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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crazyace

  1. crazyace

    hot face

    After I eat or even when I am eating--my face turns bright red and gets really hot--it lasts for about 30 minutes--I also get dizzy--- what is wrong with me?--it doesn't happen every time but it happens enough to make me feel awful. and other people notice it and are a bit shocked by it--- any help would be great!
  2. crazyace

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    I had a partial unfill yesterday---I had an upper GI and it show that my pouch was streched and that my band was really tight--- I thought I needed another fill because I was able to eat a lot--- But the band was very tight ---the barium barely went though--- so i was overeating and my band was to tight --so they took out some of my fill and said that my pouch needs to rest-- I think this is good for me --because when I am too tight I feel paniced and i try to eat as much as I can---when I can eat more I am ok---it like being told you can't eat something then that is all you want--- I will have another upper gi in a few months to make sure that the pouch has gotten smaller----if i gain wieght then I will make an appointment to have a small fill. But i also had the weird feeling in the back of my throat--I didn't realize how much it bothered my untill the unfill----it feels like something is pulling on the back of my throat--trying to push food down--- I also have had brochtis all summer--and I am wondering if the band being so tight made me sick or sicker We all have to pay more attention to our bodies now--with the band--if somthing is going on with you---sick or what ever---first thing you have to think is --"is it the band?" this is the best thing i have ever done for me---i have lost 100lbs!---i need to lose another 60 to 70----i feel great!---but i will take as much time as i need to loose the rest--i am in no rush--i need to be healthy!
  3. crazyace

    EXTREME tightness after long exercise session?

    i get really tight after pilates---I go at night and then after I can eat anything!--and I am really hungery----but then for 2 days I can't get anything in other than liquids!--I was wondering if it had to do with working the abs?---I only go 1 or 2 per week so far---should I go more?---I can't run or anything like that --I have bad knees and legs---pilates is the only thing I like----and hopefully i won't have to have a tummy tuck----but not being able to eat makes my DH crazy--he gets really worried and just starts makeing any kind of soup--- would a mucle relaxer help?
  4. crazyace

    I Had a Problem

    yes!--i have been taking "papaya enzyme with chlorophyll"---the papaya is suposed to help with digestion---but now my husband takes it too for his breath!--it is great!
  5. I have applied for a job as an on air Jewelry Expert for the Home Shoping Network--they liked my resume and asked for the video---so now I am waiting to hear.--i never would have applied at 312lbs
  6. So --i also may be looking for a job out of town---I am in NYC--I have applied for a job in Tampa, FL--they required a photo and a video of me---so in the cover letter I told them that I have the band and that in 6 months to a year I will look different---It has been a week and I haven't heard anything --do you think it was a mistake to tell them about the band? FYI--i am 6 months out now--312lbs top wieght--248lbs now--150 goal
  7. :cursing: They could last forever---you could be at your sweet spot--enjoy it!
  8. crazyace

    Ladies-Perfect Cup Size?

    Wow---I can't wait!---i was banded in august and I have almost 170lbs to lose--I am a 38 L----yes ladies---L--and all I want is smaller boobs!--that for me was one reason I got the band--so I could get a reduction! you look soooooooooooo good--i am beyond jealous!
  9. :eek: You will succeed---just please keep in mind that for me the hardest part was the pre-op diet----I don't know what your's is but mine was just 5 slim-fasts and a salad---a total of 1000 calories per day--i was very week and hungry all the time---I live in NYC so good food is every where it was awful----I just had to keep telling myself that it was worth it!--and it is!--i had my surgery in August and I am down 60 pounds!!!!
  10. Wow---I took a look at the dec people---wow---I had to stop reading---who are these people's doctor's???????!!!! Were they not told that after the surgery --it is NOT about looseing wieght but about healing???---it is ok if you gain weight--because you are drinking calories--Not eating real food---wow--and eating can cause all kinds of problems--alot worse than feeling guilty---wow--I really feel alot of people go into this surgery and other wieght loss surgery on a whim---I spent so much time reading and reshearching before I did this--and then I reshearched my doctor (Dr. Ren at NYU)--- wow I don't understand the December people--if the hoildays were going to be that hard---then they should have waited--this is major surgery and to be taken very seriously-- wow you can see why I had to stop reading. wow
  11. wow---you guys are doing great!--I haven't been here in a while--life is crazy---but I am down almost 60lbs!!!--yippie--I just got some jeans from the gap!!!! I spent a month waaaaaay to tight and lost almost 20lbs in one month--but now I feel like I am in the right spot--I can't eat in the morning--really anything more than slim-fast maybe an egg-----at like 4 or 5 I can eat a little bit of real food--and then at night I eat a Little bit of dinner---some days I feel I can eat just about anything and a lot of food but then the next day thick Soup doesn't go down--my doctor (Dr. Ren NYC) said for me to have a routine--wake up have some hot tea or coffee--if it goes down easy then try some solid food for lunch--if it is hard for tea to go down stick with soup for the day--- I have thrown up a lot--not just PBs--but really throwing up--I was way to tight---so now I know what that feels like but now for me it seems like it depends on the day--one day I can eat a hamburger then a couple days later slim-fast makes me throw up--- I think I am very sensitive to the band and to everything that could make it feel a little tight--- after a fill--they say to do 2 days of liquids and 2 of mushes---I have to do at least one week of liquids--because nothing real will go down It is so weird how personal this thing is --how every ones experience is so different oh--I was banded August 13, 2007--312lbs--I am now 255lbs yippie!
  12. crazyace

    Abusive Relationship

    I was in a very bad situation with a man---he told me I was fat every day--5'8"--170lbs--yeah crazy--but I believed it---I have suffered for 15 years---312lbs was my top-----don't let a man have any power over your happiness--get out--take proof of the abuse---get a lawyer---take every thing he owns--it is yours you built it---and make HIM start over--the next post we see from you should be --you are living with your mom and you have a lawyer who will take him for a ride!---do this now--you are still young at 45---you are starting a new life with the band----you had this surgery to make your live better---it will never be better no matter how thin you are if you stay with this man----trust me i know
  13. crazyace

    What about these big arms?

