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About want2bmeagain

  • Rank
    Junior Guru
  • Birthday 02/07/1965
  1. Happy 48th Birthday want2bmeagain!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday want2bmeagain!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary want2bmeagain!

  4. want2bmeagain

    who supports right to choose

    I have spent many hours pouring over posts on this thread, and have been creepered out by PGreen. There was a time where I thought as Patty does, and even gave my college speech class final on abortion, gorey pictures plastered on posterboard and all....My thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and purposes have changed dramatically since then, for many different reasons (hopefully I can get into that on a later post). Because my former evangelical belief system had me once on the same train Patty now rides, I have found her posts disturbing. What disturbs me most is that there was a time when my attitude mirrored hers, and it is the epitome of being UN Christlike (the "goal" for any born again) ~ Patty, if you are lurking, I want to say that a prized character trait for anyone on this earth to cherish is their own humility. Ya know, by the grace of God, there go I? It really is grievious to read your posts, which on most matters, especially abortion, show the exact opposite of a humble spirit. It's gunna be hard work for any entity, dare I say God, to bring your spirit to a place of brokenness and humility. The higher and more uppity one stands, the harder they fall. This thread really is a thinker. Abortion is a pretty intense subject and I have enjoyed getting to read so many points of view. I have more thoughts on all of this, but it is late. In reading (or ducking so I wouldn't be slapped through the computer) the saddest part is, Patty seems to be missing out on one of humanity's greatest callings ~ loving each other. What I am seeing regarding her abortion stance, is no where near coming from the spirit of love or peace, something she well knows is tatemount (ok, the spellcheck isn't working here ~please don't cringe to death if I missed a few!) to her faith.
  5. want2bmeagain

    who supports right to choose

    Holli ~ I have been reading as much as I can on this thread and have, thus, read about your son. I went to your myspace page, and he is BEAUTIFUL! You will be in my thoughts, and keep the hope ~ it sounds like he has good doctors and treatment! Hang in there, girl! also, the "green" that passed away, was her name on here "Green" only or something with green in it? man, that is so sad. BJean, I LOVE reading your posts ~ articulate and thoughtful, wise and intelligent keep em coming this thread has my mind going 90 miles an hour. For now, I am not going to put in my 2 cents...just yet. I need to form the words that go with the thoughts!
  6. want2bmeagain

    Colorado Recommendations??

    If you are in Western Colorado, Dr. Steven Sawyer in Montrose is wonderful! If you are in the Denver area, Dr. Kirshenbaum hands down!
  7. want2bmeagain

    Colorado bandsters

    welcome!! where in Western Colorado are you from? Have you been banded or looking into it?
  8. Hey where do u live and how did u here about lapband in m.rose? I live in cedaredge and this would be so close.

  9. want2bmeagain

    Sweet spot

    Someone, PLEASE, describe what your sweet spot is like.... I had my 4th fill, and magically, no longer felt like I was getting stuck every time I ate and feeling like there was food in my throat after a couple of bites. Suddenly, I could eat maybe a 4 oz hamburger patty and be full, but not feel like I was choking...it was MARVELOUS. Heaven. But, I had intermittent reflux. I had a .2 or so unfill, and back to choking, but no reflux. do you think I was at the sweet spot? the next thing will to try a .1 cc fill, hopefully to have the full, not stuck, experience, without reflux. could you please give me your thoughts and experiences? thanks!
  10. I had my fourth fill last week. The first two fills were in the first 2 months post op, then no fill until 8 months post op. Until these last two fills, I had lost only 10 lbs in the last 4 months. Hope that makes sense!:smile2: So..fill 4, last week. I have been restricted well, to the point that it feels like getting the band all over again. I have lost about 2 lbs in the last week. I get very full on 4 or so bites of food. But.......I am having intermittent, random reflux. I had reflux often before my band. I have never felt anything come up and burn, just a random, fiery burn in my throat. It went away after banding, until this last fill. All else feels fine, and I am re adjusting to being disciplined again :redface: I havent called my fill doc yet, I have been waiting to see if it eases up. Should I call him ASAP? give it another week? not worry about it at all? I am really liking this level of restriction. Do any of you know what can even cause this reflux to start? I am pretty worried, only because I don't want to do damage. I have no idea if this is a real problem. The reflux doesn't wake me up, it doesn't seem to get better or worse if I eat or not,...it's just...completely random. Please, someone give me some ideas! thank you so much!
  11. want2bmeagain


    I chewed Tums like candy before I was banded. I had random (didn't matter if I was sleeping, standing, eating, hungry, etc) burning in my throat, but never felt anything "come up" into my throat. After banding, the reflux completely went away...bada bing...gone! Fast forward...I just had my 4th fill with .5 cc in a 10 cc band. I now have a total of 5.5 cc's. The fill was on Tuesday. Restriction feels fine, not too much. I don't have any trouble with liquids or mushies, and the stuff I struggled with before (namely meats), I still struggle with. I just notice I have to be even more careful with bite sizes, etc...the usually bandster stuff. BUT....I started having reflux yesterday. Nothing coming up into my throat or mouth, just the random burning in my throat. Tums takes care of it. But, why in the world do I have reflux NOW???? What in the world happened? Someone, please help! thanks a bunch! :thumbup:
  12. I need some input I have been going back and forth wondering if I need a fill. Right when I think I do, I have this happen: Last night, I ate some pulled BBQ pork. It went down fine, almost too easily. Today, I had a few bites, and about 45 min. later I started having pretty bad stomach pain. I would describe it as the kind of pain and burning one might get from stress or even an ulcer. This has happened maybe 3 times in the last few weeks, always randomly, always from eating something that I had easily eaten before. This time it is going on about 6 hours, and although the pain is better, it's still pretty painful. Tums aren't doing a thing. I tried a creamy yogurt, thinking that might coat my stomach or something. No relief. Here are my questions: -Do bandsters sometimes just have random, nonsensical pain like this? -If it doesn't happen regularly, should I worry? I have no reflux, btw -Could this be erosion or pouch dilation, ? Being self pay, it is extremely difficult for me to just get an upper GI or a procedure like that. I called my doctor's office and asked about fluoro to check for dilation and was told the doc only uses fluoro if he can't find a port, NEVER to check for dilation. I want to respect my band, but I don't want to be paranoid. Can you all please give me some thoughts? thank you so much~
  13. want2bmeagain

    pouch dilation

    can someone tell me the symptoms of pouch dilation?
  14. 7 1/2 months post-op, minus 50 lbs Still have a ways to go, but tickled pink with my band!
  15. Even though I was banded by Dr. Kirshenbaum, I wanted everyone to know that we have a surgeon in Western Colorado who will begin banding soon. He is an EXCELLENT surgeon (has done surgeries for my mom and step dad and my colonoscopy !) and has been training non stop in order to begin banding. In spite of the fact that he wasn't a banding surgeon when I had mine done, I would recommend him hands down. I just thought I would let everyone know! His web page is: Black Canyon Surgeons - Montrose, CO 81401 On the left, click on "Click here for more details.." and it will take you to another page. Then click on "staff". Email Lois for more info. I attended their first orientation and hope to help with a support group in our area.:tt1:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
