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Nikki Dawm

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Nikki Dawm

    Just starting my journey

    Congrats! I am 32 and 7 months post op. I am down 93lbs. I am not a smoker but with my surgeon it was mandatory to quit prior to surgery. My Surg date was 12-12-14 so right in the middle of the holidays. This was hard for me. Not because I wanted the food but because everything we did was geared around food. I did start feeling depressed. Fortunately I have a very good and understanding husband to support me. You will always have judgmental people that will try and convince you not to do it or later on that you should have tried a little harder before the surgery. But just remember that we made the choice to do what we did because we truly knew it was the best choice for us. And that is all that matters. Hold your head high and keep fighting. You still fight the battle just from a different angle. Good luck!
  2. Nikki Dawm

    Not doing good with foods!

    Thanks everyone. I think it was the G2 I was drinking. I quit drinking it last night and so far so good this morning. I took mylanta last night and so far feel better today. Just doing liquids and yogurt for a couple days till I see my Doc.
  3. Nikki Dawm

    Not doing good with foods!

    I used to take mine first thing in the morning and changed it to 5on because it used to be worse at night. Now it starts about 30min after I wake up and it lasts all day.
  4. Nikki Dawm

    Not doing good with foods!

    40mg Protonix 1 time daily. It's prescribed. I had a hernia repair as well.
  5. Nikki Dawm

    Not doing good with foods!

    Yes I take one daily. It is Protonics (not sure how to spell it).
  6. Nikki Dawm

    Not doing good with foods!

    I am 4 weeks out and have a terrible lump in the back of my throat. I am constantly gagging when I think of eating or drinking? I don't have pain in my stomach just feel nauseated ALL the time. I am taking protonics. Has anyone had this issue???
  7. I know this is going to sound crazy but I am scared to start soft foods!!! I have had nothing but water, protein and G2 gatorade. I did try some chicken broth yesterday and it went right threw me. Any advise on which soft foods I should start with??

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