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About BryBro63

  • Rank
    Bariatric Evangelist
  • Birthday June 19

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    Sr. Business Analyst
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  1. Reached Goal...weight going up slightly...hope it's muscle!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BryBro63


      Thanks Stevehud!! Worked really hard at it!! As far as the weight gain back and forth, I think it may be a variety of things...I've been hitting the weights really hard to get back some of the muscle lost, and I was told in order to do that successfully, I need to add a few more calories. That along with holiday festivities....well, you know!! Just trying to find the balance right now.

    3. ProudGrammy


      hey dude - 140 lbs down - how great are you!!! you'll find that "right" balance - i know you will - go ahead "carefully" enjoy those holiday festivities - who deserves it more?? big kudos kathy

    4. BryBro63


      Thanks much, proudgrammy!! Looks like you're doing great yourself!! I plan to enjoy whatever Sleevie Wonder will let me get away with, but of course within reason!! Believe it or not, planning to hit the gym on Christmas morning...probably to let myself go guilt-free for the rest of the day!!

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