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Everything posted by Ang1982

  1. Ang1982

    Rant:Expedia Sucks!

    Eeek, I have heard some sketchy things about Expedia but that is terrible! Like Marimaru, I usually go to those places (Expedia, Priceline, etc) to see who they list as the cheapest then go to that companies website and book through them - I have found that for flights as an example Priceline's fares are VERY comparable to going direct to the airline.
  2. Ang1982

    Port pain

    Hmm sounds very similar to what I have been feeling but mine is definiately a few inches away from my port (I can feel my port under my skin by rubbing my tummy). It seems to be very random when it happens to but it seems to be morning time after I've eaten when it does happen.
  3. Ang1982

    Port pain

    Grace, would you say that the pain is exactly where your port is or just near it? The reason I ask is I occasionally get this pain that I would imagine would be what gall stones feel like - except it's on my left side a few inches from my port and your gall bladder is on the right side. I seem to only get it earlier in the day and it usually goes away within a few days. I thought perhaps it was tied to milk too as it happened after I would have my breakfast protein shake (milk and protein powder) but then the other morning it happened after I had tea (no milk) before I ate breakfast. Very strange.
  4. Ang1982

    Well don't I feel foolish

    Oh man, that sucks, I'm sorry but I did lol.
  5. Ang1982

    BMI rant! Overdone, I know.

    I must agree that BMI (especially for men) can be a tough one. At your height and with your body structure (since you powerlift I must assume you are quite muscular) I think you need to have an end goal weight that you are comfortable with and still healthy. The BMI definitely doesn't take into account if you have 30lbs more muscle mass than your other average guy your age and height. And well done with the 45lbs gone! Woohooo keep up the good work
  6. Hey all! I have been a member of Curves for what I think is a year as of May (I have to check my paperwork) and of that year that I have been a member I spent 90% of it not going. I've only started going 3-4x a week for the past 3 or so weeks. I hated it before and I hate it now. I like the concept of the circuit training with all women but in general I just really dislike it. So far I am not one of those people that gets a lot out of exercise and leaves feeling fantastic and pumped up. I leave feeling like I've just wasted 1/2 hr of my life I could be doing ANYTHING else. REALLY, truly dislike it, and over the past month of doing it - still hasn't gotten any better. So here is my question - at the weight that I am at currently now - would I benefit more from something like Curves or something like Aquafit? Granted I havent been to Aquafit in years but I plan to do a drop in to see if I like it still... but I love swimming and I love Water. So why not do both you ask? Well, I can't afford to do both and pay my self-pay band payments at the same time. It's one or the other and I have to decide in the next couple of weeks if I am going to continue with my Curves membership for the next year or what ( you're locked in for a year). If I do drop the Curves and go Aquafit the membership for Aquafit also includes membership use to all their gym facilities (treadmills etc) however at this moment a co-ed gym kind of freightens me! Let me know what you think! Much love as always, Ang
  7. Ang1982


    I was able to wear panties during my op (wasnt during TOM either they just let me) and personally I found the surgery to be not all that bad and was up going to the washroom easily. I would say if you are comfortable wearing a pad then to do so - I dont think changing it would be hard and you just have to ask for your bag of things when you go into the area after surgery. Good luck with your surgery.
  8. Ang1982

    Some people, I swear...

    Well said, none of us wish ill on anyone.
  9. Ang1982

    How do you dress up your name

    Hi - check out this thread on how to put a ticker on your signature... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/
  10. Ang1982

    Did anyone get a dog?

    Depends on your dog I think... my little dog is a Papillon and he hasn't had to get up in the middle of the night (unless its a hot night and he's drinking lots of water) and he lasts the full work day at home no problem.
  11. Now I am not overly certain what breast implant reposition entails in comparison to breast reduction but my personal experience with a breast reduction was... 3 weeks off (my doctor wouldn't sign a back to work form until 3 weeks). I would say two weeks at the earliest. Myself, I was BIG (G or H) and because I was so big they had to completely detach and reattach my nipples and they took off 10lbs total. I couldn't have imagined going back to work sooner than 2-3 weeks myself. Good luck!
  12. I was probably about 7 days w/o a BM however I wasn't "backed up" at all, when I went it wasn't uncomfortable at all. If he's in any pain or discomfort it wouldn't hurt to talk to the doc about recommended products but I'd imagine some milk of magnesia would work.
  13. Ang1982


    I do have to agree with this statement, altho to what Wheetsin said too, I really think it depends on the person and their experience that happened. I was big in high school for sure one of the biggest girls in my grade but I didn't really have any issues related to that. I was like Switzerland, neutral and friends with everyone, including the "in" crowd but I only hung out with "my crowd". As for the years later . . . I moved, others moved and I'm hardly in contact with any of those people now besides the odd facebook message. But yes, Kids suck. lol
  14. Excellent when you manage to dig it out of whatever computer recess you have forgotten you put it in - I look forward to you posting it (along with the name of your surgeon and facility that you had the surgery in). And quoted for truth Kat because you say it so well and this is where my skepticism comes out.
  15. I'm sorry but after reading all of your posts and responses to people. I'm going to have to call bullshit too. If this really did happen to you (which at this point I highly doubt it did) I'm sorry that you are going through this. And if I am correct in my feelings/instincts (as other people are feeling as well) SHAME on you for posting such total and under CRAP on a forum like this. Oh, and I want to see this port sticking out of your belly in a picture - because you can bet your butt that if that happened to 98% of the Lapband public they would be photographing that like mad. So go on, show us.
  16. Ang1982

    Steri-strips question!

