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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tambonzjo

  1. Hey all, my sister has seen the way I am losing weight and wants to be banded also. She is on PHCS (Private Health Care Systems) but cann not find any doctors here in DFW that accept it that do the surgery... Anyone run across any? Even if it is in the Austin area, she could stay with my dad for a few days... Any help is greatly appreciated..
  2. tambonzjo

    do I need an unfill?

    Try thin oatmeal ( the Quaker Weight loss Banana bread with 7 grams of protein is heaven sent) or cream of wheat. I tend to live alot on those two. My bad food is popcorn. for some reason it goes down way too easy
  3. tambonzjo

    restless leg syndrome

    I have RLS and have had it all my life. I take Sinemet 25/100 (the lowest dose of Parkinson medication they prescribe) and I take only a quarter to a half a tablet at a time. If I take half a tablet, I have a hard time getting up in the morning so I usually keep to a quarter of a tablet. I agree with Karen, I usually try a hot bath. The hottest I can get it. But sometimes that won't do the trick so I take the medicine while drawing the bath. Usually a second bath. Then I am good. But I do find it worse in the winter than in the summer. And I also find that if I have sat on my legs at my desk at work during the day then I usually have it worse that night. It isn't fun, but I have learned to live with it. I hope what I have contributed will help someone else in finding a good nights sleep.
  4. tambonzjo

    Thanksgiving Dilema

    Ok, time to hear from you longtime bansters! How did/are you going to handle Thanksgiving? I relish (mmm...that sounds good too!) the thought of putting turkey in the food processor just to eat it. How did you handle it? What about stuffing? Do I just add the two plus lots of gravy to the food processor and make a shake out of it (ok, that is way too gross to do!!)? Help us out!!!
  5. tambonzjo

    The biggest Loser tonights show

    Candysmooch, I just went to the website and Mo hasn't updated his results in a while. You can check here http://www.nbc.com/The_Biggest_Loser/contestants/wherearetheynow/mo.shtml I thought I heard that some of season one's contestants will be on the finale this week. I hope to see MO, he was my favorite from season one. My favorite from season two is Dr. Jeff. I broke my heart when the voted him off. But he is doing great and I am looking forward to seeing him at the Finale this week. Matt drives me crazy crying all the time! That boy needs an antidepressant. Yes he looks great so far, but stop crying on every show! Seth and Suzy have done great jobs but I lost interest when Dr Jeff was voted off. Good luck to all of them!! And may the biggest loser win!!!
  6. tambonzjo

    Thanksgiving Dilema

    Well...it didn't go so well yesterday. I PB'd 6 times. and didn't make a dent on my tiny plate. I hope my co-worker is coming back soon so I can get an unfill of maybe .2cc of the .4 they put in. Ok, just not having a good weekend of it at all..may I vent for a minute? I came up here to work to get caught up on the mail (I am an office manager for a dermatologist) My computer system is down. This is the first time it has gone down in 4 years. Monday will be hell if I can't reach someone to fix it. I have left messages all over the place and hope someone will call me back. I haven't seen my boyfriend since last Saturday. He has been sick and spent Thanksgiving not with me but with his family. Ok, I will give him Thanksgiving, it was his new daughter-in-laws first time cooking for her new family. But I haven't heard from him today, the day after Thanksgiving. We usually talk on the phone 10 or more times a day. I am really missing him. Ok, I could go on venting, but I will stop there. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!!
  7. tambonzjo

    2 NSV's in One day? Could it Be?!

    WTG!!! Doesn't it feel great?? I have been there in your shoes and have celebrated with a massage, pedicure, etc. just to make me feel good! I am so proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work!!!
  8. tambonzjo

    Car Accident tonight!

