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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by margalit

  1. Oh that’s awesome they worked well for you. So happy to hear they helped you! I’ve been researching and wanting to try them for months and months, but I’ve only read positive reviews which leads me to believe they’re from the company, not actual users of them. But I finally ordered them. Hope hey keep working for you and that your labs come back still improved.

  2. I had the lapband switched to the gastric bypass in March of 2012. My heaviest was 280. Now I am 113. My surgeon gave me a feeding tube which did nothing and hurt like hell. I have zero appetite. No food looks or tastes good to me anymore. I am always nauseous. I have zero energy, and some days cannot even get out of bed. Everything I eat makes me sick. My hubby and I try to find a pattern to what causes my dumping syndrome. But we are at a loss. The worst part is, I have a son who is going to be 5 next week. I am lucky to have lots of help w him from my mom and my hubby. But he sees how weak I am. I can’t keep up w him and take him to a park even. I cannot find much at all online about loosing too much weight. I only find about regaining. My bariatric surgeon’s answer to every complication I’ve had is to cut me open, again, and again and again. He’s done 6 surgeries on me (not including initial lapbad, and revision to bypass). I moved overseas to Israel last September and have been getting Iron infusions twice a week. I haven’t felt a difference. Nothing helps. It’s a total mind f**k to go from 280 to 113. Als to go from so big to so small. Also to be told by all those around me to eat eat. How can I swallow food when I’m constantly nauseous? I’ve always struggled to keep all of the Vitamins down. I throw them all up. Ive asked if I can do a Vitamin drip, any alternative to oral vitamins. It’s hard. My Dr even prescribed me marinol, to stimulate my appetite and help with nausea. It’s generally given to chemo patients, didn’t help me at all. I feel No one understands. I Don’t even understand, It’s so very confusing. Any one else experience this? I feel if things don’t change I’ll be dead within 10 years. I’m 42 in a 65 year olds body. What upsets me most is how this affects my sweet little boy. He is old enough now to know and see and hear, that mommy is not well. I will never know all of the negative ways in which this probably already has and will continue to affect him. I have an appt with a bariatric nutritionist but, by now, I generally know more than they do. Any words of wisdom or advice would be greatly appreciated. Here are pics from

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