    I had steristrips on my incisions and to be honest I have no idea what was under them (I think dissolving stitches on the inside but no idea if he used glue or what) as when they came off there were no visible stitches or glue or anything. I had my steri-strips on for just over a week when they started to peel up and he told me that if they fell off or came off soon it wouldn't be a big deal. If you think that the areas look like they are maybe partially open or anything then bandaging it up I'm sure would not hurt at all.
  17. Ang1982

    Some people, I swear...

    Bah, I lose at being fast at the internets :crying:
  18. Ang1982

    Some people, I swear...

    I wondered that too, so I did a quick post search on Neveragain and looked at the most recent threads he posted to and I have a feeling he is referencing http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f78/hi-everyone-i-think-i-ll-contrarian-voice-here-58983/ Neveragain, hope you don't mind me posting the thread I think you are referring to and I do have to agree - I smell bullshit there too.
  19. Ang1982

    Milestone Today: 50lbs in 6 months!

    Fantastic! That is so great. Good for you :crying:
  20. Ang1982

    My last @%$!^# effort.. EPIC FAIL.

    I stick with my original post and hope that it did not come off as a "flame" as it was more to point out that things may not be as cut and dry as they seem. I AM also very sincere when I say that I wish you the best of luck in your journey and that I hope everything works out for you. Getting the process started can be disheartening and frustrating and I truly do hope that you are able to get things worked out and get your band. And like I said above, I stick with my original post - I too am a young working woman who is self pay (I am the same age as the OP) with a starting BMI of 50. And I STILL do not think that her original assement of lesser weight people is correct. Like you Green, I also live in Canada and do not have it covered by provincial health care BUT I also pay into extended health care and it was not covered (exclusion policy) by them either - so I self paid. And yah it sucks. HOWEVER, those points said - I agree with the statement to stop flaming her. While she may have posted in a Rants & Raves and didn't expect the response she got (as opposed to posting in a different forum section) there is no reason to flame. Like Green said - let's give her the sympathy and support we all deserve. Come on everyone - GROUP HUGS. three sixty six, no one here wants you to not have the band. I am sure that we are all hoping for nothing but the best on you getting the band and having a successful surgery.
  21. Ang1982

    Bumpy, ropey incisions?

    Cheryl Ann, I think that is probably normal (but I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet :confused:). I am almost 3 months post op and my scars are still a bit bumpy/ropey feeling. If you are concerned about this once your steri strips are off and they are definitely healed up (ie: no open spots to them) if you pick up from a health store Arnica Montana cream and rub it on them daily, being sure to really rub it in - it will make a world of difference in how your scar appears in the long run. The cream doesn't smell oh so pretty but it's worth it.
  22. Ang1982

    dad forces pot on toddler

    Are you serious? That is horrid and disgusting and some people are wasting precious oxygen that could be better used by others. PLEASE tell me that the father was locked up or the chid was taken away - or both!!! That makes me so angry.:confused:
  23. Ang1982

    Curves vs. Aquafit - opinions?

    Yay I'm glad to hear another positive response about water aerobics and that you found them good. I'm excited to give it a shot too! I will post after I've done my first drop in visit (waiting for TOM to be gone as that just doesn't sound like fun during... lol)
  24. Ang1982

    My last @%$!^# effort.. EPIC FAIL.

    Sorry I don't mean to be a bitch but to say that someone needs the surgery less than you if they only weigh 225 lbs sounds like you have some entitlement issues as well. You don't know those people, you don't know if they have co-morbidities and you don't know their life and their situations (health wise or financially) and that doesn't really give you the right to say that you deserve and would put it to better use than they would. I know you are frustrated and I am sorry to hear that your insurance has the exclusion policy. I know forking out the money sucks (I'm self pay too) but in the end it will all be worth it. Like fluffycat said there are alternative places to go to to pay less money like Mexico or to Dr.Kirschenbaum in Denver ($9000-something with him) as long as you get your aftercare lined up where you live why not consider something like that. I wish you the best of luck in your journey and I hope you are able to get things figured out so you can get the surgery underway. Hang in there, it will all be worth it in the end.
  25. Ang1982


    Well honestly - I like the concept of circuit training (ie: Curves) where you go and you have it all laid out for you plain and simple you know you do this, this, this, 1/2 hr later you're done. I LOVE that concept as I know other gyms (just normal) that I have joined in the past when I look at the weight machines etc I'm just lost as to how to get a routine going that I stick with and with Curves - you have just that. So the concept I like. What I don't like (has nothing to do with the people or location etc they are all fantastic) is while it has structure and all that - it bores me, I leave and I feel like I just wasted a 1/2 hr of my life I won't get back and the entire time I am there I am counting down the minutes until I leave - I don't know what it is about it. Sure the fact that I am still very big makes it not as fun and I'm sure it will be that way with any exercise. Just got bored with it all really. I am looking into joining the Y (my Curves membership is up mid-June and that's when I can cancel if I so choose) as they have Aquafit (water aerobics) classes as well as other programs and a full gym that I can use if I want. My main goal there would be to do aquafit and then when I'm more comfortable on something like a treadmill, progress to that. I am going to do a few drop in's to aquafit to see if I will enjoy it as much as I think I might before quitting Curves and joining up there instead as I unfortunately cannot afford to have memberships at both places (self pay for band). Hope you enjoy Curves!

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