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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Siouxperwhitney

  1. Siouxperwhitney

    Did I stretch my pouch?

    I was banded July 5th 2007 with a 10cc VG Band. I now have 13cc in there and I have never had restriction. I am down 20 pounds only from the 2 weeks of liquids right after surgery and nothing since. I have been eating just like I did before surgery... fast, big portions. Because of this, did i stretch my pouch? Last month I had an UGI and was told the band was placed correctly. This is my fill history. Would agressive fills cause any problems? I have had 6 fills.... 1st Aug. 29th 5cc w/fluro 2nd Nov. 21st 3cc, The doctor only pulled out 3cc so he put in other 3cc = 6cc 3rd Dec. 11th 1.25cc = 7.25 4th Dec. 24th 1.65cc = 8.8 5th Jan. 22nd 1.2cc = 10cc 6th Feb. 5th 3cc = 13cc How do I find out if my pouch is stretched and what is the solution? Will I have to have another surgery? Maybe my band is too big? :confused2: I am so very devastated and depressed. I cry everyday. My lapband struggle is on my mind every second of every day. Thank You for any comments or suggestion. Debbie
  2. Siouxperwhitney

    Anyone Have A Natural Remedy for Heartburn?

    Apple Cider Vinager is pretty gross, so i tried pickle juice and it works GREAT!!
  3. Siouxperwhitney

    How much first fill?

    I have a 10cc band. My first fill was 5cc. I feel no restriction.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