    God I feel awful. I was in a car accident tonight. I was going almost 70, slammed on my brakes for suddenly stopped traffic, and rear ended a car on the freeway. The car I hit was a husband and wife...she is seven months pregnant. They luckily drive a Volvo and have very little damage. We called the police and they blocked the freeway with two firetrucks, an ambulance, and five police cars. I have never been so scared in all my life! In fact, it happened three hours ago and I am still shaking and crying. I just called the hospital and I spoke with her husband. They are releasing her and she and the baby are fine. But I am sooo freaked out over this whole thing. My car has alot of front end damage but is still drivable. The ambulance driver wanted to take me to the hospital to have me checked out but I told them I was ok. But now my neck on the right side is aching and I have my second killer headache for the day coming on. Maybe I should eat something? I haven't eaten all day. Just Water and two cups of coffee. But I feel if I consume anything it will come right back up. I don't have any Advil cause mom went out of town this weekend and took it with her. Oh, BTW...mom was in a wreck last night also. (and I wonder why I am stressed?????) She hit an orange construction barrell and ripped the passenger mirror off her car. She wasn't going to tell me, she hoped I wouldn't notice..LOL Yeah right! She was driving at night and she can't see too well anymore. Sorry I just had to unload. I was hoping for a romantic weekend alone with my boyfriend since mom would be out of town. Herman turned 50 yesterday and has Strep throat, pneumonia, and Fluid in his lungs. They want to put him in the hospital Monday if he isn't better. Needless to say, he won't come near me for fear of getting me or my mom sick. So here I am...home alone freaking out over the accident and my head starting to hurt even more. Time for a run to the store for Advil....liquid..LOL Thanks for listening!!!
  9. tambonzjo

    Car Accident tonight!

    Thanks all for your support! I am feeling pretty good today but haven't gotten out of my PJ's yet, just layin around. My neck isn't really too stiff but I have a good friend that is a Chiropractor and will treat me when ever I call him. I may call him tommorrow, I will see how I am feeling. The car didn't really look that bad this morning. It is still very drivable. It is a PT cruiser convertible. I could propbably clean all the black off from the other guy's car and it would probably be ok. Yes I have rental car insurance and when I bought the car I had that thing put on the note about if it was totalled they would pay the loan off completely, not just what is owed. Mom just called, LOL!! She is having car trouble but is still in Abilene at a friend's house. They know a mechanic that works for a dealership and he is checking it out. I am bored sitting here at the house. I am going to work to try to make my Monday a little easier. Maybe a movie too. I have a coupon for a free movie down the street from my office. I wonder what is showing. But I will take it easy and find some Advil, I never went and got any last night. Maybe get something to eat. A shake sounds good...thanks for all the advice everyone...I love you guys!!!!
  10. tambonzjo

    Thanksgiving Dilema

    Thanks for the info!!! This really helps! Yeah, I am a little on the too tight side. Not losing pounds but I have been told I am losing inches. But almost everything makes me PB except for some little little bits of Soups (creamed), popcorn (lots of butter to help it slide down, I know I am bad), Starbucks Frappachino, sugar free pudding, sugar free Jello and such. I actually am making some sf jello for Thanksgiving. Sue, smells are the greatest thing! I have learned that smells are the best thing next to eating! Mom had barbqued ribs (yuck!!) last night and the smell was wonderful though. I can sit and smell food and get enough just from the smells. Enjoy the smells! They won't make you PB!!!
  11. tambonzjo

    I am soooo pumped!!!

    Ok, When I was banded in April I was in a size 22 pants. I had to go shopping at lunch cause my co-workers told me I looked sloppy today, my clothes were too big. I was wearing a size 14 brown dress slacks. I have dropped down now to a size 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am doin the happy dance!!! I don't remember when I was a size 12. High school? I have also started working out now, which I hadn't done before. It feels good. In fact everything feels good!!!!! Also, btw, the boyfriend, Herman, is wonderful and looks like we may get married about April next year!!!!!
  12. tambonzjo

    5 days post surgery - port pain?

    I also had Dr. Benavides as my surgeon (isn't he great?!) and yes you will feel the port for a while. It is attached to the muscle so it will hurt longer. Mine hurt for about a good 3 weeks. I drove alot after the surgery with a small pillow on my left side...dang speed bumps!! LOL!! Trust me, it will get better.
  13. tambonzjo

    band getting tighter

    How funny you should ask this, I am experiencing this currently. I can't even eat oatmeal right now. I tried several times to eat yesterday and nothing would go through except liquids. I am just going to stick to liquid for a while and see what happens.
  14. tambonzjo

    What Foods Have Caused You to PB?

