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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MusicMan1383837856

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/21/1974

About Me

  • Biography
    fun loveing nightclub Dj.. changing my life for the better
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Music, EDM, dj's, Men, festivals, boston terriers.
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  1. 1 year and 1 week post op.. 229lbs gone forever.

  2. almost 5 months post op and feeling wonderful down 84lbs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. enjoythetime


      Great job, that's awesome!!

    3. Debbie3sons



      That is GREAT, keep it as I like to say down Lol. (UP) good work on your part.


    4. Bandista
  3. almost 5 months post op and feeling wonderful down 84lbs

    1. aroundhky


      Congrats...keep up the great work!

  4. almost 1 month out and feeling wonderful... i cant wait to see what the next year brings.

  5. MusicMan1383837856

    December 2013 Revisions: Get in touch!

    WombatVSG, the hunger really does go away as long as you keep sipping on your Water and Protein drinks... I am 3.5 week post and as long as i don't stop drinking for more than 30 minutes i never feel hungry.. now when i feel hungry it because i am hungry and the 2-4 tbs fills me up if it is pureed like canned chicken w. fat free mayo. and i stay full for hours... but i do keep sipping even when full from the food... good luck it is amazing for sure.. Erica216, I hope you start feeling better soon... I was lucky and didn't have any pain like you mentioned.. Both feel free to ad me as a friend. and keep us posted on your journeys..
  6. MusicMan1383837856

    December 2013 Revisions: Get in touch!

    I was sleeved on Dec4th 2013, I was banded August of 2005.. i puked every time i ate or swallowed wrong when drinking.. for year and years .. then 5 years later there wasnt any restriction what so ever..I went to my surgeons offic eadn the y checked it .. there was no Fluid in the band and the port had busted (cracked).. so i started the process to go to RNY Sept 2012, i ended up loosing 86 lbs on my own and my surgeon suggested doing the sleeve because i was am a big guy at that point i was 583 started at 669.. so after having the sleeve done I have lost 47lbs totaling 133 lbs i love my sleeve and how well it is helping me in my weight loss journey...
  7. loving my sleeve, so glad i did this and don't regret anything.. :)

    1. MisFit


      I feel exactly the same! I am so grateful to have the vsg option to support a healthier ME!

  8. Merry Christmas everyone....

  9. Merry Christmas everyone....

  10. MusicMan1383837856

    My 26th Bday

    maybe have some faux drinks like some cranberry and Oj, if you can handle the juices.. then nobody will ever know your not drinking what could be a sex on the beach, of a tequila sunrise... good luck to you and i know you will make the right choice for yourself and have a great time... Happy Birthday..
  11. MusicMan1383837856

    Into & "Labels"... Thoughts and feelings

    Hey Hey, guys... Had surgery on Dec 4th, and am really looking foward to the knew me that comes about. I had my Surgery done in Reno Nevada I live about a hour east of Reno.. I am Really not sure where I want to be in the Gay community since I have never really fit into any group beside huge gay man.. i mean i want to be a 200lb gay man who likes all types.. for example, bears are HOT! as are (i don't want to say twinks because when i think of twinks i think of 18-25 yr olds and thats to young for me) but i do like hairless toned men, also like daddy types and just the average joe types as well... So working on my goal so far since starting my new life change in Feb 2013 i have lost 107 lbs.. and like i said im really not sure where ill end up on the gay spectrum but i do know I will love all types of men... any views on where you will fit in at goal of your journey??
  12. ready for Christmas even have a menu planned since im 18days post op..

    1. ProudGrammy


      congrats on planning ahead!!!!

    2. endless80


      What is your menu for that day?


  13. 2 weeks post tomorrow.... feeling pretty good minus the little bout of depression im fighting..

    1. Bandista


      Keep your chin up! This can be a hard time of year. I need more light!

    2. RJ'S/beginning


      Is there such a thing as a little bout of depression...Take care of you okay, you have a lot of good things about to take place in your life..Enjoy..K

    3. endless80


      Yup, you're right on track buddy. It was about 2 weeks for me as well. I battled the sudden change. I grieved the old me because I could no longer user food as a crutch. It was quite sobering.

  14. 2 weeks post tomorrow.... feeling pretty good minus the little bout of depression im fighting..

  15. I feel as if i have been on liquids for a million days.. 3 months pre-op and now 6 weeks post.. hmm

    1. Bandista


      Congratulations on your surgery!

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