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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by outwithbenjiboi

  1. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    But Butter! How can I let you and the team down with my fitness challenge!!??
  2. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    OK, I have a quandary and need advice. My fitness goal is a 10,000+ steps per day average for the month of November; but I just started my strength training last week with my PT. So now I'm doing an hour of cardio on MWF and about 30 min of cardio + an hour of strength training on TTh. On weekends, I'm doing whatever I can (still aiming for 10K steps), and trying to rest some too. With the strength training days though, I'm gonna be chronically under 10K unless I exercise for like 2.5 hours! That can't be good at just 5 weeks out, can it? Should I do the 10K steps on top of the strength training? Make up for it on weekends? Give up on ever having a rest/recovery day? What are my priorities here?
  3. outwithbenjiboi

    I made it!

    Checking in with you Frisco. How are you doing buddy?
  4. outwithbenjiboi

    I'm Overweight! Let's Celebrate!

    GG, you are TOO good to me!
  5. outwithbenjiboi

    Seriously.. What's up with yogurt these days?

    Another vote for fat free and 2 percent Fage with frozen/fresh berries and stevia! I also occasionally add the equivalent of one packet of honey to 4 oz of yogurt. Its only 43 calories. I buy the big tubs too.
  6. outwithbenjiboi

    Dear Man's Room

    Um, Butter? Don't be so chintzy. Half of us in the LGBT forum can appreciate this site too!
  7. outwithbenjiboi

    No Pre-Op Diet?!?!

    I was on a diet for insurance purposes, but my surgeon didn't have me on one other than nothing after midnight.
  8. outwithbenjiboi

    No Pre-Op Diet?!?!

    I was on a diet for insurance purposes, but my surgeon didn't have me on one other than nothing after midnight.
  9. outwithbenjiboi

    I'm Overweight! Let's Celebrate!

    My next milestone is to reach my halfway mark -- which comes in 7.5 lbs. At that point, I'll have lost 60.5 and have 60.5 to lose. After that, I'll have 26 (and some change) to lose before entering the golden gates of "Onederland" -- my next goal. My NUT said that I came down an obesity level at my last appointment, but I didn't pay good attention. I'll have to look up the BMI categories... Edited to add: I found it! So according to this, I started at Class III (42) and am now Class I (34.4). Next up: figuring out how far to "overweight." Edited to add2: Well, that sucks. I have to weigh 195 to be "overweight," so that will have to be my THIRD goal!!! < 18.5 underweight 18.5–24.9 normal weight 25.0–29.9 overweight 30.0–34.9 class I obesity 35.0–39.9 class II obesity ≥ 40.0 class III obesity
  10. outwithbenjiboi


    From the album: JB's After

  11. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    Update through Nov 17 Goal: 10,000+ steps per day average for the month Current Average: 10782.94 Total Miles: 52.16 Down a little because I was in the car for 14 hours on Sunday, and had a couple of hectic days/strength-training days last week. Worked out my strength training exercises and prelim goals with PT on Friday. Need to put them in a spreadsheet so it's easier to change them up. He's really REALLY into whole body exercises, so I'll be doing a butt-load of push-ups, chin-ups, and planking! New goals for December, Butter!!! We'll have to do this again!
  12. outwithbenjiboi

    Unexpected Benefit: Inspiring Others

    Hey GG! Yes, this is happening to me too! I've had several larger people at work in and in my social circle "probe" me for details and info. I've turned them on to MFP and this site, and passed on the name of my surgeon. And I, too, am guilty of talking WAAAAY to much about exercise, food, nutrition etc. these days!
  13. outwithbenjiboi

    Any October Sleevers?

    Ren!! How in the HELL did you lose 50+ lbs in FIVE weeks!?!?!? I'm down 52 TOTAL pre and post op, but only 22 in four weeks post surgery. I'm workin my ASS off at exercising, and following doc's /nuts orders to a T. You look great.
  14. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    Update: Nov 14 Goal: 10,000+ steps per day average for the month Current Average: 13,018.5 Total Miles: 47.09 Started strength training on Wednesday. Meeting with Personal Trainer today for first time. Started C25K yesterday with no problems. Had one-month post-op with NUT yesterday. 50 lbs down total (pre and post op). Today is my one-month surgiversary!
  15. outwithbenjiboi

    November Update JPG

    From the album: JB's After

  16. outwithbenjiboi

    October 2013 Sleevers Roll call!

