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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by outwithbenjiboi

  1. outwithbenjiboi

    Somebody? ANYBODY? Are my calories too high?

    And thanks Gamergirl! I can always count on you for a response!!
  2. outwithbenjiboi

    Somebody? ANYBODY? Are my calories too high?

    I'm 5'8.5" and this morning, I weigh 238.6.
  3. I've NEVER been a foodie. Shopping, cooking and eating was always such a chore. As a result, I never wanted to invest the time in making good decisions about food, and ate whatever was on hand or easiest. Processed food, eating times and portions were my downfall. I'm too lazy to bake, too cheap to buy soda, treats and junk food, and too indecisive to pick a restaurant. The result: Lots of Pasta, bean burritos, cheese toast, omelets, pizza and Amy's Kitchen products. (My wife is an ovo- lacto- pesce- vegetarian and I fell in line). Eating was always a bother -- in the way of doing something else -- so I stuffed it in mindlessly. So the challenge for me is to CARE about what I'm putting in my mouth now!
  4. outwithbenjiboi

    October Sleevers - Who else

    Heaviest : 286 April 2013 Preop: 256 Today (2 weeks out): 239 Feeling great. Pureed food, cramming in protein, walking about two miles a day, 50-60 oz liquids, 60-80 grams protein. Scars look fantastic. Not going back to work until Nov 4, and loving having this time to develop new habits and norms!
  5. outwithbenjiboi

    I made it!

    Congratulations LinF !!! Speedy recovery, and YES!!! Keep those eyes on that prize!!!! And follow the rules those first weeks!
  6. outwithbenjiboi

    A little tmi...constipation

    Another vote for Miralax, and for putting it in my one Protein shake every morning. Also, get those Fluid numbers up, and walk walk walk!!!! BTW, I mix my protein shake/Miralax as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning (it's my new coffee), and use it to take all of my morning meds. Thirty minutes later, I'm ready for a soft boiled egg or something.
  7. outwithbenjiboi

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I confess that: 1. Ten days postop I ate (melted) a snack Reese cup; 2. I have become a nutrition a*****e with my poor (and healthy/fit) wife, and made her start using MFP; 3. I throw my fat clothes in the trash rather than give them away; 4. I feel superior to my fat friends; 5. I don't care one whit about never drinking alcohol again, but I started recreationally smoking (not tobacco) ASAP. It calms my stomach, makes me NOT hungry, and motivates me to exercise. Don't knock it until you try it; 6. Even though I've told everyone about the surgery, I'm not sharing/posting any photos because I want to milk EVERY drop of WOW factor from the first time they see me.
  8. Just had pureed Progresso Artisan potato, kale and sausage, and it was SOOOOO satisfying!!! Had the Masai Butternut Curry yesterday, and added a dollop of yogurt and pureed chicken, Also delish! Today's had 8 grams of protein, and goes down sooo smoothly!! They come in 2 serving boxes, and would be great for taking to work.
  9. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    I'll throw my hat in this ring. I'm only two weeks post op, and should still be walking mostly, per my doc. I wear a pedometer every day, and I've still not achieved a monthly average of 10,000+ steps (about 3 miles for me). So my goal for November is to reach or exceed 10,000 steps per day.
  10. outwithbenjiboi

    Anyone cycling?

    I rode my road bike on a flat to mildly rolling track for about 3 miles today at about 12-15 mph! It felt great, and i was careful to rest and hydrate. I was also careful to stop before I felt fatigued. I've been walking a lot, and exceeded 10,000 steps (about 3 miles) yesterday. Anyone else a cyclist? How are you fitting it in to your "new normal?" Sure felt good. Btw: My surgery was Oct 15. I lost 30 lbs pre surgery and I've lost 15 since. Two week post op tomorrow!!
  11. outwithbenjiboi

    Going back to work

    Oh...and I want to get the last of my windows painted! That's the project I was working on before the surgery.
  12. outwithbenjiboi

    Going back to work

    Tomorrow is my two week post op, and I feel good enough to go back the day after. But I'm scheduled for one more week and I'm taking it. I'm learning so much about food, nutrition, exercise, and myself--and I'm going to take full advantage of it. I hope to have some really solid habits, plans and strategies by the time I go back.
  13. outwithbenjiboi

    Anyone cycling?

