This is my EXACT story, well minus having the baby part. I too was banded in 2005. I was 280 lbs, lost 70 lbs, didn't keep it off for very long and am now back up to 288. I have had HORRIBLE HORRIBLE reflux, able to eat anything, and am so frustrated!! I have been 3 times to talk to my surgeon about a revision to the sleeve & each time he tells me I need to get an EGD & then I just never go back. I've been looking into revision now since 2013. My insurance covers bariatric surgery but not sure if that includes revisions. I am going to call my surgeon again on Monday & make another appointment. Unfortunately I am in graduate school right now, in addition to working full time, so I don't really have a lot of down time available, so I'm not really sure how this surgery would fit into my life. At this point though I have GOT to do something. I can't continue on this way. My BP is out of control, I'm pretty sure if I'm not diabetic by now I am RIGHT on the edge & this reflux is the worst.
I am so happy to hear that you are loving the revision. If I get it done I definitely only want to have it done in one surgery. I can't even imagine the weight I would gain with NO restriction...Anyway, thanks for your post & keep us update about your progress!