    Sleeved October 15 Start weight: 286 Surgery day weight: 256 Current weight: 236 Goal weight: 165 Down 50 lbs total. Smooth sailing so far. Today is my one-month surgiversary! NUT told me yesterday that increasing my Protein (I'm rarely hitting 80 g, but close) and Fluid (rarely hitting 64 oz, but close) may result in faster weight loss. I'm also researching moving from Synthroid to "desiccated thyroid." I'm reading that many people gain/retain weight on Synthroid.
  17. Do they do alcohol tests? Are you worried about a nurse being drunk when you are in the hospital? And what about prescription drugs? Highly prevalent in the medical/nursing community. All of these studies note that the main drugs of choice for nurses are depressants/opioids/narcotics; marijuana is NONE of those. Sullivan, Eleanor J., Leclair Bissell, and Doris Leffler. "Drug use and disciplinary actions among 300 nurses." Substance Use & Misuse 25.4 (1990): 375-391. "A survey of 300 U.S. nurses recovering from alcohol and other drug dependency was conducted to describe the effect of drug use on job performance and related disciplinary actions. Subjects reported experimentation with or dependence on a variety of drug categories. Many visible effects on job performance were reported but only 23% reported disciplinary action against their nursing licenses. Females and older nurses were more often dependent on alcohol, while younger nurses and males reported narcotic dependency with greater frequency. Narcotic use was significantly related to disciplinary action." Trinkoff, Alison M., and Carta L. Storr. "Substance use among nurses: Differences between specialties." Journal of Addictions Nursing 10.2 (1998): 77-84. Dunn, Debra. "Substance abuse among nurses—defining the issue." AORN journal 82.4 (2005): 572-596. Trinkoff, Alison M., Carla L. Storr, and Mary Patricia Wall. "Prescription-type drug misuse and workplace access among nurses." Journal of addictive diseases 18.1 (1999): 9-17.
  18. I kow this is an old thread, but I'm disturbed by the misinformation I've seen on these sites re: cannabis. I stopped smoking two weeks before surgery, and started smoking again about two weeks post-surgery. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes -- this is my relaxation/meditation/recreational substance of choice. I NEVER get hungry when I smoke; never have. In fact, if my stomach is upset for ANY reason, including hunger, smoking makes it feel better right away. Usually helps with headaches as well. I, too, am energized by it, more social, more focused. I think a lot of people who comment negatively have 1. never smoked weed 2. never smoked it responsibly as an adult 3. never smoked high-quality weed 4. have only ever read crap scare-tactic "studies"/propaganda about it and/or have insulated themselves from the real science on it. Marijuana is not addictive, toxic or detrimental to neurons; it is not a nervous system depressant (like alcohol). There has never been a recorded incident of marijuana overdose. According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), lifetime, moderate marijuana smoking (defined as at least one joint per day for seven years or one joint per week for 49 years) was not associated with adverse affects on pulmonary function. [1] Marijuana use is not associated with increased prevalence of certain types of cancers, such as melanoma, prostate cancer, or breast cancer. [2] Marijuana use has never been associated with higher prevalence of tobacco-related cancers such as lung cancer. [3] and [4] Investigators have concluded that using a vaporizor (very common these days) is even more "safe and effective." [5] and [6] Anecdotally, it has had ZERO negative impact on my post-surgical health, healing, energy, or appetite. In fact, just the opposite. ___ [1] Pletcher et al. 2012. Association between marijuana exposure and pulmonary function over 20 years. JAMA 307: 173-181. [2] Sidney et al. 1997. Marijuana use and cancer incidence. Cancer, Causes & Control 8: 722-728. [3] Hashibe et al. 2006. Marijuana use and the risk of lung cancer and upper aerodigestive tract cancer: results of a population-based, case-control study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention 15: 1829-1834. [4] Marc Kaufman. "Study finds no cancer-marijuana connection," Washington Post. May 26, 2006. [5] Hazekamp et al. 2006. Evaluation of a vaporizing device (Volcano) for the pulmonary administration of tetrahydrocannabinol. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 95: 1308-1317. [6] Abrams et al. 2007. Vaporization as a smokeless cannabis delivery system: a pilot study. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 82: 572-578.
  19. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    Hey everyone! Tomorrow is my one-month surgiversary, and I just did Day 1 Week 1 of the C25K today! Still keeping my daily steps in the 13k range (goal is 10,000+ per day). I think I'm getting the hang of this fitness stuff!
  20. I had mine today! NUT says I'm right on track, but she wants me to bump up my Protein. I'm under 80 grams most days -- usually around 60-70. Since I also tend to be a little shy on fluids as well, she's recommending that I stay on one Protein Drink a day for the next month. I will comply. She also suggested that I add Vitamin D to my supplements. Said it's part of the most recent protocol. I've taken it before, and my doc took me off because it got too high; but I'll comply with this as well. She suggested the Syntrax Nectar protein mixes as something different than chocolate or vanilla. Recommended putting them in oatmeal, pudding, yogurt etc. Gonna look them up online. How's everyone else doing!? This social group is D.E.A.D.!
  21. SW: 286 TWL: 50 GW: 165 [50/286-165)]*100 (50/121)*100 =41% Thanks GG!!!
  22. I've seen so many numbers for these.... I'd set my Protein goal for 100, then scaled back to 80. Is that still too high? My NUT guidance is even lower. I'm hitting between 50g and 70g per day. I've got my daily sugars limit at 40g per day, but I haven't even hit 30g per day yet! How about you? I've got my daily fat limit at 27g per day. I've gone over twice, but kept it under 40g per day. What's yours? (Fat routinely makes up about 35% of my diet, carbs 30% and protein 35%) I think the fat is kinda high now (really swings wildly from day to day), but I'm not eating vegetables/fruits yet (still on high-protein puree).
  23. outwithbenjiboi

    Daily Protein, Sugar, Fat Goals/limits

    OK, been doing a little research (this is for you too, Fluff). I have a list of foods that are high in good fats. Problem is, I still can't eat most of them for the next month (on soft foods). Butter: I didn't see whole eggs on any of the lists, but I eat plenty of those anyway. Please add anything that I've overlooked! Going shopping tonight. OK NOW (soft) foods: Bacon cooked SOFT Olives/Olive Oil Lamb Avocado Duck Breast Pork Salmon NOT YET foods: Bacon cooked CRISPY Pinenuts Peanut/Almond Butter Hazelnuts Flax seeds Pistachios Walnuts Sunflower seeds Almonds Cashews Sesame seeds SPECIAL TREAT: Dark chocolate
  24. outwithbenjiboi

    Daily Protein, Sugar, Fat Goals/limits

    Fluff: I'm having trouble reining in the carbs and ramping up the fats too, but today is only my second day on soft foods. I have 2oz of cooked (mashed) carrots today!!! Can't wait!! I missed veggies! Butter: When can I eat almonds??
  25. outwithbenjiboi

    November fitness challenge

    Hey! When I was doing my 45 min of walking on the treadmill today, I started doing running intervals of one minute whenever I felt like it. Over the course of the 45 minutes, I ran for 11!!! Yay me!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
