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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeanniepenini

  1. Hi all, Just been to the fill Doc as I have been being sick for the past few months..not every time I eat but most times. I had a check up under a fluoroscope and x ray and she said I have an inflamed esophagus.She decided to remove 6cc leaving hardly any in. This will give my esophagus time to heal as the port and band looked OK. She has sent a report to my Doc and has informed me I may not be suited to the band after 2 yrs of struggling....(only lost 8lb so I'm a slow loser). Anyone with similar probs and what was your outcome.? Jeannie
  2. Jeanniepenini

    Inflamed esophagus

    Thanks Christine.
  3. Jeanniepenini

    support groups in manchester or north west

    I had mine done in Prague so i am like you i have had to find my own way around the Band and fills it has been very difficult but i will keep trying. All the best JC.
  4. Jeanniepenini

    support groups in manchester or north west

    Hi Mrs S, as much as you can tolerate my first fill was 4c. 2nd 3c.third 3c then i had 1c taken out. Good luck.
  5. Jeanniepenini

    support groups in manchester or north west

  6. Hi Sassy

    Thanks for your reply but not sure how to pm anyone, can you tell me how to do it



  7. Jeanniepenini

    great find !

    Hi Sassy,when i left hospital i was given a small booklet but i have done everything i can, i am on my third fill and have lost 1stone in 1 year not much i know but between this i was very ill, i have been back on form for 2months but i am still struggling, for breakfast i have 2 weetabix with milk, lunch half a sandwich i struggle with lunch, in the evening my diet varies last night i had fish and a small amount of oven chips and cabbage for the bowels? this takes about 1 hour to eat, then later i may have a bag of low fat crisps, then i will have a biscuit before i go to bed, my doctor doesn't really know anything about the band as i did this privately myself. I am 14stone and aged 54, i could really do with help with the food. thanks very much for your reply JCx
  8. Jeanniepenini

    great find !

    Hi Sassy, i was one of the unlucky ones that didn't receive any diet sheets when i left hospital neither do i have a nutritionists i would be graitfull for any diet sheets or help. I was banded in Prague and i have struggled ever since.Many thanks JC
  9. Hi Fatme, another great post, thanks for your reply, i am trying really hard this week to get back on track,I hope i start to loose soon as this whole thing is starting to really get to me, i feel very embarrassed when i hear all of the other women loosing lbs and lbs,i know we aren't all the same but some seem to loose faster than others, i to have been overweight since i was 25, i have been very poorly over the last six months at one stage it was touch and go for me in hospital i had a problem when the surgeon removed my Gall bladder, i am now trying to loose more weight but i haven't found the correct way of doing this yet,reading the post this week has helped me. look forward to reading more. JC.
  10. Hi NewSho, what a great message you have passed on, i am going to give this a try, i have tried everything else and 15month down the line i have only lost 12lbs, i am on my 3rd fill but haven't obviously got the hang of things yet, fingers crossed. Many thanks . JC.
  11. Jeanniepenini

    Average weight loss

    Hi Bino, this is a very difficult road to travel on and you have to be very much aware that the band is only a tool, i have been banded for 1 year and have lost 21lbs and have just had my third fill, i try really hard to work with my band and at times i get really low when i can't keep my food down and realize i have eaten to quick, there is alot of education to be learn't alongside the band and still a year later i am learning i am not in a great rush to loose weight fast my aim is to eat healthily and keep well and keep the weight off having the band fitted is the best thing i have done Good luck. JC.
  12. Jeanniepenini

    is my band to tight

    Hi everyone, it is almost a year since i was banded and to date i have lost 14lbs .yes i am a slow weight looser but i am trying hard to keep going, my question is i had a third fill in April this year and had a good restriction maybe to much i think but i have tried to carry on eating when i can but most meals come back up half way through eating them, i do all the right things chewing well and eating small amounts but still on some days i am not getting much down yet on other days i can eat small amounts? why is this, do i need to go and have a unfill, can anyone help with dietary advice. thanks jeanniepennine.:teeth_smile:
  13. Jeanniepenini

    is my band to tight

    Thanks Mindy for your advice, I am going to the Dr this week Jeanniepennine.
  14. Jeanniepenini

