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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amcg

  1. amcg

    We Need a Support Group

    Thanks for the welcome! I would gladly drive to Colorado if they were able to do a fill on a midband. Can you please give me the info on where you go? Do you have the midband also? That is where I am running into a problem. I have yet to find a place in the US that will do a fill on the midband. I have been back to Tijuana for one fill since my original surgery which I had done last summer. I would really rather not make the trip back if I can help it. Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate it!
  2. I have a midband that was placed in Mexico. I live in New Mexico and I am hoping someone knows where you can get a fill in the U.S. I have made some phone calls to various places but as soon as you say you have the Midband people are not much help. I have not had any luck yet. If I had it to do over again I would not get the midband due to this dilema. Thanks so much for any info. I appreciate it!
  3. amcg

    We Need a Support Group

    Does anyone know if someone in NM or the surrounding states does midband fills? I would appreciate any info. Thanks so much!
  4. amcg

    We Need a Support Group

    Good morning Doug, I can only offer my thoughts. Although I have watched my own weight creep up more and more and more through the years, I did not want to do the gastric bypass. I did not like the permanent nature of it. That does not mean it is not right for you. If my weight had gotten up high enough maybe I would not feel like that. With the midband I had lost 40 pounds but gained back 20 of that. It really is my own fault. I think there are pros and cons to both and neither will be perfect. The band has made a difference but I of course, figured out how to gain weight with it! I think that one way to think about this dilema is that no matter what procedure you opt for, you will be better off because of it. You will loose weight either way and the best thing is that you will stop gaining. Either way it is a win/win situation for you. The truth is that none of us know what tomorrow will bring and we can only make the best decisions we can for ourselves. Each day is a blessing and a struggle and even on the worst days of our lives, we always know things can and will get better. I tell my boys that life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes it is up and sometimes it is down. When it is down it will always go up again. Try not to worry, your still here and that roller coaster will go back up! I hope this won't sound to corny, but pray about it and ask God to help you with your decision. No matter what you decide, the decision will be made and you can go on from there. Hang in there!
  5. amcg

    We Need a Support Group

    Hello, I live in Albuquerque and got the midband last year. I wish I had gotten the lap band instead. I have yet to find anyone who does fills for the midband without going to Mexico. What a bummer. I wish I could say I lost a ton of weight but that has not been the case. I don't regret the surgery but I do wish I had made a better decision.

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