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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tammy37

  1. tammy37

    Banded July 9.

    Nancy I had mine done on July 6. My recovery was great and I thought all of the same things as you. 22 lbs is fantastic. Just remember all of this takes time. I also can do all of the things they said I wouldn't be able to do. Reading all of these posts I have come to find out you probably will need a fill like I will. I read on one post this is all a healing process in the beginning and the band isn't inflated yet because of that. Once the 30 days is up your doctor will decide on a fill or not. If you need one then you will see you won't be able to take in as much as you are now. Just keep reading all the posts. It has really helped me and I am a beginner at this to. Good Luck!!!
  2. tammy37

    not losing much

    Keep with it! You are doing great!
  3. tammy37

    What Else 2 Eat ???

    It has been 3 weeks since my surgery and I have felt the same. Don't worry it goes by fast. Just hang in there. Just remember the long term advantage of doing all of this.
  4. I have felt the same. I was banded on July 6, 20007. I have lost 15 lbs. I think it's everybody around us who expect more quickly. Don't worry it will happen. Just remember losing it slowly is better than fast.

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