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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gohelpyourself

  1. gohelpyourself

    Not bragging but.....

    MsShuggggg -- my starting weight was 267.2, and I'm now 211.6, so 55.6 pound loss. In was sleeved on 12/03/13. I was in a tight 26 and I'm now in a 14/16. Here's a pic of the pants I wore to my surgical consult (26) behind a pair I wore this week (14). : that is an awesome visual. You are SHRINKING!!!!!!
  2. gohelpyourself

    Pre op diet

    I love "Good Stuff" peanut butter protein powder...low in fat and its DELICIOUS! Unsweetened almond milk! "So Delicious" brand sells one that has 5x more protein than regular almond milk
  3. gohelpyourself

    Doc wants 14 day pre-op....hhhmmmm.

    make sure whatever you eat/drink is low in carbs/sugar/fat. That is what will detox your liver. Try your best to stay on track but we are human and we sometimes make mistakes...learn from it and move forward. You can and will do this!
  4. gohelpyourself

    Not bragging but.....

    when the doc says 'its a fail' it doesn't literally mean the sleeve failed. It means you haven't fallen into the average norm of statistics of patients who lose 60-65% of their excess weight in such time frame.
  5. gohelpyourself

    Not bragging but.....

    Did your doctor want to see your for follow up before you advance to the next stage...pureed foods?
  6. gohelpyourself

    Help me please! I'm losing my hair

    Believe it or not I have so many lol my little girl calls them my "furr" but you can see my clips now and your right my hair was my mojo, for 6 years iv been growing it, and seeing it fall out Is slowing killing me inside, my eye lashed are almost gone, why can my leg hair fall out instead! I know right! Legs, armpits and bikini!
  7. gohelpyourself

    Help me please! I'm losing my hair

    Oh thank you! I'm going to get some! It's hard to full beautiful when your hair looks bad iv got 50 lbs more to lose so I just know I'm going to lose so much more! Hi There: It is heartbreaking to hear this. A woman's hair is often her mojo... I know it has always been mine but I have another suggestion. My friend had gastric bypass 5 years ago. She always had thin hair. She wears a 'fall'.... its like a hair extension that clips to the crown of your head. No one can tell its not her hair and it looks amazing. I will totally be doing that if I begin to shed as well. They are inexpensive and they have all shades so you can pretty much get a close match to your own natural hair. She also wears false eyelashes and I swear she looks like a movie star most days. Don't fret so much, I know it is easier said than done but my surgical team assured me hair loss is from rapid weight loss and when you get to your goal weight and you body stabilizes...you will indeed grow hair back. I hope this helps a little.
  8. gohelpyourself

    Throat Gurgling.

    I have to find a remedy for this! Thanks guys,
  9. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    no prob... when you meet with the surgeon tell him your concerns and ask if he/she is generous with administering local anesthesia during surgery. Make it clear you will need the best pain control post op available to you. I had Tylenol IV x 4 doses with Dilaudid IV push for breakthrough. I was very happy with that. Make sure he/she sends you home with something like Lortab Elixir (good sh#t).
  10. gohelpyourself

    Doc wants 14 day pre-op....hhhmmmm.

    ideally it is great if you can follow the diet to the letter b/c research shows that detoxing your liver preoperatively results in far less complications.
  11. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    I had sleeve.... I wouldn't dare get lap band. Stomach feels great. I do not feel like I even had surgery. The worst pain was day after surgery.... you get stomach spasms but meds help a lot. Too many problems with the Lap Bands... slippage, erosion, poor outcomes etc. I never was interested in getting banded.
  12. gohelpyourself

    Sore Calves

    actually if it is sore from overactivity drinking Water to help flush lactic acid out will certainly help. Be careful with taking tylenol if you are on lortab b/c that has tylenol in it too.
  13. I don't believe so. I remember seeing a thread talking about tubes. Did you have them? I can't remember. No drains here. Those cause a lot of discomfort.
  14. gohelpyourself

    Sore Calves

    if your surgery was recent it could be sore muscles from positioning on that OR table.
  15. gohelpyourself

    Sore Calves

    Get some potassium in you.
  16. Looks like Heparin induced thrombocytopenia aka HIT.
  17. gohelpyourself


    yes because it overfills the pouch. Your tiny tummy can't accommodate both liquid and solids at once.
  18. gohelpyourself

    Doc wants 14 day pre-op....hhhmmmm.

    No one is going to know! I cheated and I asked my surgeon "how was my liver" and he said it was great. So do the best you can in those 10 days. Also, nothing to eat or drink after midnight before your surgery and my surgeon said only clears after 6pm til midnight.
  19. gohelpyourself

    Doc wants 14 day pre-op....hhhmmmm.

    My surgeon used to do 2 full weeks and now it is only 10... 10 should be fine. I was also allowed one half cup non-starchy veggies per day. That is enough time to detox your liver.
  20. Glad to hear. I'm almost to the other side! Lol. You will do great! Does your surgeon use drain tubes? I am wishing you the type of recovery I just had. Stay positive. I never once second guessed or worried something would go wrong. Will nothing but a smooth recovery your way and it will be!!
  21. How are you feeling BellaDonna? I know you had surgery recently. OMG... I feel really good thanks for asking. No pain, tolerating full liquids just some gas (trapped upper GI gas).
  22. its a hard diet to follow pre op... much easier post op. Definitely not hungry.
  23. gohelpyourself

    Not bragging but.....

    you may just have more internal swelling than others. Continue to take small sips as to not get dehydrated. Put two scoops of Protein powder in one shake to double up the protein. 'So Delicious' makes an unsweetened almond milk that has 5x the amount of protein. Get yourself some of that to make your shakes. Keep us posted. Small sips.. every 15 minutes. Slow and steady wins the race.
  24. I had a few minor slip ups. My surgeon said my liver was fine during surgery. Try to stay on track til the big day now. Good luck.

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