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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angiebell

  1. angiebell

    Possible Clothing Swap for Texas LBTs...

    Oop's forgot to say I am in Garland.
  2. angiebell

    Possible Clothing Swap for Texas LBTs...

    I have a few 16's and 14's I can donate. I need size 12!
  3. Fills are frustrating! I am going for another tomorrow. I am at 1.2cc's and basically no restriction. At 1.7 I was dying and couldn't eat a thing. They are taking it slow with me now. I think 1cc is really slow though.
  4. angiebell


    I eat it all the time and never have had a problem. I just can't eat much of it. Which is a good thing!
  5. angiebell

    I survived band removal surgery...

    Glad your home and hope you feel better soon! I'm with ya on the crab, it's my all time favorite too. Sorry you have to miss out on that. Take care of yourself.
  6. I can feel mine but it does not stick out. I was low BMI and my doc used the mini port.
  7. angiebell

    is overfilled bad?

    I've been overfilled and I had the doctor take some out. Now they are going slow with me, giving me only small amounts at a time. I am going back on January 12th to get just a bit little more. 1.2 is not quite enough. I am trying to get to the sweet spot. I made it 2 weeks being overfilled and I was miserable. Couldn't eat anything without PBing. .5 unfill can sometimes make a difference. Try not to let them remove too much because then you'll be like me...having to do it slowly with just a little fill each time.
  8. angiebell

    Fills without xray

    I have the mini port and it is flipped. Once I did it without flouo for an unfill in my doctors office. It was not fun. He had a very hard time finding my port. I say if your port hasn't flipped on it side and is still facing up then it should be no problem.
  9. angiebell

    Recovery Question...

    It took my about 2 weeks to feel total normal again. I had gas forever though! That was the worst part.
  10. angiebell

    my doc has a gift for hitting sweet spots

    Wow! You are lucky. I can't get the fill thing right. I was okay for 4 weeks and then I couldn't eat at all. My doc took some out in his office and he took out too much. I had to get another fill under flouro and they were very conservitive. Only have 1.2cc's now and hardly any restriction. I have requested another fill and an going on January 12th to try a get just a bit more to get me to that elusive sweet spot. I've been at just about every number so I hope that maybe 1.5 will do it. That's what I am going to ask for anyway. I envy you!!:cheeky
  11. angiebell

    I need some help!

    I'm having the same issue and I met last week with a nutritionist and she recommended going on protein only for 1 week to jump start your metabolism and then to also keep the fit day food journal. She recommended to stay between 1000-1200 calories a day and exercise 2 days a week with weights and 2 days doing some kind of aerobic activity.
  12. I used Dr. Robert Powell who also performs the surgery at Richardson Surgery Center. I was not self pay but I believe he has financing options. He performed my surgery, my husbands and one of my good friends. None of us have had any complications. My hardest thing has been getting the fill level right. He gave me very good aftercare and didn't take any chances when the port area had a little read around it. He put me on an antibiotic and I have done great! The people at the SCOR fill center are great too.
  13. angiebell

    My Surgery Update

    OH Trish, that's just awful! Hope you feel better soon!
  14. angiebell

    First Fill? 2.7cc

    I have had fill issues too. The one I got in October didn't kick in until 4 weeks later. Had to get another unfill and I just got another fill last week and I only feel only a little restricted. I'm thinking through trial and error that maybe 1.5 would be a good spot for me. I'm going to wait and see how I do with this one. I haven't lost anymore weight so the nutritionist told me to do protein only for 1 week. I hope that works! You can see my fill record below. That's been the most difficult thing for me.
  15. angiebell

    My Endoscopy Results 12/22/05

    Lisa, I haven't been onthe board in almost a month and I can't believe all that I missed. I feel so bad for all of you that have had your bands erode. That really scares me a lot! I know you can keep the weight off. You have a good headstart and I do wish you all the best in getting your band removed. I guess this will make people think twice about getting banded. Or at least...researching their doctors a little more closely.
  16. angiebell

    Will it ever start to work?

    I tell ya, I have had such a hard time with getting filled. I get filled...then unfilled. I can't get to a comfortable level. I met with the nutritionist and she encouraged me to do protein only for 1 week and see if that will jump start my metabolism. I started that today. We'll see how it does. Maybe you could try that too. It's only for 1 week and who knows...maybe it will get you off of your plateau!
  17. angiebell

    Biggest Loser

    Penni, Sorry to hear you lost your band. I love the Biggest Loser and it is such an inspiration. I think your story of having the band and losing it would make you a very interesting candidate. Good Luck!
  18. angiebell

    PBing on everything! Please read this!

    I spoke to the doctor an he wants me to stay on liquids this weekend and come by to see him on Monday.
  19. angiebell

    PBing on everything! Please read this!

    Thanks Letha, I did place a call to the doctor. It's just so weird because I was able to eat just fine and then it's like total restriction. I hesitate to get an unfill because they put so little in the last time. I got a fill and unfill on the same day. This is the tricky part!
  20. angiebell

    First small SV!

    That's excellent! Good for you!
  21. angiebell

    Popcorn...can you eat it or not

    I can eat it if it is late in the day. Before 3:00 it just comes back up.
  22. angiebell

    Who Wants Some Chips?

    Sunday I will have made it 3 days with NO CHEETOS! I can't believe it. I did eat halloween candy though. Down 3 lbs.
  23. angiebell

    Keey your fingers crossed for me, please

    Oops you and Larry have the same band birthday. I knew I met you but it was when Larry was getting his band.
  24. angiebell

    Keey your fingers crossed for me, please

    Hey Becky, You and I met on surgery day. We have the same band birthday. You have done great with your weightloss! I hope they can flip your port back to the proper position. Both Larry and my ports have flipped to the side and they just press down on one side and then they can do the fill. Could they try that for you? I hope you don't have to get another surgery. I'll say a prayer for you.
  25. I got my 3rd fill and I am finally seeing movement a couple of weeks later. Today I weighed 165 so I lost 3 lbs since my last fill. I am actually feeling resrtiction other than in the morning only. I didn't loose anything on fill 1 & 2.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
