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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ang1982

  1. Ang1982

    Apple Bottom Jeans..

    I'm lost with both of these comments. Uh.. what? LOL
  2. Ang1982

    Apple Bottom Jeans..

    If I buy a pair of those jeans could I get a pair of legs that go to my ears too like that models? lol
  3. Ang1982

    Apple Bottom Jeans..

    Nice! I had never heard of those before but the pic looks nice. Unfortunately here if you can get a pair of decent jeans for under $50 it's a steal :wink_smile:
  4. Ang1982

    Priorities out of whack?

    Just thought I would through out there that - not all Banders are required to have a psych evaluation. I believe it depends on if you are using insurance to pay for it (I think that requires it) and other than that it's surgeons discretion. I was a self pay and not required to have a psych eval.
  5. Ang1982

    I won the KJO Lifestyle Achievement Award!!!

    Woo hooo congrats.
  6. Ang1982

    Under 30 Spoiled Brats!!

    Juli, Oh gosh no, no offense taken! :wink_smile: And I do realize that they aren't issues that have popped up overnight. It is crazy to think how scary the world is becoming though and I can't even imagine what it will be like when I'm staring down the face of my own kids in the future having all those same worries that all you moms have. And wishing you an early Happy Birthday!
  7. Ang1982

    This was the last straw

    Ahh okay gotcha. I think some of the "A ha's" are just that "A ha's" but some were "last straws". It makes sense that they are actually two different things. I didn't really have an "a ha" or a "last straw" I don't think. Hopefully some others can pipe in with some of their last straws Best of luck in your journey!
  8. Ang1982

    This was the last straw

    Hey there... There was a thread under General Discussion but it must have gotten bumped down a page or so that people were posting similar to "last straws" called "A Ha Moments"... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/your-ah-ha-moment-56388/
  9. Hahaha, someone pointed out my signature said I had my surgery done by Dr Woodhead in Delta Birth Control and I was like wtf... but I like your thinking. I tell ya, some people really shouldn't be allowed to have children (I think everyone knows a few of those), wouldn't it be nice to be able to do that. lol
  10. Hello! Not sure if some kind of setting was changed but apparently my signature went a bit weird (pointed out by another LBT member). It used to say "Dr. Woodhead, Delta BC" as in British Columbia and I guess for some reason the forums were assuming that stood for "birth control" and spelt it out long form instead so that it said "Dr. Woodhead, Delta Birth Control" yet when I looked at my signature in "Edit signature" it said "Delta BC" I'm almost positive it used to just say "Delta BC" when viewing posts so this has to be a relatively new thing... kind of a strange "autochange" in my opinion. Thanks!
  11. Ang1982

    Under 30 Spoiled Brats!!

    I'm right there with Laura, I remember some of that stuff too and taped songs off the radio onto cassette tapes. Now Over 30 Crowd - let's look at the other side of that coin for a second shall we? When you were a kid/younger did you or your parents have to worry about: -You walking by yourself to school and not having some pervert or pedofile, etc abduct/assault you? -Going out to a club (or whatever you want to call it) and someone spiking your drink when you weren't looking with the date rape drug? -How you are going to get a good job without investing years and tonnes of money into an education because the market is so competitive these days if you don't have a great post secondary education you're screwed. -Comfortably and safely going anywhere by yourself after dark. -Not having to lock your doors and windows. -School shootings or violence in schools (to the degree it is now). -Metal detectors in big city schools -DANGEROUS drugs being introduced to kids/teens at a young age (not talking pot here folks). And those are just the tip of the iceberg that popped into my head. Now I know the post was meant to be "a funny" but I just thought I would turn it around and add a bit of other perspective... while you may not have had computers, videogames, caller id, cell phones or caller ID ...
  12. Ang1982

    slow chewing

    I don't think that you will mess up the band. I think that if you take too big a bite or don't chew it well enough you will be taught the lesson the hard way with a not so fun PB. And I bet you will be more careful after that! I haven't gotten any good restriction yet so I take big bites and don't chew well but I know when I get my next fill I will have to be more careful or I will be sorry.
  13. Ang1982

    *sigh* The good and bad of new clothing.

    Ahhh gotcha. Hmm. Yah until I lose weight I won't be wearing anything like that LOL
  14. Ang1982

    *sigh* The good and bad of new clothing.

    Hmm I tried to post this question once before but it went page couldn't display for some reason.... So pardon my fashion-ignorance but what's a "tunic"?
  15. Eek, I too had no idea that there was such a thing until reading this thread. I never go to "my account" and I also had one from almost two weeks ago that I never responded too and now feel bad (thankfully she found my email address through my blog and contacted me that way as well). I agree if it's possible about putting a link up under "Private Messages" on the right hand side so that new comers messages don't go unseen.
  16. Hah GraceUtah, I wouldn't worry about it - I think just in the context that "geniuses" was used skewed it a bit as I perceived it the same way everyone else did. Just give Alex a big'ol hug We love ya Alex!
  17. Thanks for changing BC. As always you're fantastic Alex.
  18. Ang1982

    Fallen from grace...

    Just pick yourself up and start over again, follow your surgeon's directions. You too can do this! :puke: Oh and I thought you meant Beans into yogurt too and was like... eww haha
  19. I felt the exact same way about soda (or as we call it here in the west coast of Canada - pop) I seriously didn't know how I would manage without it. Every now and then (2 months post op) I have a hankering for it but in general, the feeling goes away. Just gotta think of the greater good - would you rather have beer or be healthier and thinner? YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :thumbup: *HUG*
  20. Ang1982

    When is it OK to shower?

    I had surgery on a Wednesday and my surgeon said the first day it would be okay to shower was Saturday and those steristrips I tell ya they are on there pretty good I wouldn't worry about them peeling up in a shower.
  21. Ang1982

    What happened to BMI??

    I guess I could have read this thread before posting my signature issue one but British Columbia (short form B...C... - no ....) being turned into "birth control" is a bit... well.. dumb haha
  22. I swear it didn't used to do that or I would have noticed that my signature said "birth control" or someone else would have noticed it and pointed it out sooner like they did lol... me no likey. lol
  23. Okay now it's doing it in my post... I didn't edit it so that you can see... When I typed that in the message screen it said Delta "B.C." (no periods).
  24. Haha that made me laugh. (And I'll have to remember that one :thumbup: )
  25. Ang1982

    Medical Alert bracelets


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
