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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. Nevermore

    Pre op liquid diet

    I'm really glad as well. I wouldn't know have the stuff I need to know without all of these awesome people. I'm glad to hear you're doing better on day 3. It gives me something to look forward to on day 2 (today). Definitely try the Cold Eez. It can't hurt (unless it has aspirin or ibuprofen which I don't think it does) and anything to cut your symptoms down in time for surgery is a bonus. Lots of fluids. Lots of Vitamin C! Come on, you can make it! Prayers going up for you!
  2. Nevermore

    3rd day after surgery

    donaboss, thanks for sharing your journey. My own is starting very soon and it's so good to hear everything about how you're doing. Your journey and the awesome responses your getting helps us who are preparing for the plunge! I'm glad to hear you're feeling well and I know you'll get to go home soon. The anticipation is going to make coming home that much sweeter! Every time I come home from a long trip, I walk in the door, yell, "MY STUFF!" and plop on my bed. lol Prayers going up for you, hun!
  3. Frothing: aka Sliming: This may be a symptom of sialorrhea, or “sliming,” vs. true vomitus. Sliming is a term sometimes used by the lay public to describe the white foamy discharge resulting from eating too quickly or consuming too much. This typically subsides or disappears when the patient begins to consume moist foods, eats slowly, and avoids drinking with meals. Head Hunger: Not really hungry but want food anyway. The main culprit of being overweight. Usually created by boredom, emotional situations, stress, and habit. I have no idea what the "losing the baby face" means, but I assume it's losing the round, pudgy cheeks that weigh our face down. Weight will age you much faster than this surgery ever could IF IT DID... which it doesn't.
  4. Nevermore

    Pre op liquid diet

    Each of our diets is tailor made by our doctors to suit our particular needs before surgery. It's very important that you follow exactly what he says. It's not that he's ignorant or trying to be mean, what he told you to do is important. Your diet is specific to you to reduce your risks during and after your procedure. I don't think anyone is allowed to have any form of sugar, natural or not. As for coping in the mornings, I'm not sure what you're needing to cope with but right now my head is killing me. Lack of caffeine and being so hungry... it's making all day miserable. I just try to keep calm. Whatever it takes that isn't food: multiple hot showers, video games, talking on these forums, bugging my 6 year old niece to come play with me, movies... anything I can to take my mind off. And you said you can't get shakes there. You can't even get Slim Fast or it's many generic brothers?
  5. Nevermore


    Alicia, I had a similar thing happen. They did about 20 different EKGs on me, each time with an increasingly worried look on their faces. It got so bad that they sent me for an ECG. But I get to the hospital and they check me out and wonder why I'm there. They do the ECG anyway and it was just fine. I know it's really hard, but try not to worry. Worrying doesn't do any good and only raises your stress and makes things harder. God is with you and on your side. You've got this!
  6. Nevermore

    Pre op liquid diet

    Mine is at 7am CST. I'm not as lucky as you may think. I've been on a 1200-1500 calorie diet for a couple years now. So I only had to do a short liquid diet for liver shrinkage. I've been doing without food for so long, it seems like another life when I used to eat what I wanted. lol... Fries with ketchup sounds awesome. ~sigh~
  7. Nevermore

    Pcos And The Sleeve

    My PCOS is so bad that I haven't had a menstrual cycle since I was 22. I've taken birth control, hormones, and all manner of supplements and treatments with absolutely no effect. I'm 36 now and getting sleeved in a week. My gynecologist, endocrinologist, and surgeon all agree that the sleeve is a much better option than the bypass. I'm 5'10" and 245 lbs with all of the symptoms of PCOS in spades but the only co-morbidity I have is high cholesterol. Take heart! The sleeve is a great option for a lot PCOS women.
  8. Nevermore

    Pre op liquid diet

    I'm January 6th as well. I start my liquid diet on Tuesday (new year's eve... tequila's a liquid, right?). Excitement and trepidation abound. Sounds like you're much better prepared for the diet than I am, DCborn. I'm kind of ignoring it until it gets here so I don't wear myself out with anxiety. Haha. Ugh... Good luck, man. I'll see you on the other side, sir.
  9. My surgery is a week from tomorrow and I must say that this is an interesting and helpful read. Keep it coming! <3
  10. "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt Don't be afraid to fail... that's how we learn to succeed! And those that love us will give us a hand up, dust us off, and give us a shove in the right direction! They fail at stuff too, you know. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Bernard Baruch
  11. Nevermore

