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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by EatUmUp

  1. EatUmUp

    Talk me down

    Wow, great job... I don't think I could be that strong so I send my teenager in with a list while I wait in the car. That way, no temptation!
  2. EatUmUp

    Cognition post VSG

    OMG!! Sounds so much like what's left of my brain! I also have ADD and so does my daughter, and the last several months has been ridiculous with word retrieval and staying on topic, even just losing my train of thought in the.. what was I saying? lol... sure hope it gets better with time!
  3. All I ever drank was diet pepsi. All day, every day. Since I'm not much of a take it slowly, little by little kind of girl I quit ev everything cold turkey. The first few days really sucked but then it was done, over. My favorite addiction now is sweet drops, flavored stevia drops. Don't think I can live without them.
  4. I've always run on the hot side but the last 10 years, being so over weight... I don't even own a heavy sweater or a jacket. Since losing after surgery I still get hot after doing something but I actually wore a sweater today!
  5. I asked my NUT specifically how much protein was too much because I was starving on my pre op. She said no body should consume more than 100oz per day.
  6. I completely understand how you feel. My Dr office faxed in my paperwork and said it should only take 2-3 days. After five days I called in for progress. They said nothing yet, told me to be patient that sometimes it takes longer. By the middle of the next week I was going crazy. I called my ins. And they said they never received anything from my Dr office. So they had to resubmit the paperwork and that meant another 4 business day wait. Then... after all that because these surgeons are so popular it was another six weeks out for my surgery date! By the time it finally got here I was glad for the extra time. Just remember that everything happens for a reason and you will have your surgery when you're meant to. It will happen and you will do great!
  7. I like the Bariatric Fusion chewable. It's kinda like dessert!
  8. EatUmUp


    Try sweet drops, flavored stevia, a couple of drops is all it takes and yum!
  9. EatUmUp

    Ordering at restaurants?

    All-a-cart is the ticket... if everyone insists on going to a buffet then they should pay your way.
  10. EatUmUp

    don't screw up or else?

    Hi, I'm new here and I have to say that you are all guilty of bullying. I've been following all of the threads on here for a while and they're are some of you that just can't take a heartfelt appology at face value. Personally, I don't think she should have apologized, maybe that kid needed to be pulled off the teet for a minute. In any event, why don't you practice what you preach. Just my two cents.

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