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Everything posted by Cherryhair

  1. Cherryhair

    December post ops

    Day 20 and something happened recently-at first I could eat anything steak, chicken, eggs but the last couple days pouch won't tolerate much of anything and everything taste terrible all of a sudden-anyone else experiencing this?
  2. Love the force hate the clasp but hear it's the same as the flex clasp-any tips for keeping it on?
  3. Cherryhair

    Super horrible breath

    Great question I was wondering the same thing. I've been brushing my teeth several times a day and gargling with Listerine-helps temporarily
  4. Cherryhair

    December post ops

    More details on that muffin please
  5. Cherryhair

    how much do you lose monthly

    Me too I had steak last night* it brought me out of my funk. I'll take the slower loss if it means I don't lose my mind with the boring food choices Surgery 12/30/13 lost 6 lbs so far post surgery (17 total including preop)
  6. Cherryhair

    December post ops

    Day 12 post so bored and just blah feeling-it's the weekend and I miss food. Tired of not feeling hungry or feeling hungry and having to eat the same boring food or 2 bites of something that takes me 30 minutes to cook- I feel like crying screaming or something Just venting...
  7. Cherryhair

    Hemp protein

    Thanks for this info
  8. Cherryhair

    Pre-op fears

    There was so much going on during the whole surgery experience that it will seem like a pinch
  9. I usually buy it at the Vitamin Shoppe or online through Lucky Vitamins
  10. I like Unjury Chocolate Splendor and Syntax Nectar Roadside Lemonade maybe she'll like those as well.
  11. Congrats this time tomorrow you'll be on the road to healing
  12. Cherryhair

    January Surgeries

    My surgery was on 12/30 last Monday so I'm right there with you. I have slept in the recliner a couple times and it has been pretty comfortable. My biggest challenge right now is getting in at least 800 calories-never thought I'd be saying that. My protein and liquid #'s are good but I've only been eating about 400-500 cals- don't want my metabolism to slow.
  13. Cherryhair

    January Surgeries

    I felt the same way but decided to go ahead and take the hydrocodone the surgeon prescribed. I've been on it for about a week straight which is why I tried to switch over to the children's Tylenol won't try that again. The pain is getting better though moving in and out of bed was the worse. Hang in there in between the pain you'll have moments of elation-we're on our way!
  14. Cherryhair

    January Surgeries

    Congrats-on your surgery. I just took Children's Tylenol tonight and I swear I dumped. It taste really sweet. I should have known better. I tried to ease the pain with two oyster crackers which only made things worse.
  15. Cherryhair

    The Slow Losers Thread

    One week post op visit today did not lose any weight at all:-(
  16. Nope don't talk about it then people get to place their judgement on it-especially when it comes to work/people can become real judgmental about you taking off work for an extended time to do something they see as optional especially if it increases their work load temporarily
  17. Cherryhair


    Can't wait to get back to Zumba
  18. Cherryhair

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    Thank you I'm facing the same issue with constipation which I'm hoping is due to the fact Im still taking hydrocodone around the clock . I'm a little concerned about needing it so frequently a week later but when I don't take it the pain on my left side prevents me from moving. My dr appts tomorrow am though. Otherwise doing fine going from periods of elation to sadness-darn hormones and losing slowly too. I'm going to try not to care until all the pain is gone and I am clear to exercise.
  19. Cherryhair

    January Surgeries

    Congrats Betsy come on over to the losers bench!
  20. Cherryhair

    December post ops

    I'm having trouble getting my water in if I could just gulp it life would be so easy it's the baby sips that are throwing me off
  21. Cherryhair

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    Hi Guys I'm a 12/30 post oper too. I just sent you both mfp friend request. How are you all doing? I'm a little tired or the pain/discomfort and getting bored being at home.
  22. Cherryhair


    For me it's a too full signal accompanied by pain

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