    The Pre-Op Crazies

    kmiller, I'm 100% with you on the relief. I even tried sharing these thoughts with my husband and he just didn't understand and thought I was being silly. It's an incredible weight off (hah!) to know this is a familiar road to a lot of people and that they are nice enough to let us know we're not alone.
  12. I'm exactly two weeks from my surgery 1/6/14. I've noticed that the closer I get, the more "crazy" my thought process towards it becomes. "Maybe I don't really need this." "This is irreversible and I love my stomach!" "I know lots of people said they have had it done... but what if they aren't real?" Yes, I need it. Yes, it's irreversible, but my stomach is causing a lot of problems. Begone, vile demon. Yes, I know you people are real. It's all anxiety and stress (wheeee holidays) but logic doesn't stop the panicky thoughts. Have any of you gone through or are going through anything similar? Did you do anything to relieve the stress? Any suggestions or helpful/hopeful comments? Are you SURE you're real? *eyes you suspiciously*
  13. Nevermore

    The Pre-Op Crazies

    I've had a very similar thought. I've been telling people, "They're going to cut out my most beloved organ!" And I've got this sense of betrayal that comes with that thought. Stupid, but there it is. And it goes along with your next statement about limiting the enjoyment of food. My biggest problem is that I'm not over-enjoying food. My stupid PCOS is killing me and this is my last resort. Yes, I'm overweight, but not what I've been trained to think as "overweight enough" for this surgery. (yes, another bout of the crazies in action). So, it adds to my feeling of betrayal and it being unnecessary... even though I've learned that the bottom of the stomach produces a bunch of hormones that contribute to insulin resistance and PCOS. Bah, see what I mean, I just bat myself back and forth. But knowing that this is usual... even normal... is making me feel so much better. (especially that reality punch LindafromFlorida gave... ouch) I never even thought about this. I'm this way as well. Back ups for back ups. I expect everything to fail (you won't be disappointed!) but there's nothing left after this for me (which I have thought about). This has to work and that's scary. I'm just trusting to God... kind of funny that most of us only do this when we have no other choice. Thanks for the replies everyone. I love this.
  14. Nevermore

    The Pre-Op Crazies

    Thank you so much for all of your responses. I'm really glad that I'm not alone in this. I've felt very alone with these crazy thoughts. No one around me seems to understand where I'm coming from. Please keep sharing... this helps! And this one made me cry... this has really given a big dose of "SHUT UP!" to the crazies:
  15. Nevermore

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    My surgery is 1/6/14! January sleevers unite!
  16. I've been telling everyone. I'm even having a countdown to my surgery (14 days!) on Facebook to my 200ish friends and family. Whoever isn't supportive can kiss my butt and get out of my life. I've got enough working negatively against me without people volunteering for the job. Of course, I'm also a -very- open book and my struggle with PCOS and weight would be on daily news if they'd give me a spot. I've also got a dominant "run with me or get run over attitude" and my approach works for me. But I feel if I have to hide something, I'm not being true to myself.
  17. Nevermore

    Any Buddies in Houston, Texas?

    gonzo and alchaley, How was your experience with the surgery and how are you doing now?
  18. Nevermore

    Any Buddies in Houston, Texas?

    Nice! I'm moving out to Katy as soon as my lease is up here! I'm doing great but my surgery date is taking forever to get here (Jan. 6). How are you doing??
  19. Nevermore


    caligirl3, Saying a prayer for you, hun! It will work out!
  20. Nevermore


    When I talked to them, I asked about the co-morbidities as well. They said they won't cover it -at all-... under no circimstances... They didn't care about co-mordbities because the original diagnosis is morbid obesity with co-morbidities. It didn't really apply to me but I was trying to find out under what circumstances I could get some help.
  21. Nevermore


    Simply_ke, They just said they don't cover it under a diagnosis of "morbid obesity". I told them that's not my diagnosis and they said I can appeal, but they don't accept any other diagnosis for wls.
  22. Nevermore


    Thanks for the replies, btw. I'm not too familiar with the intricacies of insurance. All I know is that they are constantly out to screw me over and I hold everything they say and do in high suspicion.
  23. Nevermore


    They said they don't cover it with a diagnosis of morbid obesity. I don't have a diagnosis of morbid obesity. I am doing it for help with PCOS. They said I could appeal that... but then said no.
  24. gamergirl, Your advice is noted and well-appreciated. The maintenance thing will be nothing new to me. I honestly think my fight pre-op has been much harder than my post-op fight will be. I've been through nothing short of hell the past 20 years. I've got a bit of a special circumstances case. But that's another topic! Please, ladies! More results!
  25. Nevermore


    I would SO love the particulars because I called and they said no way, no how, under no circumstances. My surgeon's office called as well and the insurance is only chipping in a part because of the severe hiatal hernia my surgeon found that needs immediate attention. Please! My surgery date is 1/6/14 because I have to come up with thousands before they'll do it.

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