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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gacutie02

  1. gacutie02

    10-month anniversary

    Thanks!! I will definately look into other options if my insurance is a no go
  2. gacutie02

    Just Banded

    Well that's awesome!!! I wasexcited as well until I found out today that my insurance won't cover it and I don't have any other means. So needless to say I'm glad someone else has some good news to report. Good Luck!!
  3. gacutie02

    Just Banded

    How r u doing?
  4. gacutie02

    10-month anniversary

    Congrats on your success with LAPBAND!! I was seriously considering getting the procedure but I inquired with my heal insurance company today Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida and they told me that it's not covered. SO needless to say I'm a little bummed out right about now because I don't have any other means to get it done. Should be very proud on yourself!!

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