    Thanks Gamergirl! I'll check it out!
  14. If so, is there anything i should be sure to document right out of the gate? Or is it just a matter of being 18 months post surgery and maintaining weight?
  15. outwithbenjiboi


    I had a mini reeses pb cup tonight, 12 days out. I dont plan on making it a habit, but it really made me happy to join in tonight. Their was plenty of room on my daily plan, and i met all of my protein and liquid goals for the day, so i'm not gonna stress over it.
  16. outwithbenjiboi

    Anyone else sleeved this week? Check in here!

    I was sleeved on the 15th, and find that when i overdue it ...just getting up/down, walking, turning over in bed, etc....my insides would hurt. I described it as feeling like i'd done a million situps. Wearing your binder sometimes helps. Actually, i have several tank-style compression shirts, and they support me really well, and allow me to "rest" from the weight of the gravity on my tender insides.
  17. outwithbenjiboi

    I give up on eating!

    OK, I'm no longer a virgin; I just vomited after I too quickly swallowed three baby spoon bites of pumpkin/squash souffle, and then took one sip of Lifewater to "wash it down." There's no more "washing that bump of food down" happening, is there?
  18. The best I can jigger is Net Calories Consumed* calories Carbohydrates 50g (25%) Protein 100g (50%) Fat 22g (25%) ... but we definitely shouldn't be getting 22 grams of fat a day, should we? And what about this stuff? Cholesterol mg Sodium mg Potassium mg Fiber g Sugars g
  19. outwithbenjiboi

    I give up on eating!

    I just took two bites of lunch (ricotta bake, no mozzarella, pureed lean hamburger), and got what I think you guys call the "slimes." Is that what you call it when you feel like you have an elephant in your esophagus, your mouth fills with saliva, you feel like you're gonna hurl, and you have to spit about five times? J
  20. outwithbenjiboi

    One week post op

    I'm a 15ther. I weighed 253 the day of surgery, and weighed 241 this morning, so 12 lbs down. I'm walking three times a day for about 30 min at about 2 mph. That's it. Staying well below 800 cal with the exercise figured in, hitting my Protein mark, and only getting about 50 oz of liquids ... but no dehydration symptoms. I'm working on it. J
  21. Good to know about the fat!!! My head is stuck in one of my old fat-free phases! I'll make adjustments accordingly. I really want to get the hang of MFP, and am on my second day of my nutrition/exercise diary! Thanks everybody!! J
  22. outwithbenjiboi

    Talk me off the ledge!

    YOU. PEOPLE. ROCK!!!!! I don't need to be talked down from any ledge tonight, but my night's out there ahead of me somewhere...and I'll know JUST who to turn to!!
  23. outwithbenjiboi

    One week post op

    8 days postop today and 2nd day on pureed foods. That's going ok, but I have to say that my energy is more up and down than I thought. Also, struggling with insomnia and Jerky legs. On another thread, I've mused that I may be getting too much synthroid now -- the symptoms are similar to what I've experienced in the past. Last night, to counter-act, I took ONE pain pill (Oxy), and slept like a log for 8 hours. But today, I feel like my stomach, bowels and energy were much more sluggish. I guess it's a trade off; which is better? sleep (for healing) or energy (for exercise/eating)? Also mentioned on another thread -- is everyone suddenly FREEZING COLD all of the time????? I sure am.
  24. I could have sworn I introduced myself here, but I'm a newbie, and still figuring out the difference between a group, forum and discussion! My surgery info is below, but I wanted to talk about non-surgery stuff! Soooo..... I'm a 50-year-old butch living and working inside the DC Beltway. I married my wife in 2010 when it became legal in DC after we'd been together for four years. We both work for the federal government (when it's open ), and we're recent empty-nesters. We have a 22-year-old daughter here in DC, and one in college in NC. My wife, Laurie, is from Georgia, and a UGA alum. I see SOOOO many people from the Atlanta area on this site! I'm a Va Tech grad. We're both writers/editors; we own and are constantly working on our 76-year-old house; we have a dog and five cats (of course we do); and we love to travel and camp. Let's all get to know each other a little better! I can use all the support I can gather around me, and -- after all -- we're "FAMILY" right!? Jen
  25. outwithbenjiboi

    PUREE DAY 1!

    You can DO this Sleeve Siren!!! Have you tried a variety of Soups yet? Go to the store and get whatever sounds like a MEAL, and throw it in the blender until it's a liquid! Add milk, yogurt, whatever it takes! Also, SF popcicles are the BOMB.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
