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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ad1203

  1. ad1203

    Stomach gurgles

    I was sleeved on May 6th, but my sleeve tells me I have had enough when it starts gurgling. It lasts for about 10 minutes after I am done eating. If you have a more severe gurgling, just play it safe and check with your doctor's office. That is my new normal.
  2. ad1203


    I didn't really crave it at all, but I did miss it. I am 9 1/2 weeks and just this past week I started having a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee every day. I have a medium with skim milk and splenda. That is my new "treat". I did have a cup of hot coffee before I started with the iced coffee. It was fine - didn't bother me at all, but didn't quite taste as good as I remember.
  3. ad1203

    hair loss

    I am almost 10 weeks post-op and the hair loss has started. I don't know why I thought I would be immune to it, but here it is. I hope the Biotin helps a little. I do have a lot of hair, so I am not too worried. I was also thinking of going shorter at the end of the summer. I just might have to do it sooner.
  4. ad1203

    Chest hurts when I eat

    I know when I eat too fast, I get that pain in the chest also. Like they said, just try to slow down and take tiny bites. If that doesn't help, you should contact your doctor. Good luck!
  5. ad1203

    Hi guys

    Oooo, that breakfast scramble sounds delish! I, too, usually have a premier Protein shake for breakfast because it gets in my protein and liquid early on. When I am ready to venture out of that, I am definitely trying that!
  6. Hi Jade. I am 9 weeks post-op gastric sleeve. It was the best thing I ever did. I am feeling better and losing every day! Good luck to you!
  7. ad1203

    Goal photo's

    You look amazing! Good for you! I hope you are feeling better. I, too, have been inspired and motivated by your posts. Thanks for all your good advice and encouragement!
  8. ad1203

    May Sleever Roll Call

    Hi there all you May sleevers. Sounds like everyone is doing very well. I was sleeved May 6th and am down 36 pounds since then. I am feeling great! Some people have noticed, others have not said anything. It has changed my life so far. I can walk without pain in my lower back and without being out of breath. My doctor has already lowered the pressure in my CPAP and eventually I will be off it. food is not my main thought throughout the day. I am actually living life. I am so glad I did this! I hope everyone can start enjoying life again!!
  9. I am so glad you posted this at this time. I am 2 months post-op. I have always been a 3-4 cup a day coffee girl. When I first had my surgery, I had no desire for coffee. Just this past week though, as I pass all my coffee places, I have been wanting a cup of coffee. It is starting to smell really good to me again. Thank goodness for all of these comments, because I think I will start slowly with half decaf and hopefully enjoy 1 cup a day again. Thank you!!
  10. ad1203

    9 months post op w/ pics

    You look awesome! Congratulations!
  11. ad1203

    6 weeks out... Is this normal

    I am five weeks out and was wondering the same thing. It feels so good not to let food control me. I do wonder though if it is going to change.
  12. Hi there. I am 3 weeks post-op today. I also did not tell anyone but my husband, kids and my sister about my WLS. So far I have lost 27 pounds, but I haven't really seen anyone yet. I have a family bridal shower on Saturday, so I'm wondering if anyone will notice anything yet. So far it just looks like I've lost a little weight, so nothing really significant yet, but I was wondering the same thing. When it is really noticeable and people start to ask, I am just going to say that I have been following a high Protein, low carb diet and exercising. That will not be a lie. I hope you are feeling well so far and do very well with this. So far I have been feeling great and I have been very happy with my decision to go through with this. Good luck!
  13. ad1203

    Off to the hospital again... :(

    Sorry to hear. I hope all goes well for you and you are back to running around in no time.
  14. Hi all: I was sleeved May 6. Started pureed food yesterday. I lost 10 pounds the first week, but nothing this past week. A little disappointed. I'm not hungry either. I am getting in my Protein and liquids and walking, so I think I'm doing what I'm supposed to. I look forward to keeping in touch with you all so we can go through this together. Good luck to you all!
  15. You look stunning! That is wonderful!
  16. Hi - I'm from Long Island also. Had my surgery ten days ago. I was really sore for the first week, but now feel great. It was very hard to get that Isopure in. I had the grape flavored that I mixed with Water and literally nursed it from morning until I went to bed. Even then, I didn't get the full amount in, but the nurse said as long as I was getting a good amount, it was okay. The broth felt very good going down and was a nice change. I, too, felt like everything was so sweet and I just wanted a different taste. Now I am enjoying the cream Soups and taking Protein shakes. Once you get to the week mark, you will have a few more choices and will feel much better. Just make sure you get alot of fluids in. Let me know if I can help you out in any way. Good luck - it gets better.
  17. I had surgery last week and I had the hiccups a lot the first week. Not so much the last couple of days. I guess it is normal, just annoying.
  18. I told my husband, kids and my sister. That's it. I told everyone that I had hernia surgery. As people start noticing a change, I, too, was going to say I am following a high protein/low carb diet and exercising alot. I like the working with a doctor idea. I may add that. I feel the same way. Too many people judge and have opinions. It is only my business.
  19. Just got the call to be at the hospital at 11:30 tomorrow for my surgery. This is surreal. I am pretty excited - only thinking positive thoughts. Good luck to all of the May 6th sleevers!! You are all in my prayers tonight!!
  20. ad1203

    Tomorrow is our day

    How is everyone doing? Just got home from the hospital. Everything went well. Feeling good. Hope you are all doing well too.
  21. ad1203

    My surgery is tomorrow!

    Best of luck to you!! I am also getting sleeved Tuesday. I am a little nervous. After nine months of preparation, I should be so ready for this. I am going to take a deep breath, put on my big girl panties and GET THIS DONE!! I am so happy that I have had such great support from everyone on this site for my pre-op journey. I look forward to continuing together on my post-op journey. Let's all go through this together!!
  22. ad1203

    4 months and 1 day

    That is just what I needed today! You look amazing - good for you!!! I go May 6th and having those "should I do it" feelings. Thank you for this.
  23. ad1203

    Surgery tomorrow

    Good luck to you tomorrow. Wishing you a quick and easy recovery!

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