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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kcval810

  1. kcval810

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thank you for everyone's replies. I was told by one of my doctor's not to eat more than 4 oz. of food and by the other to eat a cup. My mom had the band done and her doc said only 4 oz. a food per meal. It makes me feel better to know that everyone can eat more than that. I haven't been execising. I had my gall bladder removed and couldn't exercise and haven't gotten back to it yet. I started at 266 lbs. and I'm down to 229 lbs. and I'm 5'5" but have been here for about 3 weeks so I am starting to get really frustrated. I was just looking to see how everyone else was doing and seemed like I was losing slower than most. So, no one feels full when they are eating..they just stop eating?
  2. kcval810

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    All, I was banded on July 31st and I am new to this thread. I have a question because I don't feel restricted enough. So I have a few questions. 1. I have only lost 37 lbs. and that seems like it is on the low side. Does that seem normal? 2. When I eat I feel like I can eat like I used to. I don't get full when I eat. Are you supposed to feel full when you are eating? Or just stop because you know you ate 4 oz? 3. Does anyone else have the large AP band? Mine is 14ccs. I am filled to 9.6 ccs. Is that a lot not a lot? I know everyone is different but I was wondering. Thanks for all the help in advance! :help:

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