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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About ualaw08

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru

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    New York

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  1. ualaw08

    Natural hair and vsg

    Hi About 3 years. I really keep heat out of it and don't touch it very much. I get a blow out about once a month and wrap it at night. I'm A big fan of just leaving hair alone...
  2. ualaw08

    Natural hair and vsg

    I have a natural hair and am 18 months post op. I did experience a bit of hair loss at around 9 months out but now my hair is back thick as ever and past bra strap length. I do have a bunch of little baby hairs flying everywhere though from the new growth.
  3. ualaw08

    Another Surgery

    Thanks everyone for sharing. I'm feeling a little better.
  4. ualaw08

    Another Surgery

    That is very helpful. Thanks so much!
  5. Hello Everyone I had gastric sleeve surgery in December 2013 but now I have to have a laproscopic hysterectomy next month. Have any of you ladies had a laproscopic hysterectomy? If so how was the pain compared to gastric sleeve surgery?
  6. I don't post very much, but I have to comment on this. Your parents relationship with food is not your relationship with food. As everyone has said, we have to take responsibility for our own behavior. No one is forcing you to do something you don't want to do. Additionally, although your mother may be saying things that are hurtful to you, you do seem a little jealous of her success. Finally, as someone else said, your use of the word "gross" to being a siZe 16 is inappropriate. We are people of all sizes on this board. Using the word gross for ANY size can be insulting. I wish you the best of luck working through everything.
  7. I have a cheat weekend where I may eat something like pizza or fajitas or M&M's. Sometimes I'll see a drop on the scale after that increase in carbs/ calories.
  8. I can't stop laughing!!!! But thanks everyone!!
  9. ualaw08

    Did you spouse diet with you?

    My husband had the sleeve with me! We are in this together! So fun to have someone to share plates with!
  10. Same thing happened to me. I am wearing the same size I wore at a much lesser weight.
  11. ualaw08


    Hi. Eating wasn't an issue. I'm at a point where my sleeve can tolerate anything. I brought trail mix and Peanut Butter crackers to snack on while there. For lunch they actually had a rotisserie chicken at a restaraunt. So eating was no big deal at all. Thanks everyone!
  12. In May 2013, my family I went to Disney World for a vacation. I was about to begin a new job in healthcare and wanted to celebrate my accomplishment. However, I was over 270 pounds and miserable. My joints hurt and I was always in pain. My 67 year old aunt had to push me around Disney World in a wheel chair. I afraid on every ride that I wouldn't fit. I couldn't wear regular shoes. The skin on my face was awful and I had. I desire to enjoy life. I chose to emerge myself in my career to hide the pain and frustration I was feeling. When I began new job, learned that weight loss surgery was offered to employees free of charge. I began the process immediately. Six months later, on Dec 19th, I had gastric sleeve. My life changed. I am down over 100 pounds. I wear an 8/10. I take Salsa lessons with my husband ( who has the same survey exactly one month later). I love life. Here I am at Disney a year a half later and boy have things changed! I am walking, running, laughing and playing with my kids like never before and I don't even think about whether I can fit into a ride. Most importantly, my 14 year old son keeps telling me he's proud of me. Below is a picture of me on a ride at Disney in May 2013 and one from today, same ride. This surgery changed my life. Thanks for your support over this past year. Here's to 2015!
  13. I too can eat everything. Like you said a bite here. A bite there. Something I CAN live with for the rest of my life. I'm not on a diet. Just eat small meals throughout the day. Mostly healthy foods. Admittedly sometimes bad.
  14. Hi guys and girls It's been a long time since I've posted. Just an update, I was sleeved in Dec 2013 at 264 pounds 5'2. Here it is today knocking at 100 pound loss mark. But more significantly I was able to do THIS the other night! Haven't done this in years!!!!
  15. ualaw08

    Recent pic

    Omg. You SHOULD feel amazing!

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