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Sassy Pants1

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sassy Pants1

  1. Sassy Pants1

    Anyone feel like this?

    Though I am pretty consistent in servings sizes, I have noticed I can't eat as much sometimes. No idea why, but I'll take it since I was not one of the lucky ones who lost the hunger feeling.
  2. I'm guessing it's because everyone is billing separately. I was a self-pay, but I had to pay the surgeon and the surgery center separately. Just my guess.
  3. Yep, it happens to me as well. Less the further post-op I get. But soup pretty much always makes it happen.
  4. Yes, I'm right there with you! My weight loss has been slow and is now non-existent. I go for weeks without losing anything and then I'll drop a few pounds. That's been my pattern for several months now. And I'm up 1.5 pounds at the moment. Was 3 pounds. I am fearful I will not post any loss for month 6. However, I am hopeful this will pass and the scale will move again....someday. I, too, have experienced hair loss. I am very grateful I had somewhat thick hair to start with. I've been taking the Biotin and I feel like I am now seeing the hair loss slow a bit. We can't give up. We can't go back. We need to stick to the plan and wait for our bodies to let go of the weight.
  5. Sassy Pants1


    Requirement of my surgeon, too. Super simple procedure. Do t even waste any anxiety on this test. The IV is the only part you wll feel or even remember.
  6. Sassy Pants1

    Post op medications (crushed meds)

    I've been swallowing pills since the day I got home, per surgeon direction. I elected to do chewable vitamins, calcium and fiber, as I wasn't comfortable swallowing those big caplets. No issues at all.
  7. I went back to the news seminar for WLS as support for a loved one. The surgeon addressed the ice cream issue. Someone asked about dumping syndrome and he stated it's pretty uncommon for a sleeved with the exception of ice cream. Due to the high sugar,MIT moves way too quickly through digestion and creates some kind of extra digestive juices and ends up with dumping. I know I have over-simplified his explanation, but this what I can remember. Oddly, ice. Ream is the only thing I've had any discomfort with. I can tolerate it in small quantities only. I've only tried it 3 times, but I now know I can only have a little. Like, not even a kids size. Maybe half that.
  8. Sassy Pants1

    Ok, the hair thing again

    I'm still in it, but I feel like it's slowing down a bit. I'm the only one who notices the hair loss.
  9. Sassy Pants1

    6 months post sleeve and need help!

    You are not alone. I'm in my 6th month now and in my umpteenth period of no weight loss. Been 2+ weeks with no loss. In fact, I'm up a couple pounds. We'll get past this!
  10. Stalls absolutely suck. Every. Single. Time. But they do break....eventually. I'm 2+ weeks without any loss. In fact, I'm up a couple pounds. Frustrating, but I do know it will pass.
  11. Sassy Pants1

    6 Weeks Post Op and Stall

    It's totally normal. You're quite lucky you've made it this far without stalling. Your body is just taking a rest. The scale will move again.....eventually. These stalls are frustrating. Every. Single. Time.
  12. Sassy Pants1


    Hiccups are also my full indicator.
  13. I had surgery on a Thursday and was back to work on Monday, but I work from home, which I'm sure makes a difference. I was back to traveling for work after 3 weeks. I can tolerate any food. Anything and everything. Just in much smaller quantities. I have a friend who was sleeved back in August and he can eat anything as well. I know some people report not tolerating some foods, but that has not been my experience. Good luck with your decision.
  14. Sassy Pants1

    failure :(

    Yes, I still think this. I am often quite sure I've already lost my last pound. I believe this fear is normal.
  15. Sassy Pants1

    Upping calories by 400?

    This whole calorie goal perplexes me. Everyone is so different. I asked my NUT how many calories I should be consuming and she danced around the question when she wasn't straight up avoiding me. I am in my 6th month and shooting for 900 calories, but in usually go over a bit. I would have no problem consuming 1200 daily. But I'm afraid to increase anymore because I'm not losing the lady couple weeks. In fact, I'm up a couple pounds. I wish I knew the magic number.
  16. Sassy Pants1

    The Ghost Sleeve

    Yep, totally normal. You will feel the restriction once you're able to have dense protein.
  17. Sassy Pants1

    Percentage of protein, fat & carbs

    My nutritionist said protein and carbs should be at a 1:1 ratio in order to avoid malnutrition. She said 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. I'm not saying I agree, but that's the guideline I was provided.
  18. Sassy Pants1

    Boy did I mess up *sigh*

    I think, at some point, we all fall off the wagon and push the envelope. What counts is that we get back on track and try to do better.
  19. Sassy Pants1

    Getting new clothes

    I spent a good amount of time shopping this weekend. I only buy if I can get a smoking deal. For example, I picked up a pair of Levi's for $7 off the clearance rack at Kohl's. I get lots of stuff there. I also did a consignment shop - found a couple things there.
  20. Sassy Pants1


    Sugar-free hot chocolate, sugar-free candy, diet soda - yes, my team is okay with carbonation at 2 months post-op, sugar-free pudding, sugar-free Popsicles, berries, or sometimes dark chocolate.
  21. Sassy Pants1

    Im overweight!

    Good on you! I am so close and am anxious to get there.
  22. I'm so sorry, Bella. I lost my dad not too long after being sleeved. It is hard. You've been given good advice already. I just want to offer my sympathies.
  23. Sassy Pants1

    Hair Loss

    Are you taking Biotin? Not sure if it really helps, but I've been taking it. Are you taking Vitamins? Getting lots of good nutrition? I'm in month 6 and still having hair loss, though I think it might be slowing....? Fingers crossed.
  24. Sounds like my journey. I only met with my doc once.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
