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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About 1Day1Life

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  1. @@Butterfly512, having surgery is not the easy way out. It's difficult but not as difficult as losing weight on your own. The difficult thing (other than the recovery period that won't last too long) is giving up those foods and not being able to eat as much as you think you would like to eat. I miss breads and pastas, I miss carbs.... but I don't miss them as much as I LOVE having the weight gone. And by the way, you don't have to tell anyone about your surgery.... it is nobody's business but yours. I told my husband and my daughter but nobody else. I told everyone I was on a diet and I was. I still am!!! Don't worry about the surgery, think of it as a wonderful gift and go with it. You will get your life back and you will be so much happier. My whole outlook on life has changed. Best of luck and hope you get a surgery date soon.
  2. The pain won't go away overnight but it will decrease quickly. The more weight you lose the easier it will be and I know it is hard to believe but you will have so much more energy. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey. Your wife and little girls are going to be so proud of you for taking on this challenge and living a healthier life style so they can love you and enjoy you for many years to come.
  3. 1Day1Life

    My Post Op Recovery Smoothie Recipe

    Thanks, I've been looking for some healthy smoothie recipes.
  4. Everyone needs to choose which surgery is best for them. We all have different needs, fears and life styles. My doctor was not to keen on the lap band though she had done a large number of them. She told us of some difficulties some of her patients had recently had so I then had to select the gastric bypass or the sleeve. I was looking for a life style change but didn't want to deal with the dumping syndrome you get from cheating with the bypass. So for me, the only choice was to go with the Gastric Sleeve. I have loved it, I've lost weight, and I have never had the first problem. I love my sleeve and I will forever eat less than the average person. I'm good with that and I enjoy being able to share clothes with my 26 year old daughter. Life is good. Good luck to you which ever surgery you decide to get. Maybe your doctor can give you some guidance.
  5. 1Day1Life

    Traveling at 6wks out.

    At 6 weeks you will be great for traveling. I was back at work after a week. Just take all of your shakes and food stuffs with you. At 6 weeks you will still be on the soft food diet so if you go out you will need to eat soup or a soft meat. Good luck.
  6. Butterfly512, I think you have answered your own question. Don't let your annoyance with him not being on board come between you. As one of the other posters mentioned above, he doesn't want to lose you, he is afraid of change, and operations are just damn scary for everyone. Assure him you can do this (because you can!!!). Yes the first month or two may be a little challenging but after that it is smooth sailing for 99% of folks. My own husband was totally against surgery, as he was very scared of the entire process. Now he is my biggest supporter and is so proud of the weight I have lost. Your man will get on board with this as well but you have to give him time to process everything. Take responsibility for yourself and don't worry about him right now... things will change in time.

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