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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennypoo

  1. FlaLMT Hey, Yeah I have been in contact with NIna and Monica,they are both great. I have talked to several here that have been banded also.Including Wasa. Have you joined his message board?Im with you Im spend most of my time on here.Taking in and learning all I can!! Are you getttin the J&J band?Or the Inamed?
  2. Hi FlaLMT I also am having surgery with Dr. Aceves.MIne is sceduled for Dec 7,. And I cant wait!!! Ive had alot of the last meal syndrom going on.Just wanted to say good luck to you both. If you dont mine letting me know how everthing goes!! Jen
  3. I havent posted here in awhile because it got so heated with the discussion on Dr.G's stats. I just wanted to say there is another website that I go to research and I did come across this thread.I did post on that site to see if it was the same Dr.G. If interested in reading heres the link Dr. Gonzalez I know when looking for a doc I want all the info I can find on them.Im not slammin anyone just giving information I had found.
  4. jennypoo

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    If it knows everthing we will say its a female band.:bounce: If it THINKS it knows everything we will say its a male band.:whoo:
  5. jennypoo

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Maybe that other sn is what the person named there band??
  6. I dont know had the rabbit once!! I kinda like the bullet now!!
  7. jennypoo

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    ahhh peeing!!!
  8. jennypoo

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    SO whats a slight unfill?
  9. jennypoo

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ive read alot on here about people getting fills.What are they?
  10. I also posted in this thread to see how LapBandit was doing with her allergic reaction after her surgery.Becuase we had spoke several times via email about gettin the lapband done.
  11. I didnt just suddenly show up in this thread.I read this stuff all day long. Well when I can.I woulndt consider it a rumor I started.It was facts that was given to me from Dr.V when I was trying to choose a doctor. I dont post that much but in this thread I had a email that was concerning part of his stats so I simply posted it. Lettin others know what I was told.
  12. Nope sorry didnt add the erosion rate to the email he sent me.I dont have a need to.I dont work for any other Doc's.Just being banded and living a healthier life stlye.
  13. Little touchy today arent we!!! Once again Im posting what I recieved from Dr.V Jennifer: One hotel night is included in the package, usually patients pay for one additional night, since it is more comfortable to stay at the hotel. You do not have to get the 3rd night, you may stay at the surgical center is you wish and so can your companion. Erosion rate is less than 4%, and slippage rate less than 3%. Contact me with any questions, no problem! Sincerely, Dr. Valenzuela
  14. I was one of the ones Dr.V gave the high stats to and I posted that back when this first came up. Dr. G was one of the doc's that I was choosing to go see.But when Dr V gave me the stats I was shocked and crossed him off my list.He might have excellent follow up care but I wasnt chancing it. I would have choosen Ortiz(assembly line from whats said) over Dr G stats.
  15. jennypoo

    SCARED and CONFUSED. Please help!!

    Hi, I was like you and I called the first three on your list.And emailed and read everything I could on them.I ended up choosing Dr. Aceves.I will be having surgery on 12/7 with him.You can pm me if you want..
  16. jennypoo

    Inamed Band ????

    Gotcha!! Thanks for the pic's
  17. jennypoo

    Inamed Band ????

    Isnt that the new AP band?I think Crikkit is talking about the J&J band that just came out.
  18. jennypoo

    Weird NSV

    Oh MY GOSH that gave me the best laugh.I just got a mental picture of myself!!!!
  19. jennypoo

    New Here From VA

    That is to funny.I use to live in the Beechmont area.I lived at the very end of that road on Cove Rd!!Been so long I think thats the name.Does Beechmont run to Warwick blvd?
  20. jennypoo

    New Here From VA

    Hi, I use to live in Newport News also.And Went to Denbigh High School.Many moons ago..I currently line in King William County now. Out by Kings Domionion.
  21. Theres a Dr.Susan Brinkley in Md who sees Mx patients.She also had her surgery in MX.I will be seeing her.Ive heard good things about her.She doesnt have the fluro.I believe shes in Fredrick, Md. Hope this helps.
  22. jennypoo

    fill doctor in MD

    I just spoke with a lady who went to her the end of last week.And she said she was great.It was also her first fill.Most likely thats who I will be using also.But gotta get banded first.Thats in Dec.I to am kinda nervous about using someone that does have the fluro..I dont think Ive heard any complaints on her.I will be going to Mx.Who did you use as your Doc there?
  23. Thanks Wasa!!! For all the info and guidance you have done with/for me.I think I pretty much have done all of the above.Well except the banding itself and that is approaching very soon!!!And Im ready:) Cant wait!!! Jennifer
  24. Thanks Wasa!!! For all the info and guidance you have done with/for me.I think I pretty much have done all of the above.Well except the banding itself and that is approaching very soon!!!And Im ready:) Cant wait!!! Jennifer
  25. Thats good Im glad shes doing good.!!!!

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