes, I'm almost a year out and can gulp no problem.
  6. scarlet333

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Shameful weigh in this morning 144. Up 1.6 pounds. Definitely overindulging in the wrong foods. I am vowing to work very hard this week to get back on tract this week. Good luck everyone and congrats to Bea!
  7. scarlet333

    3500 calories = 1lb loss

    Wow those deficits sure add up. I shudder to think of the numbers and years of calorie excesses I have had in the past.
  8. scarlet333

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I have purposely replaced one of my runs per week with a really high resistance workout on the elliptical. I think it's good to have variety in what we are asking our bodies to do. My current schedule looks like: Monday - long run Tuesday - BodyPump Wednesday - fast run Thursday - Zumba Friday - elliptical I think I have said it before but I never thought I would be the person in the gym five days a week! As to the threads being dead, I guess it goes in phases. I agree with you Misty mixing it up helps keep out bodies guessing and challenged. My workouts have become: Sunday -5k run Monday -Strength training dvd Tuesday -5k run Wednesday -high intensity elliptical Thursday-Strength training dvd Friday -5k run This assumes weather cooperates if not more elliptical. I also have found I change strength training dvds every few weeks
  9. scarlet333


    Turkey chili is a good Protein source. I also had cream of chicken and pea Soup at this stage, cottage cheese, greek yogurt and still make sure you get in all your protein so Protein shakes.
  10. scarlet333

    Sleep apnea

    I was also diagnosed with sleep apnea during this process. I tried using the machine for about 2 weeks but could never make it through the night with the mask and then gave up. Stopped using it altogether. Since I am almost at goal I am hopeful that I no longer have sleep apnea but can't bring myself to go for the sleep study again.
  11. Post sugery I was getting severe diarrhea from the unjury shakes. I went to the Vitamin shop and bought a big container of the isopure vanilla powder which I mixed with Water. I would drink 4 ounces 3x per day and that got me throught the first 2-3 weeks. Then I was able to tolerate the unjury shakes again.
  12. scarlet333

    How does it feel?

    It feels like a second chance at life. It feels like starting over a brand new body. I wake up every morning and basically feel myself up to make sure its not a dream. You will feel this way too. Good luck.
  13. scarlet333


    Go back to the basics. Use my fitness pal or some other nutrition counter and track what you are eating and drinking. Make sure you are eating at least 60g of Protein a day. Your menu looks very light and somewhat boring if you don't mind my saying. Maybe mix things up a little. chicken is great but maybe some variety. Protein shakes are great too but how about some eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt. I agree that exercise is only 10% of this formula.
  14. I am 5'2" too and started at 224. I am thrilled with my decision to go with the sleeve. I too love sweets especially chocolate. The first 6 months or so I had absolutely no craving for sweets and lost a lot of my weight. Now that I do occasionally feel that craving and do indulge I am able to control myself because of the motivation of being so much thinner and Ive learned coping skills such as not having it my home. You must do your own research and consult with your medical professionals but the sleeve does give you fast results. Good luck.
  15. scarlet333

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I know it does seem a little dead and particularly this thread. I have not posted because I have nothing good to report since I have not been able to run since Super Bowl sunday since we have had snow storm after snow storm since then. I have been doing the elliptical instead. I am looking forward to getting outside again. The runs seem like such fun and you are a true inspiration to me so please keep posting!
  16. WOW. It is impressive. Looks like a closet on one of the Real Housewives of... shows. Great idea to keep motivation going. Good luck to you.
  17. scarlet333

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    These challenges have really helped me stay on track-thank you Bea for everything. start weight -142.4 goal weight -139 Seems small goal but I am at the point of 1/2 pound a week is a good week. I have my 1 year surgeon appointment a few days after St Patricks Day and I so want to be in the 130s when I see my surgeon. He is tough to please! Strange how I want to please this stranger.
  18. scarlet333

    Valentine's Challenge

    This mornings weight is 143.2 which is down .8 from last week. Didn't make my goal but Im definitely joining the next challenge and will do it then. Good job everyone and lets keep it going. See you over at the St Patricks Day challenge!
  19. scarlet333

    I must share...

    Congratulations that is so motivating - keep up the good work.
  20. scarlet333

    Valentine's Challenge

    Small loss absolutely creeping down. Weight was 144 on the dot this morning.
  21. scarlet333


    If that is the advice your surgeon gave you - it sounds almost criminal. I guess almost anything could be liquidfied. Please put things like potatos, bread, Pasta, rice out of your diet for as long as possible. So soon after surgery you should be drinking Protein drinks (I used vanilla Isopure -4ounces 3x a day) the rest of the time was spent getting Water in. After about 2 weeks then cream Soups with added protein. Really the first 3 months were basically protein and water. After the first 4 weeks when soft food is permitted this should be cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs not potatoes and other carbs which provide little to no nutrition. So sorry you went through this and best of luck. Try to use this precious early time to learn better eating habits which will include only healthy carbs (oatmeal, fruit, veggies).
  22. scarlet333

    Biggest Loser Finale

    I think she looked emaciated and wanted someone to give her a sandwich right away but I think or hope that the 105 was just to win the $250,000. Many of the previous winners get down to an unsustainable weight for just the finale. Squeezing down every pound that they can just for the win and then gain back some weight to get back to a sustainable weight. She did strike me as the type that was an extremist throughout the show.
  23. scarlet333

    Biggest loser winner

    I was appalled by how emaciated both Rachel and Bobby looked. They both looked like their heads were too big for their necks to support. I think they both were trying very hard to win the $250,000 prize and hopefully will gain some weight now that the contest part is over. If you see some past winners they usually look like they gain some weight back after the finale is over and are just trying to squeeze every pound out for the finale. I do not agree with everyone else about the show itself. I love to watch this show and find it very inspirational to see how much stronger everyone gets over the course of the months the show is on. People who can barely walk are jogging and lifting weights by the end. I like to watch the show while working out because it gives me that extra oomph needed to workout harder.
  24. scarlet333

    wish you got lap band?

    Sleeve not lapband -- best choice ever!
  25. scarlet333

    Quest Cookies & Cream

    One of the best before and after transformations I have ever seen!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
