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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About nattykay

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    Ann Arbor
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  1. I'm happy for you free spirit! You have a great attitude. So the abscess drains your energy? No wonder I have no energy. They also put me on a huge dose of vitamin d for my deficiency. All I want to do is sleep. My leak is healed but I'm sure the abscess is still drying up.
  2. Very true pammycakes!!! I think 100lbs or more is a good amount to justify the surgery. 40lbs is annoying and hard to lose, but like you said, this surgery should be a last option. I'm so happy for your success!!
  3. Hi I have been searching for support through my complications. It appears that RJ, Ana, and free spirit have gone through much more than I. You all have given me hope and I thank you for that. I was sleeved 2/17. They found a huge leak 3/27, went back in and sutured 4/2. Abscess back 4/20 and 5/25. Now I have just a small leak that they are trying to fix by keeping me on a feeding tube. I have another upper GI on Tuesday. Praying it is healed. How are the 3 of you doing now? Thank you for sharing your journey to encourage others through their struggles.
  4. nattykay

    February 18

    February 17th here for me! I am so excited for this journey as well. I am in Michigan as well, but I am going to Beaumont in Royal Oak with Chengeles.
  5. nattykay

    Just beginning

    Thankfully my insurance covers mine in the states. My heart goes out to you guys. I am 287 with a 54 BMI. I have always been overweight but now I am just out of control. I think it is normal to worry but I also think you need to feel very very confident that this is the right step for you before you go through with it. I have been looking into this for about 8 years but I always had reservations until now. Everyone is different and everyone has their way of handling their worries but I would say talking to the Dr or nurse prior to surgery would be best so that a professional can try to find what your fears really are. You are in the right place though to get support and encouragement.
  6. nattykay

    Just beginning

    MI peeps. Just an update on the psychology eval portion. I had mine yesterday with Heather Myers. It went well. I had to fill out about 5 pages of questions, talk to the psychologist, and then fill out 165 true/false questions on a computer which from my understanding is more of a personality quiz. Lisa206. Is it 87,000$? or 8,700? I do not think you are crazy. It seems like there are a lot of people who have gone to Mexico to have it done. I don't know much about it in Mexico but I know I sure couldn't afford the 30,000$ out of pocket.
  7. nattykay

    Just beginning

    Awesome Hollisterfan. That sounds like it is a great place to have the surgery too.
  8. nattykay

    Just beginning

    Hi Annie and PAJ. Annie I will definitly let you know how it goes. PAJ that is great to hear about Changelis. I haven't met him yet. I went to the seminar in Rochester Hills and it was a female who isn't one of the surgeons but she was very knowledgable. I am happy to hear that he has a great personality because that will make this so much more pleasurable. My insurance in Anthem. They do not really have any requirements other than it be medically necessary and that your BMI is over 35. I am sorry that you have to wait an extra month. It will be here before you know it!!
  9. nattykay

    Just beginning

    Hi everyone. I am also getting my surgery at Beaumont royal oak. My surgeon will be Chengelis. I will be going for my psych appt tomorrow. How was that?

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