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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gohelpyourself

  1. Girl your profile pic makes me chuckle every time I see it pop up. You know that is what I picture you looking like. You are too much. I enjoy all your posts. You are so positive, upbeat and motivating. Thanks for sticking around on here for all us newbies. You are a great resource to us all.
  2. gohelpyourself

    New to Group- Sleeved 2/4/14

    Try and relax b4 you have to go back to work... that is what I am doing. I am adding you as a friend b/c I too had my sleeve same day. I want to compare notes/progress/comments/concerns etc. Joann
  3. gohelpyourself

    I'm eating like a prisoner on death row

    I know the feeling... I ate Indian food take out like 5x the week b4 I started my prison camp diet. Enjoy, enjoy!!!!
  4. Fantastic!!! I have a closet of skinny clothes I am longing to get back in to. Especially my jeans and heels! I can't support my weight in heels anymore and that was a sad sad day.
  5. gohelpyourself

    psychology evaluation today!

    Some evaluations use the testing tool and others are more like a psychological assessment.
  6. gohelpyourself

    psychology evaluation today!

    be honest..... its a psych test.... they throw in questions on purpose to see if you are lying for instance "if someone at work told you a dirty joke, would you laugh"... I said yes... cause I would. Does that mean I will be a sex addict post op...no! LOL Stupid a## test.
  7. gohelpyourself

    psychology evaluation today!

    Mine was a test a ridiculous retarded 567 question, color in the circle with a number 2 pencil test (that was the exact number of questions 567!!) Questions like "Have you ever wished you were a forest ranger".
  8. gohelpyourself

    Pre op diet

    Good Luck Today Guys!!!!
  9. gohelpyourself

    starting to get cold feet

    Have a nice nap and when you wake up you will get morphine lollipops!!!
  10. gohelpyourself

    Freaking out

    everyone regrets it day two post op. That is short lived, believe me. The risks of this surgery are very low statistically. I did a ton of research being a nurse. Best advice... pick a surgeon who has done many. I went to the best in my city... The Bariatric Center of Excellence. Grilled my surgeon on my initial consult. I have a 3 year old son who's dad is permanently disabled... I was petrified something would go wrong but I began to realize how many men and women with children decided (electively of course) to have this surgery. I felt the benefits far outweighed the risk. I also know I do well under anesthesia and recover quickly. All these things helped aid in my decision making process. This is a life changing surgery that is irreversible. You must be mentally and physically prepared for that and... having faith helps a lot. No one can make the decision but you. Be an informed and educated consumer. You know what is best for you. Mediate, pray... whatever you need to do but the answer will come and when it does...you will be confident and secure with your decision. Hope this helps
  11. gohelpyourself

    starting to get cold feet

    Oh.... Good Luck today. You will do fine! Think all positive thoughts. You got this!!!!
  12. gohelpyourself

    starting to get cold feet

    I never allowed myself to second guess cuz I would probably have done the same thing. I made up my mind and did it. Smiling the entire time knowing I was eventually not going to be fat anymore.
  13. Wow! You look beautiful!!! I can't wait til I get there. I don't remember ever weighing 120.... maybe in the 5 grade
  14. gohelpyourself

    Sleep question

    I'm not...I have a 3 yr old that hates naps. Even if given the chance I can't nap if I try (lately). Only thing that knocks me out for a spell are the Lortabs.
  15. gohelpyourself

    Sleep question

    If you have some money to burn I suggest online shopping... my favorite pastime
  16. gohelpyourself

    my missing stomach

    I was so sick of being overweight. I have a 3 year old son and I had him at 40 and losing the weight at this age was nearly impossible. I didn't want my son to have an unhealthy mom who was fat AND old. LOL I need and want to be around for my son. I also want to wake up in the morning and not struggle with every piece of clothing because nothing fits properly. I am tired of being in hiding b/c I am embarrassed of my weight. The list goes on and on. I do not miss my stomach. I want to eat to live not live to eat. I think once you start approaching your goal weight you may start to change your mind. Give it some time and patience. Find something you enjoy to fill that void that is healthy. Be careful not to replace one bad habit with another. Transfer addictions are not uncommon amongst bariatric patients. Stay connected with this site and ask for support when needed. That is what it is here for. Hang in there.... I promise it will get better. Just because I do not have buyers remorse doesn't mean a lot of post op'ers do not share the same feelings you are experiencing. One day you will be able to enjoy most foods again.... by that time you will be thin and guaranteed happier and healthier. Best wishes.
  17. gohelpyourself

    Sleep question

    Yup...I wake up in the middle of the night (its 4am here). I am tired, just cannot sleep. Not sure why either
  18. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    Hey Julie.. I had a two night hospital stay (standard for my surgeon) but I left hospital able to have full liquids b/c I was tolerating clears. I have not lost one lb. I am 5'5 and went in at 240..... still 240 and I am bummed. What is this Original Protein XL shot you speak of? I am an advisor for a health and wellness company called Advocare and we sell Protein shots and as an advisor I get a 40% discount so naturally I asked my surgeon's P.A if I could take the shots for added protein especially because it is low volume and packs a big punch and they did not seem too happy about that. They want me to get in my Proteins from food. I am going to ask again on Tuesday at my post op visit. How big is your hematoma? It may take a while for that to resorb but if that is your biggest complication that is a blessing
  19. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    I am ok for now... I just want this farking scale to start moving! UGH
  20. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    Wow... totally interesting. My post op appt is Tuesday and I will ask about that just because I am totally curious now.
  21. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    with regards to restriction?
  22. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    I really don't think BMI has anything to do with it. Mine was only 40. The rationale for liver reduction is to detox liver b/c evidence shows that detoxing liver decreases risks for all complications. I never heard of this.
  23. gohelpyourself

    who was sleeved Monday Feb 3rd? I want updates!

    you only had a 3 day pre op diet?????? WOW
  24. Its even good for pre op patients. Good to educate yourself going in. I should have labeled topic differently so more ppl could benefit.

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