    Hmmm...PB? What doesn't make me PB if I am not careful? All meats (except ground beef sometimes), chicken, fish, shrimp. Very rarely can I do them...if they are shredded, then I can do it better. No breads, pastas, etc. I have tried Fettacine Alfredo two weeks ago for the first time and still ate about 1/3 of a cup but PB'd it too. Salads are good and so are soups. I am back on protein shakes. Mind you, I have a very tight fill. Most people can do a heck of alot more than I can. I prefer being tight as opposed to having freedom. BTW....no candy tonight for me. Woohoo!!!
  15. Ok....how do you know if you have slipped your band off? The reason I ask is that I have been really tight and have been PB'ing. Last night though I was able to sit down in front of the TV (watching The Biggest Loser, I feel like one now...) and ate two entire pie pans full of nachos. Granted it only had cheese and jalapinos on them but I should never be able to eat that much. I am scared. I called Dr. Benevides office this morning and the fill center and have an appointment next Wednesday to look at it under fluroscopy to see if it has slipped. Any of you bandsters out there slipped your band? They say that the nurse might be able to fix it. She would pull out all the saline and then have me come back in two weeks to see if it slipped back into place. Meanwhile, I am on liquids and soft foods. I want to know NOW if I slipped it. I want to try to eat something forbidden to see if I get sick, but I don't want reality to slap me in the face. Ya know what I mean? HELP!!!!
  16. tambonzjo

    I think I slipped my band...

    LOL Kathy! All is well, I am happy to say. They had a heck of a time accessing my port since I have lost so much weight. But I did get a fill and am happy to say that it did not slip. But afterwards, man I can tell that this was a tight fill. So I have to be very careful. I really can't leave work to get an unfill until January due to a co-worker (my backup) having surgery tommorrow so I will be a baby for a while!! Thanks for askin!
  17. tambonzjo

    I think I slipped my band...

    Ok, I get the fluoro thing tommorrow to check the band....wish me luck!!
  18. tambonzjo

    I think I slipped my band...

    Thanks DeLarla! However, you don't know me, I am crazy!!!! LOL!! I am just playing it cool. I had two cups of Soup yesterday. That is all. I will continue this torture of Soups, etc. to see what happens. I want to eat a Peanut Butter and jelly sandwich to see what happens but I am too chicken. I guess I will have to wait and see next Wednesday. Thanks again DeLarla!!!
  19. tambonzjo

    Lane Bryant...

    Actually before my surgery I wore Lane Bryant exclusively because a freind of mine was a store manager. They had to buy the latest styles and wear them only for that season. The funny thing was if the found a top she like then she bought every color it came in. LOL!! She then handed them down to me when the season was over. She bought only the really good stuff there and most of the things I got from her still had the tags on them. She cried when she found out I had Lapband surgery. "Who am I going to give my clothes to now?" LOL! She died in a car accident on April 24th this year. I still have alot of her tops, they still fit. But all of the pants are too big. I am in a 14 now. All of the tops I have now are 14-16 and 18-20. Her brother has let me have free take of her closets. Yes closets. Try 5 walk in closets full of clothes. I won't buy any shirts for a year!!!
  20. tambonzjo

    Exercise song

    I love the songs!!! I never thought to make up songs!! Ya'll are so smart! I actually have the Queen CD with those songs and will have to pull them out!!! Thanks for the good laugh!!!
  21. Here is my problem, I am currently addicted to popcorn. Not the Plain Jane kind but movie theater with lots o butter type. What is worse than that is that is usually all I will eat the entire day. Yesterday I had one large and one mini microwave bag at one sitting for dinner last night. Unfortunately, it compresses and goes thru the band too easily. But I have given up my two or three times a day Starbucks habit. Now it is maybe twice a week. But I am not eating right at all. I know that. Help me! I don't have a problem with pastas, breads, and meats. I don't eat them cause the WILL make me PB. I have tried baked fish. In fact, my freezer is full of them and they make me PB everytime. Any suggestions will be very much appreciated!!!!
  22. tambonzjo

    MILK DUDS and vodka tonics

    Psst....I haven't given up my sour apple martinis. But I have only had three since my band. They do go to my head very quickly, though.
  23. WTG road queen!!! Me too!! Yes, Kathy, I got all kinds of energy for Mr. Herman...LOL!! Too bad he is in Little Rock, Arkansas on business this week. Note to self..must save some of this energy for him!
  24. LOL...WTG!! Hmmm...today I worked all dayin a doctors office two people short, came home scrubed my back deck now it is ready for stain tommorrow night, planted 16 plants watered, gathered up the trash and about to take a shower (cause I stink now) then work on payroll to key in tommorrow morning then vaccuum... Did some one say energy to burn?
  25. tambonzjo

    I've moved .. to Onederland!

    Just think....soon will you not only be wearing that skirt, but two weeks later, it will be too big for you and you will have to go shopping to find another little skirt!!! WTG!!!!

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