    is my band to tight

    Hi and thanks for your reply, i think you maybe right regarding the amount of food that i eat but believe me some days i can only get a couple of spoons in before i PB and others i can eat a small amount and things stay down. Today for Breakfast i have had a slim fast drink. for lunch i have had a small salad with 2oz meat and 1 hour later i am still eating it and hoping it will stay down, for Dinner i am having 2 eggs and i small slice of toast,this again i hope will stay down, I am sure there is a way of knowing the right amount to eat i still get that pain in my chest when i am full but then i am sick before the pain comes i am hopeing for some help ASAP from my GP . until then thanks for your advice anymore will be very welcome. Jeanniepennine.
  15. Jeanniepenini

    is my band to tight

  16. Jeanniepenini

    is my band to tight

    Hi Oscarnorman, thanks for your reply I am 5ft 1 and weigh 14st 7lb. I was banded in Prague but have my fills in the UK. I have been extremely poorly for the past six month i had my gallbladder removed in January of this year with massive complications and an emergency operation that saved my life, i have struggled with my band since the day i have had it in i know i am not the only one and my doctor says the band is still in place and i am getting better but still i don't seem to loose much weight. Have you any advice. thanks JEANNIEPENNINE.
  17. Jeanniepenini

    Is it just me or..........

    Hi Tracie, Great read that's just how i felt when i came back from Prague when you find the answer please let me know i have only lost 8lb in 11 months and i am on my 3rd fill everyone is different keep going i am and hopefully next year we will be there.
  18. Jeanniepenini

    Banded in Prague anyone??

    Hi Dina, i am glad you have had good follow up from Prague. Good luck. Jeannie.
  19. Jeanniepenini

    Banded in Prague anyone??

    Hi Tracie, I have my band filled in Manchester £150 a time, after no contact with prague i lost all confedence in them and now go it alone.I am not the only one who has had problems with prague i have met other people on the forum with the same problem, if you make contact great!!!!!!!!!!! you will be the first that i know of, Good luck. Jeannie.
  20. Jeanniepenini

    Banded in Prague anyone??

    Hi Tracie, good luck with your follow up from prague, it has now been 1 year since my band has been fitted and as to date no follow up no Emails or dietition. Good luck Jeannie.
  21. Jeanniepenini

    any advice needed please.

    Hi, Please could anyone help or explain something regarding my weight loss. I had the band fitted July 07 and had had two fills by Jan 08 this year. I had only lost about 8 lbs in total and was obviously a bit disappointed. In Jan I had my gall bladder out and was told that some fill had to be removed from the band. I then had serious complications with Gall bladder operation and after being rushed back in to hospital for surgery and I am now just getting over the operation but did lose some weight in hospital going from going from 92.5 kilo to 88 kilo, but this went back up to 91 while waiting for my fill. My consultant recently said its OK to go ahead with my third fill which I have just had on May 6th. I have had very good restriction and am still on liquids like Slimfasts and mushy food. I had a little Shreddies and salad and yoghurt's yesterday but nothing much else and am trying to eat regularly. My problem as always, is that I got weighed this morning and have put some weight on and am 92.9 kilo. Could someone please explain a reason for putting weight on when I am literally eating next to nothing. I am still working as normal. Is it my body shutting down because of lack of food, because I could understand staying the same for a short time , but... NOT PUTTING WEIGHT ON. How long before the reserves start to be used up and the weight starts to go. If you don't eat, do you put weight on or what??? Sorry for going on a bit but I am very frustrated Any advice or explanation would be grateful Jeannie....:confused2: :tt1: :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub:
  22. Jeanniepenini

    any advice needed please.

    Thanks Lyndsey, Today i have managed 1 weetabix and a cupa soup not much at all, i tried my sunday roast tea but after 2 mouthfulls i was sick it felt like i had a large ball in my chest. i am sure this feeling will ease soon Thanks again Jeannie. x Lancashire.
  23. Jeanniepenini

    any advice needed please.

    Thanks for the Info, I will keep my chin up and start again and eat often but small amounts. Thanks Jeannie.
  24. Jeanniepenini

    Banded in Prague anyone??

    Hi Dina, I had my band fitted at BBC LAST jULY, not very happy with the aftercare infact there were no follow up and no answer to my Emails how have you been thanks jc.
  25. Jeanniepenini

    Lancashire Fill Nurse/Doctor?

    Hi , I get my Fill in Manchester at the Hanson Medical Centre.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