    I have a surfer shirt---it is great it is long sleeves--go to your nearest scuba shop or large atheletices store---the shirts have spf 50--which is great----i got one in a 3X (mens)--that is the biggest I have seen--but it will be tight--it needs to be-it loosens when it gets wet-but it is like a girdle for your arms!!!---and if you go to the beach---you look like a surfer!!!--and less sun tan lotion--I was always missing a little of my huge upper arms and getting burned --but these shirts are the best!--and you just look smart and not like you are trying to cover!!
  14. crazyace

    Newly banded-starting to exercise

    :kiss2: You HAVE TO TELL!!!! OR you could hurt yourself---let your trainer know so he/she can ease you into ab excerises--better to be safe than sorry!!--if you don't want to tell them that you had the lap band ---just say you had a Hernia surgery---if you did or not-----that will give them enough info to help you--and for you to not be hurt.
  15. Hi ---so I had surgery on Aug 13 --I had my first fill on Thursday sept 20---I was able to drink water--but very slowly-- Friday--I threw up----I sallowed something too big I think-- Saturday I got my TOM. Last night I was able to eat some mushie food yogurt and mashed potatoes. This morning I had a headache so I took some Excedrin.--as I was sallowing it I thought--oh this is too big---and I threw up again. I called my doctor and left a message--- I am worried about slippage---If I kept throwing up -- What should I do? Am I too tight?--or do I need to be more careful?? :help:
  16. crazyace

    first fill --vomiting!!!!

    Yes I spoke with my doctor and they told me to stay on liquids for 2 days and then mushies---drink hot tea when I try to eat anything--and if it gets worse--like no Water goes down then I will go in for a de-fill-- Thank you guys for all your advise!---the people who say that weight lost surgery is the easy way out need a good smack in the face!!---
  17. yes I like the window seat----you can still put up the arm rest between you and the person next to you and then lean toward the window--i feel like it is more room---and no one bumps into you when they walk by.---no one has to ask you to get up so they can go to the bath room----i have been on a plane and the belt doesn't fit me---i just tuck the two ends under my belly and just give the flight attendants mean looks ---so they will think you are difficult and not want to harass you--- Also remember you have paid just as much as everyone else and you have just as much right to be relaxed and comfy---and it is there only job to make sure you are happy with your flight!---Just because we are "super fat" doesn't mean we are second class citzens---- But most important have fun on your trip---
  18. crazyace

    question about surgery requirements at NYU

    Hi i had oxford too and was banded by Dr. Ren on August 13 and it was super easy for me!---how are you doing?
  19. :help:hey guys ----I was banded w/hernia fix on monday the 13-----i am having really bad pain in my left shoulder ----it comes and goes---but seems worse after i eat--(liquids)----any ideas? i also am very itchy around my incisions---the strips are still on.:help:
  20. crazyace

    Acid Reflux Question

    Hi----i had very bad GERD before my surgery---which was just aug 13 --2007 so i am a newbie---but I had a Hiatuial hernia (sp?)--and my doctor told me that fixing the hernia would fix my GERD---it has been a week and I haven't had any GERD meds and I fell great!--have you been checked for a hernia?
  21. I think I am sick I have white blisters on my throat. I am on my pre-op diet and funny enough I always get sick if I am stressed and not eating-----Funny but true-----I am going to my pre-op testing on Monday--at NYU----Does anyone know if this will cause my surgery not to happen?--I don't know if I can do this diet again!:help:
  22. crazyace

    sick before surgery

    NYU---is great I was banded there on monday the 13 of august-----but she is right the pre-surgical testing people don't care---but they have nothing to do with dr. ren and Dr. Fielding--they are just part of nyu----the day of surgery is good very well run---my mother has worked in the medical field for 30 years and was very impressed by the hospitial on my surgery day!----so don't worry.
  23. My mom and brother are getting here today at 2 pm ---so i am cleaning and making my living room/work space into a bedroom!---my mom is staying for a week my brother is just staying until tuesday---the day i am released from the hospitial.
  24. So guys my surgery is monday-----ahhhhhhhhh!-----I have my mom and brother flying in to "help"---I don't know right now I wish people would leave me alone and stop "helping"-----I feel really stressed out and everything everyone does just pisses me off---my boyfriend last night was all "don't leave me if you get thin"---shut up---i am having major surgery on monday ----I just need to get through this ----I know when my mom and brother get here-----they are going to ask me if I am hungery over and over----and yes I am hungry---I haven't had any thing to eat in 2 weeks!---but asking me isn't going to help-----and they are going to want me to take them around the city---shoping and stuff--(NYC)---i don't have any energy-----and tommorow it will be worse----i can't even have slimfast after 3pm--just clear liquids---so i will be real tired---i am just freaking out and having cold feet---and just want to be left alone.---no one knows what it is like to need to loose 177lbs (that is how much my boyfriend weights!)--my mom is thin my brother is thin--and they eat more than i do!--i am sooooooo glad for this site---ahhhhhhhhh----freaking out!
  25. I live in NYC---it is really hard to find any thing nice in a 26 or 28 I normally wait until I visit my mom in NC---for some reason there is just more plus size stuff in the south.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
